Where can I retire?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Knobdoodle, Sep 13, 2003.

  1. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I want to sit in my house and look out at the ocean.
    I don't wanna' be too cold or too hot.
    I also want to be within 100 miles of a big city (and airport).
    I want enough land to have a 4-car size shed (600m³ or more) and I only wanna' pay $150,000 or so.
    (OBMOTO: it also needs to be within three or four days ride of Phillip Island)
    Knobdoodle, Sep 13, 2003
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  2. Knobdoodle

    Sully Guest

    Yanchep just an hour north of Perth, WA (was the ride to the island
    Sully, Sep 13, 2003
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  3. Island)

    Grantville about 35 kms from Phillip Island would go close to meeting those
    criteria, so would a couple of the smaller other towns each way from the

    Geoff and Jodie
    Geoff and Jodie, Sep 13, 2003
  4. Knobdoodle

    Tim Guest

    Now this I understand!

    Does that 150 include the house? If not (ie Land only) then you could
    try Apollo Bay, Mansfield and surrounds (OK its in the mountains),
    Portland (though this is far away, possibly closer to Adelide) and
    last but not least why not try tassie (its an overnight ferry).

    If your retired, or close to it, you could even try your hand at
    building the house. Have a read of "Mortgage Free" or the "Independant
    Builder" for inspiration.

    Oh and Venus bay is quite popular at the moment, so its probably
    expensive (more than its worth, like much in RE these days), but its
    close to the Island.

    Tim, Sep 14, 2003
  5. Knobdoodle

    conehead Guest

    North-East Tasmania. Mild climate, good roads, still affordable, ocean
    views aplenty.
    conehead, Sep 14, 2003
  6. Knobdoodle

    atec77>> Guest

    Im hoping he leaves Gods own country completly.(QLD.)

    kiwipete wrote:
    atec77>>, Sep 14, 2003
  7. Knobdoodle

    Johno Guest

    On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 14:48:03 +1200, "kiwipete"

    LOL - that was a good one Pete

    Johno <still chuckling>
    Johno, Sep 14, 2003
  8. Knobdoodle

    Uncle Bully Guest


    North NSW/SE Qld?

    Thinking about it myself, but I have a few more years work first which is
    why I'm not there now. (ie no work in Bris)
    Uncle Bully, Sep 14, 2003
  9. Knobdoodle

    atec77>> Guest

    aheam... bugga peter that makes me smile a lot ...
    atec77>>, Sep 14, 2003
  10. Knobdoodle

    Dane Guest

    yes yes very clever...

    though I'd probably say "podex porci" which is a better translation.

    you know you cant just tack latin words together indiscriminate of case
    and gender don't you? ;p
    Dane, Sep 15, 2003
  11. Knobdoodle

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    And only a short trip to Theo's for a beer.

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 15, 2003
  12. Knobdoodle

    Dane Guest

    English doesn't really discriminate between case and gender the same way
    that romance languages do, so I don't actually do that in English,
    probably more by nature than design.

    not smartarse, and no more pedantic than you punctuation nazis
    Dane, Sep 15, 2003
  13. Knobdoodle

    BT Humble Guest

    Tarago wins on the "within 100 miles of a city" (Canberra), or 140
    miles to Sydney if that's not "big" enough. ;-)

    You'll also get the land for the 4 car garage and the sub-$150,000
    price, but you'd miss out on the ocean views and it's seriously cold
    in the winter.

    And the wind blows at near-gale-force All The Damned Time. ;-)

    BT Humble, Sep 15, 2003
  14. Knobdoodle

    Dane Guest

    Well if it's a choice between using words incorrectly tacked together
    and not being understood at all...

    I don't think there's anyone left anymore than speaks solely Latin where
    you can justify that though..

    Maybe some altar boys in Vatican City.
    Dane, Sep 15, 2003
  15. Knobdoodle

    CrazyCam Guest

    Geez, you've got a nerve Theo. :)

    I'm not the one who goes about pretending he's Greek on the news groups.

    CrazyCam, Sep 15, 2003

  16. And you'll be able to give BT a lift to PI after he's put new camchains in
    *all* his bikes...

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Sep 15, 2003

  17. *Plonk*

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Sep 15, 2003
  18. Knobdoodle

    Smee Guest

    Gawd a Scot speaking Greek in Italy
    What's wrong here?
    KiwiPete's philosophy as quoted
    Glad to bring mirth!
    Actually truth be known I don't dislike Clem... or Theo or Paulh or even
    Nev... well maybe Nev... its just that we don't have a huge amount in common
    and tend to all fly off!
    Smee, Sep 15, 2003
  19. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    You should be so lucky; I think he's packing a stiffy for me;...
    He mentions me every second post and hangs on my every word!!
    Very disconcerting!!
    Knobdoodle, Sep 15, 2003
  20. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Alas there was nothing available on-line but it's certainly in my list of desirable places.
    (Errmm.. Yanchep, not Theo's... OK; Yanchep AND Theo's!!)

    Currently the hot picks are Cape Jervis and Port Macdonnell (Both in S.A) but I'm sure more options will
    (No one tell my wife, OK?)
    Knobdoodle, Sep 15, 2003
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