What if?

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Denise Howard, Aug 16, 2005.

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  1. Denise Howard

    _Bob_Nixon Guest

    _Bob_Nixon, Aug 16, 2005
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  2. Denise Howard

    Andy Burnett Guest

    Andy Burnett, Aug 16, 2005
  3. Denise Howard

    Andy Burnett Guest

    My gut agrees with you for two reasons:

    1) The portrayal of the motorcyclist in the ad is not endearing. He's an
    oblivious idiot. Even though we may all feel this is a close approximation
    of some cagers, they wouldn't see it that way.

    2) The actual answer to the question "What if motorcyclists didn't see
    you" is -- the motorcyclist dies.

    Andy Burnett, Aug 16, 2005
  4. I don't think people will see this and think "Oh man! I gotta start
    looking out for bikes!" I didn't think that either about the bumper
    sticker 'Kill a Biker-Go to Jail'.

    But as part of a long campaign to raise motorcycle-awareness issues,
    it could be helpful. There's no doubt in my mind that such long-term
    educational campaigns work! The best example is that we went from a
    nation of 90% smokers to 10% almost entirely through educational
    advertising campaigns. It took a while, though.

    You know, it's funny. I didn't even think about it when I saw the ad,
    but Andy is right. If they kept the camera rolling for about 15 more
    seconds we would have seen this guy go under the wheels of a city bus
    or through a plate-glass store window. It would have blunted the
    message somewhat. 8^)
    blazing laser, Aug 16, 2005
  5. Can't help feeling that if something bad did happen to the motorcyclist
    that he earned it. The message wasn't that we're hard to see, but that
    some folks are inconsiderate. Damn few drivers are going to identify
    with that.

    I've certainly bumped into enough people as a pedestrian to understand
    how that happens. If the motorcyclist at least apologized to the folks
    he knocked into, it would have reinforced the notion that it was a
    failure of perception due to inattention and not reckless disregard that
    was the problem.

    And the tagline would be "Do this with a car or van to a pedestrian,
    bicyclist or motorcyclist, and 'Sorry' just doesn't cut it."
    Rich, Urban Biker, Aug 16, 2005
  6. Denise Howard

    Jim S Guest

    Jim S, Aug 17, 2005
  7. I don't think any public-service ad campaign expects to reach "many"
    people. The fact that it may reach reach "some" or even just "a few"
    is in itself progress. Since it's humorous, the message will be more
    readily received and remembered than an "in your face" ad. And every
    little bit helps.
    Denise Howard, Aug 17, 2005
  8. Denise Howard

    JB Guest

    I agree... the only bumper stickers I've seen which *may* get through
    to some are the ol'

    My [Insert Relative Name Here] Rides a Motorcycle, Watch Out For [Him/Her]

    I think this one helps cagers realize that bikers (like members of the
    Taliban) are people who
    have moms who will miss them when they are dead.
    JB, Aug 17, 2005
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