Hi y'all. I'm still around. I'm just waiting for my bike to be triked out. It's got a Datsun rear end (smallest made). The trike will be all red and chrome. The only black will be the tires and bits of the engine (for now). I've already re-covered the seats (myself), which are "red". Looks sharp! I even stitched a cool pattern in the front seat cover. All I need do right now, is to recover the back rest pad (red). Of course I'll have to paint the trike when it's finished. I also want to find red grips, or maybe I'll make those too. The trike portion will be sheet metal, not fiberglass. All hand crafted by a friend that has triked bikes and made choppers for almost 40 years. Now as soon as Geezer gets done with the VW trike he's finishing up for someone else, it's my turn! I'd like it to be finished and running by May 22, when we have the bike show/run, at the Eastland VFW Post 4136 but if it isn't, there's always another time. I'm just anxious to put it on the road. One of these days, if you see a solid red and chromed custom trike go whizzing past, that will probably be me. Catch me... if you can. :-) Y'all take care, ride safe. Sunny