What's the point (and the legality) of that then?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Monkey, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Monkey

    Monkey Guest

    A couple of years back, on the A132 towards Wickford, they installed a
    couple of Gatsos. One each side of the road, painted yellow. Fair enough I
    suppose - it's a 40 limit, there's a restaurant on that stretch of the road,
    and quite a few people cross there.

    But all of a sudden, last weekend, a _third_ camera appears - a front-facing
    one, painted grey, and sited at the other end of the road markings to one of
    the gatsos, 20m away. Now theoretically, a car travelling North on the A132,
    at 50mph, could trip both cameras at once. You'd probably even have the
    other camera in shot! So i) what's the point, other than doubling the
    revenue generation (people aren't going to slow down any more with two
    cameras instead of one), and ii) would you get six points on your licence,
    for what was obviously a single offence?

    Baffled of Wickford.
    Monkey, Feb 11, 2004
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  2. Monkey

    Ben Guest

    If I understand you right...

    The new front facing camera is probably a replacement for the rear
    facing camera on the northbound carriageway. It'll be turned just
    enough so that only traffic on the northbound side will trigger it.

    The rear facing one probably doesn't work.
    Ben, Feb 11, 2004
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  3. Monkey

    Monkey Guest

    Yebbut surely it's cheaper to fit a 'real' camera body into the existing box
    (I thought that was how it worked - camera 'guts' get moved around between
    boxes), rather than putting up an entirely new camera?

    I'll have to borrow someone else's bike and test the theory.
    Monkey, Feb 11, 2004
  4. Monkey

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Ah , but forward facing ones catch more motorists and therefor make more

    YZF 600

    "I laugh in the face of danger"

    "Then I hide until it goes away"

    Dr Zoidberg, Feb 11, 2004
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