What's with this???

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I hate to be the one to break it to you folks, but I just checked the
    group...and out of the past several times I've checked for new postings,
    I've only had several updated ones.

    What's going on here people?!?!?!

    At this rate, someone is going to think we're not getting along and not

    I think we were making great strides over the past week or so to extend our
    little community and reach across the aisles to others....and invite them to
    converse back to us so we might share ideas. Are we to let our torch burn
    out and not continue the good gestures set forth as examples here?

    Come on folks, pick it up...we need to work on breaking these records!
    Brian Walker, Jan 19, 2005
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  2. Brian Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    And it has been better one day in a row... whew.. how can we stand all this
    ? LOL... I'm so enusiastic, that I've uncovered the nasty old green Vulcan
    and got plans to ride it to Ft.Worth in just a bit, for a TMRA II meeting..
    It's going in the shop tomorrow to replace the rear axle bearings, the
    primary drive and rear sprockets and a new chain..

    I'll give you three guesses where the chain on it now, will wind
    up...<chuckle> Bet'cha I don't get stranded for three day because I lost a
    chain, again.. hehehehe..

    Hey dude.. in case you didn't hear.. I'll be in Austin this weekend and next
    week.. I'm expecting to be seeing the world famous Superfly.. How 'bout it ?
    Your turn to buy lunch and IceMan is broke.. He spent all his money at
    Orlando.. JailCall spent all his money on a Heritage, so that leaves you, my
    friend .. The only hope I have to keep from being hungry in Austin... LMAO

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 19, 2005
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  3. So nice over here, Honey & me <Rode> out to Liberty E. area to look at
    some property,
    we did wear our good looking Leather Jackets, of which felt good on the
    245 loop.
    We rode about 45 miles, not bad. <>
    SHE looks so good in her Leather, turns me on...(!!) eheh heeeh. O
    yeah(!) bjay

    ‹›‘Faith has its share of Bunkers, & Golf, has its share of
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 21, 2005
  4. Brian Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... ya'll keep having "protests" and "demonstrations" down there
    without me even knowing about it.. hmmm.. Dammit.. give a guy some notice,
    will'ya.. Sheesh.. I never been in that Austin jailhouse.. hmmm .. On second
    thought.. believe ..at my age. I'll pass.. Reads like you boys get too
    serious about such carryin' ons'...

    BTW .. what was all the protestin' and demonstratin' about ? LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 21, 2005
  5. Brian Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... You tell that little lady that she looks just fine.. E-mails on it's
    Bill Walker, Jan 21, 2005
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