Have you noticed the price at the pump when you stopped to fill up the tank or top off that motorcycle or four wheeler.. Damn.. it's costing a lot to run these things these days.. Notice the appreciable increases of your electric bills lately.. How about the increases of your insurance premiums.. House.. Car... Motorcycle.. Health....Uh Oh.. that's not what this one is about.. We'll let those last four go for another day.. I think you all get the drift of this one.. Remember the "secret" meetings with Dick Cheney and the wizards of the energy industry a couple of years ago.. So secret, the minutes of the meetings could not be made public.. even the names of the ones attending were so sensitive, that confidiality could not be breached by releasing them to the public.. Remember.. Now we have rolling blackouts on the eastern seaboard and into the midwestern states.. Prices at the pump are obscenely high..While pipelines are blowing out in Arizona..Shortages of one kind or another all over the country..What happened ? Guess those meetings were dedicated to enhancing bottom lines rather than resolving problems of transmission and distribution.. Prepare of onslaughts of the "blame" strategy again.. Bush will really be desperate to shift responsibility as usual.. Have a good day and keep the wheels in a straight line.. WHERE'S THE BEEF ?? Your friend in Irving Bill Walker