I just heard (if I didn't hear it myself, I wouldn't have believed it) on Wolf Blitzer where Rumsfeld was doing a press conference (and I'll have to paraphrase, but if anyone disagrees then they can provide the exact quote) and was saying how the elections will be held on schedule in January whether all the cities are secure enough to hold them or not. He then went on to say that "the world isn't perfect and elections aren't perfect" and then the startling part (as if that weren't enough) was where he said that it doesn't matter whether all the people are allowed to vote, but the point was they will have a democracy whether they like it or not. Wait a minute! Didn't they already hold those types of elections? We invaded a country, removed a lawful president of a sovergn nation, only to put our (actually Bush) choice for president and then tell everyone that they can either vote for this one guy that is put before them or else...not. But, either way, they'll have this one guy for president? Does anyone else see anything wrong here? Funny how the liberal media is playing into the terrorists and showing only soundbites from interviews and press briefings...making the administration say things out of context and make up stuff. HELLO!!!!