What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    My reader must be broke again.. LOL.. Nah.. it's those damn circles you
    always try to run in, when you are getting some heat for your ridiculous
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    No...**** you, and your Dad. You both bring it on yourselves.
    Iggy, Jul 12, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. I know you have been offline for a few days, so here's this
    lightweight from reeky.. <grin> Started off as a high profile Blue Chip
    comapany professional and wound up this morning "interviewing" for jobs..
    Wow... Some of these dudes have problems, don't they ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe.. The boy is obviously having some problems.. I've been calling him a
    lying little shit since he commenced all that $125,000 to $200,000 a year
    carryin' on.. The big tip off was when he was crying about some kind of
    problem with a $10,000 motorcycle in his budget.. LOL.. He's been crying and
    slinging snot ever since about me calling him a liar and wanting to know
    what I am calling him a liar about.. sheesh.. He really needs to get himself
    a job of SOME kind.. That $300,000 house that he keeps fantasizing about is
    getting more far fetched..

    Especially when he slipped up and posted about all his job interviews,
    lately.. WTF is all that ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'll have you know .. Nurick and Chris/chorbewhats his face don't lie.. The
    extrapolate or something like that.. Now.. you take that back.. ROTFL
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  8. No, no, no. I never said TCP and ICMP were peers. Again, I said... Now pay
    attention here... FROM A LAYMAN'S PERSPECTIVE (you DO understand those
    words, right?) they are *FUNCTIONALLY* equivalent. You "ping" a destination
    address, which fires off ICMP packets to verify validity and existence of an
    end point. So... To a user... TO A USER... PINGing and ICMPing is
    *FUNCTIONALLY* equivalent.

    Doesn't change the fact he's a fucking whacko.
    Chris Hornberger, Jul 12, 2005

  9. Again... I never said they were direct peers or any other words you've used
    to misquote me. It's right there... "FUNCTIONALLY" the same. You said I said
    "A" and I really said "B". THAT is the distinction I'm pointing out to you.
    You just don't understand the fact that I'm bother because you said I said
    something that I didn't.

    Tell him not to be such an asshat. It's simple.
    Chris Hornberger, Jul 12, 2005

  10. I'm lost now. What did he or you ask me that I haven't directly answered.
    I've answered everything directly and truthfully. Not my fault you asshats
    don't believe or understand answers you're given.

    Really, man.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 12, 2005

  11. It is just *amazing* how bad your reading comprehension is. I said that I'm
    currently, gainfully employed. What I also said that over the last several
    months, I've interviewed at 9 places, 3 of which resulted in job offers (in
    the last 4 months or so) that I turned down. Hmm... Thinking about it now,
    it's a little longer... One of them was in late January. Sorry for the
    mistake. Fine... In 6-ish months, I've received 3 offers, not 4 months. The
    other 2 were more recent.

    Go back and read, cupcake. You'll see what I wrote.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 12, 2005

  12. I responded in another thread. Again for the slow witted among you.

    I'm employed. I looked at several other jobs. I received 3 offers. I turned
    them down to remain where I am.

    It's all there in black and white (or whatever font colors you use).


    Chris Hornberger, Jul 12, 2005

  13. You're right. I don't lie. No need to. Better things to do with my life.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 12, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe.. Sure has been putting it on your lying little ass, too.. huh,
    Skippy ? How's all that successful interviewing goin'?
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. you sure did, Skippy.. Then you went over the deep end .. By the time
    you got through with it, you were questionably a high schoold graduate,
    employed by a Blue Chip with no credentials to support your claims of that
    fantastic salary and the bonuses you were bragging about

    What I also said that over the last several
    Something is wrong, here, Skippy... Blue Chips demand a lot more from the
    employees in the position you've been describing.. At Pep Boys, you can run
    around doing all that interviewing and they aren't aware, nor do they care..
    That Blue Chip would fire your ass in a heartbeat, as soon as they find out
    you are interviewing.. For the position you describe, they demand complete
    loyalty, especially with the kind of money you've been bragging about..
    Don't **** with me, lightweight.. I spent years hiring and firing pipsqueaks
    like you..

    3 of which resulted in job offers (in
    You better quit turning all those job offers down, lightweight.. The
    industry that you claim to be getting all those offers from has really been
    hard pressed since Bush went to Washington.. Everybody but you and Nurick
    seems to know that..

    Hmm... Thinking about it now,
    Whew.. just can't resist, can you.. Lightweight ?
    Done read it, Skippy.. I'm the one that's got you dancing around and trying
    to clean up your mess.. LOL
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    There you go with definitions, again... Sheesh.. I was trying to give you
    some kind of benefit with all that "extrapolating" stuff.. Damn,
    Lightweight.. you don't know when you are well of.. You sure that you aren't
    Albert Nurick in disguise ? ROTFL
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> I read that, lightweight.. That's as unbelievable as all that
    salary and bonus stuff you tried to use to clean up your mess, that you'd
    made... hehe..
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    he'd have to find me first, since i sure wouldn't be in his fan base.
    Bownse, Jul 12, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    perhaps he's trying to say that, without line numbers and GOTOs, it
    can't be a programming language? but that's just a guess.
    Bownse, Jul 12, 2005
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