Where to purchase TwinMax or CarbTune II?

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Tony Olfert, May 6, 2004.

  1. Tony Olfert

    Tony Olfert Guest

    I'm trying to get a tune-up done on my beemer before Monday. I've phoned all
    over and cant seem to find anybody in the bay area who stocks (or for that
    matter knows what Im talking about) twinmax or carbtune throttle body sync
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Tony Olfert, May 6, 2004
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  2. Tony Olfert

    jim stinnett Guest

    Here: http://www.adventuremotogear.com./

    You can also synch using a Motion Pro mercury sticks dude, but the Twin max
    is a cinch to get it right.
    jim stinnett, May 11, 2004
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  3. Tony Olfert

    Chad Olson Guest


    Sorry I didn't see this sooner, I am a manager at California Sport Touting
    in Martinez. http://www.casporttouring.com and we are the west coast
    distributor for Twinmax.

    Chad Olson
    Chad Olson, May 12, 2004
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