what the "f***"is Killfile

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Richard Kirkwood, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Smee said....

    Sm> does. Another handy tool is a thread killer.
    Sm> you set the thread to ignore rather than the sender if you still want to
    Sm> converse with them in another thread
    Sm> this is more civilised and more commonly used by myself.
    Sm> Helps when there is a lot of crossposting.

    I use a program called Newsproxy (http://nfilter.org). It acts as a
    proxy server between the news client and the ISP's news server. It can
    act on any header in the message to do whatever you wish to do with it.

    For example, I don't filter on threads. Rather, I filter on the number
    of x-posts. If they equal or exceed 3 NGs then they're dropped. Nfilter
    doesn't download them. Eg;

    * drop Xref:*:*:*
    * drop From:*mtaylor@austar-obv*

    The first one drops messages from all groups that are x-posted to 3 or
    more newsgroups. By "dropping" it means that they're marked as
    downloaded at the server end. So, I don't get to actually download them.

    The second one stops me downloading my own messages. As exciting and
    enlightening that they are, I don't really need to see them again...

    I accidentally left Nfilter shutdown the other day, when I changed news
    servers, and downloaded about 1,000 messages. aus.legal was swamped with
    crossposts from these religious nutters, shit that I normally don't see.
    Martin Taylor, Aug 28, 2003
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  2. kiwipete said....

    ki> lets talk bikes huh!

    What? In this newsgroup? Are you knuts?
    Martin Taylor, Aug 28, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. Intact Kneeslider said....

    IK> (the Brown Shirts were disbanded in the aftermath of the Night of the
    IK> Long Knives

    Was that the morning after? Sounds like it was a big night. I can attest
    to that. Schnapps has that effect on me too. Especially when mixed with
    Baileys in those really little glasses at 5 bux a pop...
    Martin Taylor, Aug 28, 2003
  4. Richard Kirkwood said....

    RK> Actually I don't read every message mainly I surf the subject headings,
    RK> but cover at least say 40-50% of all messages. You say you use software
    RK> to filter?. How? I am using outlook express, is there another method?

    Yep. Don't use OE. Try a better news client.

    See my other post regarding Newsproxy/Nfilter. It does the "filtering",
    not the client.
    Martin Taylor, Aug 28, 2003
  5. Knobdoodle said....

    Kn> Welcome to Blackshirt-Nazi land!

    Ah shit. That means then that I have to return my aus.moto shirt. It's
    black, after all...

    Smack, you accept refunds???
    Martin Taylor, Aug 28, 2003
  6. Richard Kirkwood

    lemmiwinks Guest

    I'm sure he accepts them.

    Ash (dunno how you'll go getting one out of him though...)
    lemmiwinks, Aug 28, 2003
  7. Richard Kirkwood

    conehead Guest

    How long did that take?
    conehead, Aug 29, 2003
  8. kiwipete said....

    ki> Well I DID spend 19 years in Queensland! ;-)

    Is that why you are called "Kiwi" Pete?
    Martin Taylor, Aug 30, 2003
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