20th December 1998. PS - just discovered : first GL1500 clutch slip post - 24/09/99. -- | ___ Salad Dodger |/ \ _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C |_\_____/_| ..73850../..18203.../..3184./.19406 (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5 |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG* \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4 \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4 '^' RBR Landmarks: 5 Pts: 90 Miles: 455
Wrong. Well, right insofar as "possibly" encompasses a multitude of sins, most unknown to me, but no, not the Bear I was thinking of. And that's as much as any of you are gonna get. Nobody GAF anyway.
Google is indeed your friend. Or your enemy. I break into a cold sweat at the thought of someone digging out some of my early postings.
Cnut. I remember using Internet Mail & News, Version 1.1 for the Mac, and getting the piss ripped......
Yes and No. I've still got boxes of brand new Venhill throttle and clutch cables for ETZs, a load of gearbox shafts for 4 speed ES/TS models and other bits and bobs that aren't really worth selling; new tachos (they just don't break) and the like. I had two Saab hatchback loads of mostly NOS parts. I sold them at the prices in the 1983 trade price book - bear in mind MZ parts were stupidly cheap - and still made ~£500. If only eBay existed then....
I'd try popping a new tacho up anyway, just to see. I mean, there are people restoring MZs properly now, amazing though it may seem. I bet there's more than one person out there hunting for an NOS tacho for a Supa 5. I know how you feel. I had a loft full of boxes of gaskets and other stuff. I kept a representative sample, but sold the vast majority for the equivalent of about 50p a set - hundreds of sets. I see that there are reports that the taxman is going to look at the numbers of trades on Ebay, at last. It's going to be interesting when he comes across people who break bikes down to their last component - as I do - instead of flogging them whole. "One dead Honda 400 Four - 275 trades...." (What's gratifying is that my policy of assembling a sort of "bank" of parts to keep the 400 Four running for the foreseeable future is working. One failed restoration project I bought came with a couple of new bagged throttle cables, which I salted away along with some other stuff (new clutch parts, points, etc), and then flogging the rest on. The originals started dying recently (only lasted 28 years!), and it's very satisfying being able to reach into the box, pull out a new pair, bolt them on, and think: "That's that sorted for the next quarter-century, then."
I like the box it comes in. That eighties Soviet era design and print; the gaudy colours and semi technical silhouette design (very iPodish); sums up a whole period of my life. The hassleometer is getting too high for my liking. I may stick out a few cables especially as a lot of old MZ dealers no longer stock 2 stroke parts. Oooh, some people are in for a nasty shock.. I had to actually buy a set of MZ points when I prepared the Frankfurt machine; that was a nasty shock. Although my high point is buying a new gearbox layshaft for the ES at £25 then finding a box full of the bastard things.
LOL I did it the other way around - sold those little orange reflectors that go on the sides of the headlight shells of Honda 400 Fours and the like. They fetch a fortune, considering what they are. And then buy a CB750. Guess what it was missing off the headlight, just after I'd sold the last pair? (Actually, I've just sourced some more)
<TOG's first Post> From : Subject: Gaskets ivE goT sOMe gaSKittS 4 SaIl iF yOu waNt TheM. CA11 ME If Yoo Want It. ive g0T a mac Yoo no.
I've got one in a box, somewhere. It says "AUDI" backwards on it, from the bootlid impact - would that increase the value?