What ever happened to...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by eric the brave, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. eric the brave

    Veggie Dave Guest

    He went at Wolf big time - enjoying and taunting him over the fact he'd
    had to give up trying to save his leg for the last seven years and was
    about to have it amputated

    Yeah, I'd say that was pretty fucking evil!

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com
    Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk
    Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
    Veggie Dave, Apr 6, 2005
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  2. eric the brave

    Ginge Guest


    Maybe that's why he disappeared.
    Ginge, Apr 6, 2005
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  3. eric the brave

    AndyW Guest

    Sticks and stones, and all that....

    Doesn't seem to work on Des, mind, but hope springs eternal.
    AndyW, Apr 6, 2005
  4. eric the brave

    Veggie Dave Guest

    He started going way too far just before he left. He's the only person I
    can think of (that wasn't simply a troll) who truly went too far

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS http://www.iq18films.com
    Extreme Racing http://www.veggie-dave.co.uk
    Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
    Veggie Dave, Apr 6, 2005
  5. eric the brave

    AndyW Guest

    It's obviously good enough for you to whinge about how much abuse you
    collect. You want to make your mind up, you do.
    AndyW, Apr 6, 2005
  6. eric the brave

    muddycat Guest

    muddycat, Apr 6, 2005
  7. eric the brave

    Dan White Guest

    Dan White, Apr 6, 2005
  8. I must admit I was thinking of Trev (who had his reasons at the time,
    whether you, or I, agreed with them is irrelevent). I can't remember
    who the other was.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  9. That's probably true - I know he had reasons for his despatching of
    Dan, TBH I don't remember the Wolf thing, but I may have been on a
    sabbatical at the time.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  10. Trev was always the world expert on finding someones weak spot. He was
    also a very thoughtful chap in other ways (and at other times perhaps).

    IIRC he got our very own kiddie fiddler to admit it on Usenet - which
    was good.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  11. The Older Gentleman, Apr 6, 2005
  12. IIRC, Dan was suicidal and Trev was trying to see if he could make him
    pop his cork.

    But ICBW.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 6, 2005
  13. Ah... Possible - although I don't remember you being particularly
    beastly to Dan. Not by Bear Trev standards anyway.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  14. You may be right - but Dan was a bit tedious at times.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  15. <Waves in a mong-like way>
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  16. Long gone - This was while most of the current UKRM crowd were still
    using an etch-sketch to try and log on.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  17. eric the brave

    Salad Dodger Guest

    But I remember Dan quite well, but Trev seemed no more than a bit
    player, by the time I turned up.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C
    |_\_____/_| ..73850../..18203.../..3184./.19406
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 YTC#4 PM#5
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 two#11 WG*
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4
    '^' RBR Landmarks: 5 Pts: 90 Miles: 455
    Salad Dodger, Apr 6, 2005
  18. I think Trev was disgusted by the whole 'Nu-UKRM' as it had become by
    then. The fluffy bunny huggers had arrived en-masse - in his opinion.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  19. Slightly moist?
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
  20. Is 'full' the same as 'fulfilled'?
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 6, 2005
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