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Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Creech, Nov 21, 2003.

  1. Creech

    James Clark Guest

    So should you run the 360 oil or the Screamin' Eagle Synth-3?
    James Clark, Dec 6, 2003
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  2. Creech

    cstatman Guest


    Sorry, I have been crap for replying to the NG last week. CT scans are
    done, and I find out if I am finished with the chemo-poop on Dec 23rd.
    YAY! Can start building strength and riding again soon I hope.

    Anyhow, Great link, Lots of cool charts and data. A VERY good analysis
    of what is IN the oils.

    BUT (we knew this was coming) I do not see how he drew the conclusion
    "you get what you paid for" just by the levels of different indregients.
    He never scientifically proves these additives are needed

    Sure, he mentions anti-wear and anti corrosion, but never proves these
    additives make a difference in a motorcycle engine. His strongest
    argument is for keeping your catalytic converter clean and flowing. I
    don't have one on my bike.

    So again, we agree to disagree.

    On a positive happy note, I have it on good authority that the BMW F-650
    "Chain Gang" is currently doing an oil comparison. All on the SAME model
    and type of bike, at staged mileage intervals, with an independant
    assay, to find out what oils DO make a difference. Comparing not only
    the oils, but the wear on the motor, clutch, etc.

    Me, I'm gonna stick with my initial statement. Use oil, Change it
    frequently, Don't pay too much for marketing hype.

    All my best, have a good holiday season! :)


    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, Dec 19, 2003
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  3. Creech

    James Clark Guest

    It's not so much the roller bearings as the lack
    of a proper oil filter. Detergent oil holds all the
    muck in suspension until it can be removed by the filter.
    Your BMW's filter consists of a screen around an oil
    slinger. Non detergent oil allows the dirt to settle to
    the bottom of the pan, which has to be removed to clean
    the slinger. Running detergent oil results in pumping
    a grit laden slurry through the roller bearings.
    Roller bearings don't tolerate such treatment as
    well as plain bearings.
    James Clark, Dec 20, 2003
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