Where's the Beef ?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Have you noticed the price at the pump when you stopped to fill up the tank
    or top off that motorcycle or four wheeler.. Damn.. it's costing a lot to
    run these things these days.. Notice the appreciable increases of your
    electric bills lately.. How about the increases of your insurance premiums..
    House.. Car... Motorcycle.. Health....Uh Oh.. that's not what this one is
    about.. We'll let those last four go for another day.. I think you all get
    the drift of this one.. Remember the "secret" meetings with Dick Cheney and
    the wizards of the energy industry a couple of years ago.. So secret, the
    minutes of the meetings could not be made public.. even the names of the
    ones attending were so sensitive, that confidiality could not be breached by
    releasing them to the public.. Remember.. Now we have rolling blackouts on
    the eastern seaboard and into the midwestern states.. Prices at the pump are
    obscenely high..While pipelines are blowing out in Arizona..Shortages of one
    kind or another all over the country..What happened ? Guess those meetings
    were dedicated to enhancing bottom lines rather than resolving problems of
    transmission and distribution.. Prepare of onslaughts of the "blame"
    strategy again.. Bush will really be desperate to shift responsibility as
    usual.. Have a good day and keep the wheels in a straight line..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn... Mr. Beemer Biker.. you aren't even smart enough to know when you are
    being bamboozled and ripped off.. Instead you mouth about LBJ or someone
    else who, in your mind, did worse things than Dubya.. LOL.. No defense for
    the corporate collaboration for the mess we are in with this
    administration.. Another failed policy by Dubya and Cheney.. This time the
    domestic energy policy.. LMAO.. Be happy in your ignorance..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
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  3. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Why you lazy half-witted slug!

    I don't know when the last time you checked was, but in the ECONOMIC
    WORLD TODAY people are now having to work two and three full-time jobs
    (hard working jobs) to make only a fraction of the pay they did 5 and
    6 years ago just to save their homes and keep electricity on.

    You sir are a disgusting piece of shit that is simply contemptable.
    "won't work as hard for a dollar" my ass!
    Brian Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  4. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Speaking of which...

    What about these? Does everyone who's speaking up about their support
    for "this/that" have all these? We're told "if you're responsible"...

    I have to wonder, who's responsible and who's not amongst this crowd?

    Homeowners Insurance?
    Car Insurance?
    Motorcycle Insurance?
    Health Insurance?

    I have all the above! I'm responsible and don't have to depend on
    "hand outs" to pay my way. I don't like the rising costs, but to be
    responsible...I have them.

    Everytime I turn around, I see/hear about Republicans (who are
    supposed to be SO responsible) without insurance and either ending up
    needing "hand outs" or using a welfare program like Medicaid to make
    their way.

    It would be interesting to see a statistic of who has more
    non-insured/welfare, Republicans or Democrats....but asked that way,
    the majority of Republicans would answer "I don't vote party" or not
    answer at all.
    Brian Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Obviously most of what has been said has escaped you.. I understand that
    there isn't a problem of social security in Siberia.. LMAO.. maybe you could
    better use the ticket you offered, yourself.. Sorry you missed the
    boat..Thanks for the contribution to the group, though..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 19, 2003
  6. anti-spam: remove the 9 to send me email
    I tend to lean democrat more than republican, but I consider myself more of
    the independent voter. Although this redistricting mess will probably push
    me a lot more democrat than before, either that or libertarian (oops, deep
    ending again).
    I pay my bills and have all the items you described above. I've worked for
    a living all my short life and what I got I earned. The only benefit I have
    received from the government is the college money I received from the GI
    bill and I didn't use all the benefits I could have. Short sighted or
    frugal your choice.
    I've not received any unemployment pay, medicaid / medicare, welfare,
    housing assistance, child assistance, or food stamps. When I was out of
    work, I did odd jobs, joined the national guard, and as needed I sold my
    stuff to get by.
    After saying all that I will tell you than I do not find it demeaning for
    anyone (including myself) to get assistance in any way that the government
    allows. I feel everyone should make it on their own, but I've paid taxes
    all these years to help pay for others, I see no reason for me not to get
    something to keep me going until I get back on my feet.
    I don't claim all possible deductions on my taxes (yes thats right I pay
    extra). I've lived my life this way and I will continue to do so.
    Now what does that make me, a democrat, a republican, or a fool??
    Elmer McKeegan, Aug 20, 2003
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    It doesn't make you any of the three, Elmer.. Makes you responsible..
    Bill Walker, Aug 20, 2003
  8. Bill Walker

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    What a load of BS from Walker these days!!

    The problems in enegry today have been a long time in coming, long before
    Cheney, Bush and the other people came along into positions of power.

    Enviromental overkill and etc. Also the "not in my backyard" opposition to
    building new nuclear powerplants and oil refineries as well.

    There have not been any new oil refineries built in the last 25 or so years.
    Too much EPA regulations and hearings and etc. Plenty of the older smaller
    refineries have been shutdown due to the high costs to modernize and etc.
    to bring the older plants up to latest EPA standards and etc.

    From what I have read, the latest powerline shutdown did affect several oil
    refineries. They were shutdown when the power went down. Takes electric
    power for the computers, safety equipment, pumps and etc.

    From I have been told by a former refinery worker, cranking up a refinery
    from a cold start is not a very easy task to do. Everything has to be done
    just right, or it will be shutdown. Very dangerous things can happen
    including explosions and fires.

    I have worked on drilling rigs in the past, not every well drilled will be a
    "gusher". I have helped plug more than a few "dry holes" or "dusters" as I
    have seen them referred to.

    Not every producing well will flow forever or pump forever either. I have
    also worked on plugging units as well. Some wells do not last even 6 months.
    Others may last only a year or two. I have seen that.

    Do not believe all of that J. R. Ewing stuff.

    Oil patch is doing a little better at this moment, but the last accounting
    of the drilling rig count showed less than 1200 rigs onshore drilling.
    During the boom, just before the Bust in 1982, there were over 4500 rigs
    drilling. During the 1998 bust, the rig count dropped below what it was
    during WWII.

    Link to this article is below.
    A close look at a single-handed manipulation of the oil industry

    By D. Kirk Edwards © June 1, 2002

    Rig count page

    Link below to this article:
    The Arab Embargo Then and Now
    John Paul Pitts

    The following information, was compiled and published in 1997 by the
    Independent Petroleum Association of America, and is a valuable compendium
    of facts which demonstrate change following a major energy crisis.

    Link to energy security webpage

    Hope the links work properly.
    Dixon Ranch, Aug 22, 2003
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ah well.. what'd you expect... BTW.. with all your bullshit about your
    oilfield experience, you failed to show up at Waco last saturday to voice
    your support for closing that VA hospital.. Now that I think of it, I
    haven't seen you post anything to support the pay cuts for the troops and
    their dependents.. That one was a done deal until it "leaked".. Put up or
    shut up, "counterfeit".. You support this administration and Bush so strong
    ? Why aren't you off your ass and supporting their agendas..LMAO.. "Where's
    the Beef" ? Got a motorcycle... go ride it and contribute.. I ride mine..
    It's not for "show".. I'm visible, real and active.. Might wanna try it
    sometime... Feels soooooo goooood..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 22, 2003
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