what stops you concentrating?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    D'oh... You claim were in Vietnam in 1963, so I'd say you're in your
    late sxties, early seventies. I'm sixtythree. I'd say we're bradly
    in the same agegroup.
    We're talking about you, boyo. Stop obfuscating.
    Yes, I do think there's a direct link between stupidity and racism.
    You prove my case beautifully.
    We're talking about you, boyo. Stop obfuscating.
    No one said otherwise, George.
    No one said otherwise, George.
    When grow a few brain cells, George, you'll be able to begin to
    understand what I wrote. Your current (erroneous) interpretation of
    what I wrote underscores my argument that there is a direct link
    between stupidity and racism.

    Next !


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 20, 2009
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  2. I think your own posting above (presuming it's true, which is a long
    stretch with you), categorises your age group as being either Gerry's
    generation, or the next generation older (1)

    If you're old enough to have a daughter working at Sunnybank, you are
    at the least in your 40's. Numerous other postings you have made imply
    very strongly that you are considerably older than that.

    1 you cannot of course be Johnno's age as it is beyond the
    comprehension of the mind to have *two* people that old


    Well, little John, to let you in on a little secret, and I know that you
    will not tell anyone else and because it is a secret between yourself and
    me, then I know that no-one else is watching and will not see this.

    I do have a daughter working in Sunnybank but she is not my only daughter
    I also have a son working in Melbourne
    He has a daughter living in a country town
    and she has a daughter who is about to start kindergarten
    work out the possibilities there and there you have it
    my apporoximate age
    which could be as much as Johnno's or even more, but because of my attitude
    to age and growing old
    I will be much younger than Johnno
    I am not of Gerry's generation and with the above decendants, I would
    obviously be of a generation before Gerry
    but, not necessarily an older generation
    Age and the word old is only in the mind

    Have you ever thought Little John, that I could be playing with Gerry and he
    is coming in hard and fast
    or he was, until he backed off a while ago, but now he seems to be coming
    maybe he is off his medications again.

    To give you a better clue as to my age
    I started riding motorcycles when there was no legal requirement to wear a
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    atec 7 7 Guest

    But Theo is old and dusty , just try standing down wind of him .
    atec 7 7, Jul 20, 2009
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    JL Guest

    <JL's head explodes at the concept of someone being older than Johnno>
    JL, Jul 20, 2009
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    JL Guest

    Hey ?

    No I think it's well established (and I'm sure a trawl through
    googlegroups will back this up) that while Theo is old, Johno is widely
    acknowledged to pre-date most known forms of land transport (and may
    well have invented them or at least built the prototypes)

    JL, Jul 20, 2009
  6. No Gerry, I said early 1962
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I thought it was "land mammals".....
    Knobdoodle, Jul 20, 2009
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    JL Guest

    JL, Jul 20, 2009
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Knobdoodle, Jul 20, 2009
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    And this changes our age difference by how much?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 20, 2009
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    CrazyCam Guest

    George W Frost wrote:

    I'm all for freedom and individual rights, but, folk that, by choice,
    buy Hummers should be locked up, for their own protection.

    CrazyCam, Jul 20, 2009
  12. It doesn't change my age one bit Gerry,
    it only changes the relevance to the time I was there and as you know,
    or should know,
    that any difference in time related to that area, makes a lot of difference
    to any outcome
    I don't really know the exact time you were there, but I would hazard a
    guess that it was late 1966 or early 1967, therefore making it 5 years after
    I went
    a hell of a lot happened in those five years and I am glad that I was back
    here and didn't have to spend that time waiting there for you to show up.
    George W Frost, Jul 21, 2009
  13. Oh, Cam, and here I was thinking that you were going to contribute something
    illustrious, then you go and trip over your sporran
    George W Frost, Jul 21, 2009
  14. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    Are you talking ab out H2s or H3s? I'd agree with about H2s but H3s
    are just like any other SUV i.e. stupid, but not warranting protective


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 21, 2009
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    You've nicely drifted off-topic (again.)

    We were not talking about regional outcomes in SEA.

    We were talking about our age difference and whether that amounted to
    you being able to claim you were of a different generation to me.

    Anyway, to slam the lid on this ridiculous quibbling of yours, you
    were born in the mid to late thirties, I was born in the mid forties.

    This all harks back to this comment of mine, where I said "Your
    generation (and mine, cos I'm in the same age group) was brought up in
    a white supremcacist culture. We never gave it much thought because of
    our cultural brainwashing and our inbuilt racial arrogance."

    And relative to _that_ comment, you and I are in the same generation.
    The rest is you chucking red herrings all over the place to avoid
    dealing with the actual topic.

    Are you sure you're not G-S in disguise?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 21, 2009
  16. Zebee Johnstone

    gwd Guest

    I think you ought to qualify your context for the term "stupid SUV". I
    mean, if you are talking about travel between, say, Mt Isa and
    Bourktown (or something similar), then "stupid hatchback" might be a
    more appropriate phrase. If you are referring to the back blocks of
    the North Shore, than you could say "stupid SUV" and get no argument
    from me, other than a mild shudder at the use of a TV supplied
    gwd, Jul 21, 2009

  17. No I am not, he only PRETENDS to drive a bus
    George W Frost, Jul 21, 2009
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    G-S Guest

    It's been widely argued that Johno is in fact the first form of primate
    life to leave the trees and therefore all this mess is in fact HIS fault!

    G-S, Jul 21, 2009
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    Point taken. OK, urban SUVs which never go seriously off road and are
    mostly used to do the shopping and pick up the kids.

    Sorry about your shudder.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 21, 2009
  20. Zebee Johnstone

    G-S Guest

    No I'm a baby boomer not a war baby like I (assume) you two are.

    G-S, Jul 21, 2009
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