What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    I gotta tell you... I really wonder how some people function in society
    with such attitudes and obvious delusions. I just don't get it. (sigh)
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
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  2. that's just it, he doesn't function well in society and society has its
    methods of dealing with people like that. how the heck else do you end
    up living on welfare in a 30 year old trailer for the past 20 years.
    most people have slightly more ambition in life than to end up like that.
    another viewer, Jul 11, 2005
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  3. i've got friends who created IRC bots just like that, pretty simple
    another viewer, Jul 11, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Hmm... let's see.

    The core of it would be pretty simple:

    print "har har, this old man will kick ass\n";
    print "$_\n";
    print "see you on the 15th! that'll teach you!\n";
    print "----------------------\nBill Walker\n\n";

    Ok, I don't care the circumstances, THAT is funny!!
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Are they ? Really ? Which ones, since you claim so many ? What have I
    said about you is a lie that you are willing to disprove ?
    Who is this "us" that you are referring to ? Name them and we'll see about
    making things right..

    in a way that would force us to disclose way
    Good grief.. why are you so shy about "personal information".. Anyone who is
    upright and truthful doesn't have to worry about "personal information".. If
    your personal information is so sensitive, you might ought to consider not
    posting bullshit that you can't back up, don't you think ? Clue.. Albert
    Nurick's usenet support for your bogus claims about your salary don't wash,
    either.. He's got some serious credibility claims of his own.. <evil grin>

    .. The only way you really fucked
    Who is all this "everyone" you keep ranting about, Skippy ? What is the
    lies that you claim I've told about them ? Put it on the table and let's
    clear all this nonsense up, once and for all... <evil grin> hmmm.. Looks to
    me like you are the one trying to put "everyone" on the same page..Either
    get down to business and give us something to work with, here or shut
    up..Here's another little clue for you, Skippy.. I'm here to stay.. on two
    motorcycle newsgroups.. I've been on the one for several years, in spite of
    all these imagined friends of yours, going all out to discredit me and get
    me off of these newsgroups.. Most of those friends of yours have resorted to
    all kinds of stragies to take me out.. I've seen a whole bunch of phoney
    little usenet creeps like you, come and go.. I'm still here.. and I'll be
    here.. Here's something else to consider.. I'm the worst nightmare for some
    lying little two bit horsefly like you who comes on these newsgroups with
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    You can try to make it fly on the 15th.. huh ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    You ought to know, huh Skippy? <chuckle>
    Iggy, Jul 11, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    ya gotta give him credit for understanding he needed a big briefcase to
    "ease out" that stuff from that one employer.

    what was the name of the Johnie Cash song?
    Bownse, Jul 12, 2005
  10. "One Piece at a Time" - one of my favorites of his.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 12, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Polarhound Guest

    If he were alive today, he'd beat you over the head with his Martin for
    spelling his name like that.
    Polarhound, Jul 12, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Ok, first. You're wrong, right off the bat. Flat. Wrong. Java is a
    compiled language, not a script language that typically runs within a
    scripting host. So, right out of the gate, as wrong as you are, I'm
    sure I'll find other mistakes to point out for you.

    That program I wrote, simple as it is, is, in fact, a
    binary-compileable *program*. (note: scripts are programs, too)
    chornbe, Jul 12, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Uhm no... that's a bit of Java source code to create a program. It is
    *NOT* a script.

    I understand that you, like dear ol' dad, like to inject *YOUR*
    interpretations onto simple matters in an attempt to further obfuscate
    that which *can* be clearly explained and understood by many. All in an
    attempt to make folks think you have a clue. You use silly little
    distinctions of terminology to *try* to make others sound as tho' they
    don't know what they're talking about, but you fail.

    To point to your example here about scripts, languages and programs,
    let me have a moment here.

