What retired people do?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by RL, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. RL

    RL Guest


    Working people frequently ask retired people what
    they do to make their days interesting.

    Well, for example, the other day I went down town
    and went into a shop. I was only in there for about
    5 minutes and when I came out there was a cop writing
    out a parking ticket.

    I went up to him and said, "Come on, man, how about
    giving a senior citizen a break"?

    He ignored me and continued writing the ticket.

    I called him a Hitler's henchman.

    He glared at me and started writing another ticket for
    having worn tires.

    So I called him a meathead.

    He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield
    with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket.

    This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused
    him, the more tickets he wrote.

    Personally, I didn't care.

    I had come downtown on my GW and the car that he was
    putting the tickets on had a bumper sticker that said
    "Kerry in '04".

    I try to have a little fun each day, now that I'm retired.


    No, this wasn't me and I'd never do such a thing.
    However, it does remind me of someone I know, who would. ;)

    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
    shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor

    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Aug 21, 2006
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  2. RL

    RL Guest

    Ah well, thanks, Jerry but I doubt I could pull something like that off with
    a straight face. Besides, I live in too small a town. That might work in
    Houston, or any other big city but not in a town where "everyone" knows what
    you drive. I'd also be hard pressed to find a Kerry sticker, unless they
    were from out of town... Way out of town. ;)

    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place
    shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor

    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Aug 22, 2006
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  3. RL

    BJayKana Guest

    ''No, this wasn't me and I'd never do such a thing. However, it does
    remind me of someone I know, who would. ;) SunnyGal.

    It Do?

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Aug 22, 2006
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