what the "f***"is Killfile

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Richard Kirkwood, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. I am seeing a lot of talk about "killfiling" people. Am I to assume that
    this is some form of censorship by a moderator on what is to all intents and
    purposes a "public access" news server. I am not saying I agree with most of
    the inane bullshit chatter that has no relevance to motorcycling or how a
    valid topic gets hijacked and becomes a non related conversation to the
    original post. But killfiling someone because they have the tenacity to give
    shtick back to somebody, smacks of the brown shirts of NAZI Germany and the
    Black Shirts of Italy in WWII.

    If you think someone is talking bullshit don't give them the satisfaction of
    a coherent reply, just ignore them. Its the ultimate message, " You talked
    so much shit that by replying to you I am just standing in it, and who wants
    to stand in shit"

    We are supposed to be a tolerant society, and motorcyclists symbolise a
    group that espouses the virtue of freedom of choice and speech. Does this
    action of killfiling act in a contravention to those ideals?.

    Richard K

    Motorcycling is a means and an end,
    Ride the sunset and be one with the world.
    Richard Kirkwood, Aug 25, 2003
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  2. Richard Kirkwood

    Nev.. Guest

    That kind of insubordination will not be tolerated here.
    Consider yourself killfiled.

    '02 CBR1100XX #2
    Nev.., Aug 25, 2003
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  3. Richard Kirkwood

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Do you read every single post here Richard or do you pick and choose?
    I don't have time to read everything so I pick and choose.
    Sometimes I use the software to help me filter out the ones I chose to not read (so I've got more time to read
    the ones that entertain me).
    Is that a problem for you?
    Knobdoodle, Aug 25, 2003
  4. Richard Kirkwood

    Smee Guest

    A killfile is a filter you and only you use to filter out those people
    you want to ignore
    depending on your news reader you can set tom ignore those people like
    kiwipete who rant incessantly about the same point over and over.
    when you "plonk someone" only you don't see their posts everyone else does.
    Another handy tool is a thread killer.
    you set the thread to ignore rather than the sender if you still want to
    converse with them in another thread
    this is more civilised and more commonly used by myself.
    Helps when there is a lot of crossposting.

    oh and
    Smee, Aug 25, 2003
  5. read (so I've got more time to read
    Actually I don't read every message mainly I surf the subject headings, but
    cover at least say 40-50% of all messages. You say you use software to
    filter?. How? I am using outlook express, is there another method?
    Richard Kirkwood, Aug 25, 2003
  6. Richard Kirkwood

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Richard Kirkwood" wrote
    Noooo. It's putting a person in your "blocked senders" list. You will
    no longer be bothered deleting posts from this person as they will no
    longer be visible to you. Everybody else, however, can still see what
    this person is saying (maybe about you) and they can still see all of
    your posts.
    That's traditional here. When I see a thread that is of no interest to
    me at all, I ignore it for a couple of days and then look at it again.
    It will have changed it's subject several times since then and become
    interesting to me. Or vice versa.
    A kill-file does exactly this automatically for you.
    No were bloody not, and we don't. We're here to annoy as many people
    as possible.
    Do you have any idea just how far into the sunset you can ride from
    Perth before you get wet?

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 25, 2003
  7. Richard Kirkwood

    Marty H Guest


    Marty H, Aug 25, 2003
  8. Richard Kirkwood

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Knobdoodle" wrote
    to not read (so I've got more time to read
    Well, it could be. Richard was not that entertaining, was he?

    Try doing funny stuff Richard. Look at KP's posts as an example.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 25, 2003
  9. let loose on an internet connection and the
    unfortunate result was...
    *THIS* is a killfile


    (nah not really - was just too good an opportunity to miss)

    E-mail replies MUST have 'SPAMTRAP' in the subject line
    to avoid my spam filter.
    Mister Thirsty, Aug 25, 2003
  10. Richard Kirkwood

    Knobdoodle Guest

    So after writing
    "But killfiling someone because they have the tenacity to give
    shtick back to somebody, smacks of the brown shirts of NAZI
    Germany and the Black Shirts of Italy in WWII."

    .......you now want to do it yourself?
    Ok; select poster's name, right click, block sender.

    Welcome to Blackshirt-Nazi land!
    Knobdoodle, Aug 25, 2003
  11. Richard Kirkwood

    Boxer Guest

    Pull down the Message menu and it is block sender.

    Boxer, Aug 25, 2003
  12. Richard Kirkwood

    Deevo Guest

    I'll assume here that you aren't trolling but genuinely don't know. To
    killfile someone is to block them from appearing on your newsreader. It
    only affects what you see and has no effect whatsoever on the newsgroup at
    large. Personally I killfile no one, to me killfiling is acknowledging that
    person has effected you and in all but one or two cases over the past six
    years for me this hasn't been the case. People like Hatz and other knuckle
    draggers that appear here from time to time are less worthy of anger than
    they are of pity. Their rabid pontifications only expose their own
    shortcomings and ultimately make them quite funny in a sad pathetic way.
    That's what a killfile achieves. It allows you to ignore someone without
    even trying to ignore them. It also means you miss out on some really
    hilarious bullshit though too.

    WA, The Nanny State (® Corks)
    Deevo, Aug 25, 2003
  13. Richard Kirkwood

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Killfiles are the Usenet equivalent of not answering your door when the morons call or stepping around
    somebody who's trying to pester you at the train-station.
    It's got nothing to do with freedom of speech; theirr speech is totally unaffected.
    It's MY freedom of listening.
    [PS; I like the new imaginary persona Pete]
    Knobdoodle, Aug 25, 2003
  14. Richard Kirkwood

    Smee Guest

    Glad you added personally.
    I'll killfile only when i find the person tedious and repetitive to the
    point of ranting.
    Kiwipete and bugsy were k filed along with joe bloggs (till we mended
    our ways).
    As for kp and bugsy their signal to noise ratio made a pleasant read tedious.
    Plus it annoys the shit outta pete if he's been killfiled.
    Hatz is amusing tho;-)
    Smee, Aug 25, 2003
  15. Richard Kirkwood

    atec77>> Guest

    if you turned up on my doorstep Id have the wife release to dogs and
    hope the poor buggers didn't choke
    atec77>>, Aug 25, 2003
  16. Can you get a Hawaian Nazi Blackshirt?


    "Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon. "

    Remove *ME* before replying
    Alan Pennykid, Aug 25, 2003
  17. Richard Kirkwood

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Knobdoodle" wrote

    It's called learning by rote in school. By drill in the army.

    I spent a couple of years in the schoolboy army, made it to private.
    Two years every Friday avo marching. Left, left, left, left, left. OK,
    OK, I know that foot now. Never did get to Right. I was 16 and they
    let me play with a machinegun and live ammo that was left over from
    the war. We had to stretch the canvas ammo belts first so that the
    canvas would let go of the rounds.

    How stupid was that?

    What did I learn? That the army (as we saw it) was pretty damn stupid.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 25, 2003
  18. Richard Kirkwood

    TB Guest

    Can't seem to pull down the Message menu.. but if I click it, I get all
    these other options..
    TB, Aug 25, 2003
  19. Richard Kirkwood

    TB Guest

    Imaigne if it was right.. you would't know were to reach for the refils..

    We used to throw in a right every third call just to be on the safe side
    followed by a switch
    Left Right Left
    Left Right Left Right Left Right Left
    TB, Aug 25, 2003
  20. Richard Kirkwood

    Mike.S Guest

    What about nutsack, oh wait thats nut sack, right?
    or meat and two veg, we gotta have those in there.

    Mike.S, Aug 25, 2003
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