    1) A script is *typically* used to, as you point out, run other
    programs. But a script is simply a list of commands. They may be
    external, OS-provided commands, library calls, or in the case of many
    modern and powerful scripting languages, internal commands to do many

    2) A script runs within a scripting host or language interpreter and is
    not standalone. The interpreter or runtime is necessary. It's typically
    a plain text file with a complete program or simple step-by-step
    instructions. The power and flexibility of any given script is decided
    by the language in which it's written, the platform on which it runs,
    etc. Most "scripting languages" in the modern computer world are
    powerful and flexible enough to be used as full-on programming
    languages. Perl and REXX are my examples here. As much as I personally
    dislike Perl, I have to give it complete due respect in this regard.
    Perl is used in many, many environments and by many, many companies as
    a complete programming language and environment. Nearly everyone calls
    every Perl "program" a "script".

    2) It has become regular practice to call "interpreted" languages
    scripting languages, and compiled languages as programming languages.
    Minor distinction and it's the norm in the market place. Technically
    correct? Perhaps not, but it *is* the norm.

    3) Yes, a "language" is used to decribe the actions the computer should
    take with any given data... a way for the programmer to communicate
    with the computer. "Show me a directory of files" in English is akin to
    "foreach(<*>){...}" in Perl. The interpreter or compiler translates
    those language-specific-directions into machine-readable instructions;
    creates programs from that language. Some create full compiled,
    standalone programs, some create byte-code that runs within a runtime,
    and some compile it in memory. Others simply try to run the script one
    line at a time with no precompilation.

    4) Other scripting languages include bash-scripting... basically every
    shell has some scripting associated with it... REXX, Javascript,
    VBScript, etc. Even the DOS "Batch Command Langage", aka "batch files"
    are simple scriptable commands, some external (like "mem.exe") and some
    internal (like "dir"). Almost all can be used beyond simple,
    step-by-step scripting, but are still "script languages".

    We're making the same points here, with minor and subtle differences.
    But you're insistent on proving me wrong because you dislike me. You
    hate the fact that I jumped in on something you were disagreeing with
    someone else on. Period. Your attempts to make me look stupid are only
    childish and petty lashing out because I tried to simplify something
    being said.

    Again... that is a bit of Java source code used to create a compiled,
    byte-code program in java. It is *not* a script.

    Feel free to ask all of reeky if they really care about protocol and
    utility layers in IP, or if they really care about the *technical*
    distinctions between TCP and ICMP. I try to speak in broad-strokes when
    dealing with folks who don't do this for a living. I maintain that
    "ping" and "ICMP" are, to the layman, fucntionally equivalent for the
    end result; determining if an endpoint is available and processing
    packets. THAT was the point I was making previously. You twisted it
    into an excuse to bash me. You failed. I'm amused by you, not bashed.

    And moreover... no one cares. Lighten up, man. You're gonna give
    yourself some kind of blood vessel trauma.
    chornbe, Jul 12, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Oh, dear. My bullet points are mis-numbered. I apologize to the two
    people on the globe who have trouble following my poorly-number
    bullets. (sigh)
    chornbe, Jul 12, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    TomO Guest

    Well, I had no choice but to completely disregard your entire argument,
    and anything else you've posted to usenet in the past 10 years. Imagine
    my horror at discovering your inability to count. And here I was,
    thinking I could add all of this great computer education to my resume.

    I suppose that also means that you can't ride a motorcycle or even hold
    a full-time job as well. My hopes are crushed, just like my washers.

    TomO, Jul 12, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    BTW... I never said that ICMP and TCP were the same, so when it all
    comes down, I have no idea why you have such issue with me. Show me
    where I said they were the same. I didn't.
    chornbe, Jul 12, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    I'm sorry. I don't have a patio behind my new house yet, but once I get
    one can I change your oil to make it up to you? It's the least I can
    chornbe, Jul 12, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    TomO Guest

    Allright. Tell you what, I'll even lay-er-down as I ride onto the porch
    to make getting at the drain plug a bit easier. It will be a sure way to
    avoid crashing into your flowers.
    TomO, Jul 12, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Don't hit Bambi.
    chornbe, Jul 12, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well come on now, Chubby.. You've been in over your head since you bought
    that crotch rocket you are trying to ride.. LMAO... now..you are calling
    someone something like "Pot... Kettle" No wonder you are such a dork..
    Bill Walker, Jul 12, 2005
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