what stops you concentrating?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. I'm surprised by this. I find my girlfriends 50cc V-Moto scooter terrifying to
    ride while the V-Strom handles traffic with aplomb.

    Fraser Johnston, Jun 26, 2009
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  2. You ride with aplomb in your mouth ??
    George W Frost, Jun 26, 2009
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    theo Guest

    Up his arse.

    theo, Jun 26, 2009
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Up his arse.
    Ahh.. so THAT'S what plumbum is!!
    Knobdoodle, Jun 26, 2009
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    Toosmoky Guest

    Hence the expression "getting the lead out"...
    Toosmoky, Jun 26, 2009
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    Toosmoky Guest

    Damn you and your invisible sig, Doherty!... D'oh!
    Toosmoky, Jun 26, 2009
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Heh heh; "Great Minds" 'eh Doug? (Or is it "fools seldom.....")
    Knobdoodle, Jun 26, 2009
  8. In aus.motorcycles on 19 Jul 2009 22:04:21 GMT
    Especially as young males of any ethnicity who have access to cars
    tend to like that sort of car.

    So the fact there are young Asians who are in a particular area just
    means that area is where they live.

    Where I am it's mostly young Lebanese, when I was a kid it was young
    Anglos in Toranas.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jul 19, 2009

  9. One of my daughters work in Sunnybank and she says the Asains are all over
    the place
    we were going to buy a house just behind the station but when we looked at
    most of the places there, they all had steel bars on the windows,
    probably to keep thte druggies out instead of keeping the tenants in
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    Yep migrants tend to cluster together. Aussies abroad are no
    difference (e.g. Earl's Court in London).

    It's just how enthic groups of all persuasions behave, Superior White
    Anglo Saxons included.

    I imagine that in 1788 the indigenous folk would have remarked thusly:
    "I went down to the water with Bennelong today, and there were whites
    everywhere. I tell you, they're taking over. And they won't even
    learn our language. They just insist on gibbering on in that silly
    language of theirs. The bastards are even renaming every place. I
    mean, what sor tof a name is 'Port Jackson'?!?! I ask you! The
    mongrels are behaving as if they own the place!"

    And your point is, George?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 20, 2009
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    gwd Guest

    ITYM _The_ Whites. If we're going to be ego-ethnic, let's at least be
    consistent :)
    As if you didn't know ;)
    gwd, Jul 20, 2009
  12. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    I know, but I wonder if George knows. :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 20, 2009

  13. I know Gerry, I come from the generation which allows a person to have an
    opinion or point,
    not from the later ones which I sometimes think you are from,
    Where if one has an opinion or a point, then that is okay, as long as it
    conforms to yours
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
  14. In aus.motorcycles on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 04:40:15 GMT
    You can have any opinion you like.

    You just don't get to express it without having to defend it.

    Unless you choose your pub to be the one where everyone's opinions
    conforms to yours. But then only older blokes go to pubs right?

    Zebee Johnstone, Jul 20, 2009
  15. Zebee Johnstone

    Diogenes Guest

    Let me correct that bit of ridiculous spin you're trying to spin.

    Here's what's really going on: Your generation (and mine, cos I'm in
    the same age group) was brought up in a white supremcacist culture.
    We never gave it much thought because of our cultural brainwashing and
    our inbuilt racial arrogance.

    Some of us have however, over time, picked up a bit of wisdom and
    knowledge which has allowed us to see the extent to which our culture
    has brainwashed us to be arrogant white supremacist, racist pricks,
    and we had the integrity to admit we were what we were i.e. white
    supremcasit racist pricks, and we have moved on and adopted a more
    mature outlook.

    Alas, there was also a significant number of bigots among our culture
    who stuck their heads in the sand and refused to see beyond the crap
    their culture had "taught" them. A number of these drongoes even ride
    bikes, often Harleys.

    Go figure.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 20, 2009
  16. I wouldn't have a clue Zebee
    I don't go to pubs
    nor am I an older bloke
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
  17. Now, where did you ever get the idea we were in the same age group Gerry ?
    You would be very surprised to find out which group is the most racist in

    That last bit is a bit confusing to my old and aged mind and body to fathom

    So, how many of today's bike riders are currently "drongo's" Gerry?

    Just because someone decides to ride a bike doesn't necessarilly put him or
    her into the "drongo" class

    Also, just because someone decides to buy and ride a Harley doesn't
    necessarilly put him or her into the "drongo" class either
    A person's choice of vehicle is their own business, whether it be a pedal
    cycle, horse, motorcycle, Ford, Holden, Ferarri or Hummer
    It is their choice and because of theier choice, they tend to mix with
    people who own and drive/ride the same make / type of vehicle
    This also, doesn't necessarilly put them in the "drongo" class
    It is you who has sectioned off certain people for what they ride to be in
    that "drongo" class of yours
    So, there it lies, the "drongo" class is of your making
    which would make you the President of the drongo's ....right ??
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
  18. Zebee Johnstone

    Bill_h Guest

    So much for being a Vietnam vet then?

    Bill_h, Jul 20, 2009
  19. Zebee Johnstone

    JL Guest

    I think your own posting above (presuming it's true, which is a long
    stretch with you), categorises your age group as being either Gerry's
    generation, or the next generation older (1)

    If you're old enough to have a daughter working at Sunnybank, you are
    at the least in your 40's. Numerous other postings you have made imply
    very strongly that you are considerably older than that.

    1 you cannot of course be Johnno's age as it is beyond the
    comprehension of the mind to have *two* people that old
    JL, Jul 20, 2009
  20. I don't consider myself to be old
    only old bastards do that
    but in reality
    I may be older than you
    George W Frost, Jul 20, 2009
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