What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    You sure make a lot of noise for an insignificant little prick, don't you,
    Skippy ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
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  2. why am i and 8 other people listed in the 12 hour rally ?

    by clipping all the salient points that refuted what you said.

    there were 10 out of 39 entrants that didn't even finish the rally.
    That's a 25% DNF rate, must have been pretty tough rally.
    I finished the 12 hour in 9 hours and won a nice little trophy for my
    Moron efforts.

    have fun, i don't waste much time talking to nitwits like you who can't
    read a simple chart.
    another viewer, Jul 11, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. you've been out of pocket for the past few days, Brian.. Kinda bring
    you to speed on this one.. He came on the newsgroups a few days ago.. He
    quickly teamed up with Nurick, Moran, Canadian Snowflake and a couple more..
    He claims he's good friends with Tim Morrow although he's never met him, so
    he claims.. His first outrageous claim was something about working for some
    Blue Chip company located in New York.. and holding some kind of position
    that paid a salary that most ph'ds would kill for.. He's a maybe graduate of
    high school and supposedly running some kind (?) of high profile projects
    for that imaginary company..

    His story is that he's been in some kind of high performance engine
    rebuilding business or something before that Blue Chip company recruited him
    to take over all those projects for them.. Where and when he got all that
    training for the expertise he's bragging about is a mystery .. He's never
    mentioned any of that, with all the other explaining and strutting he's been
    doing.. Furthur on, he admitted that he lied (exaggerated) all that salary
    thing that he posted... Of course he qualified that admission by throwing in
    the generous "bonus" plan that he's been privvy to.. So far.. the kid has
    really outdone himself by getting involved with Snowflake and John Moran
    discussions with me..

    I'd take a wild guess and figure that the boy is setting up the strategy for
    Tim Morrow to weasel out of that little arrangement to ride some circles
    around me and give me those riding lessons.. Although .. he does seem quite
    interested in the t-shirt business in Breckenridge this weekend.. LMAO..
    Needless to say. that has really become a hysterical mess .. Some of the
    players, including Sunny Williams have posted all sort of bad things that
    will happen if I venture into that part of Texas..

    OK.. that pretty well sums it up and you know as much as I do.. This one
    ain't worth the time and effort.. He hit the ground talking all kinds of
    trash about the Walkers lying about him, etc.. etc.. you know the drill..
    This one is an insignificant little wimp with no substance... Only time will
    tell where he's coming from or what he's all about.. I'm thinking that the
    closer to the 15th we get, the clearer he will become..
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Forget it, Brian.. This fat bastard is doing the only thing he knows how to
    do.. usenet dancing and trying to distract attention from the issues that's
    go me on his sorry ass.. Stick to the point with him and don't let him do
    that.. Him and Mark Johnson have got both their fat asses in a wringer and
    they can't figure out how to weasel out of it, this weekend.. LMAO... I can
    smell all that sweat they've been doing.. It'll get more intense, the closer
    we get to the weekend.. count on it..Verizon abuse report hotline is getting
    scads of calls from these clowns for the past several days.. Even if they
    could get my account canceled they'd be looking at me come the fifteenth and
    I'd be more pissed than I am, now..
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Polarhound Guest

    Ping was written by Mike Muuss in December, 1983. It was written
    specifically for 4.2a BSD UNIX at Berkeley Research Labs. Back when it
    was written there was no kernel support for raw ICMP sockets, so Mike
    created the needed code in the kernel.

    Traceroute, an offshoot of Ping, uses UDP packets instead as routers are
    not supposed to generate ICMP error messages for ICMP messages.

    From the author of Ping:

    "The best ping story I've ever heard was told to me at a USENIX
    conference, where a network administrator with an intermittent Ethernet
    had linked the ping program to his vocoder program, in essence writing:

    ping goodhost | sed -e 's/.*/ping/' | vocoder

    He wired the vocoder's output into his office stereo and turned up the
    volume as loud as he could stand. The computer sat there shouting "Ping,
    ping, ping..." once a second, and he wandered through the building
    wiggling Ethernet connectors until the sound stopped. And that's how he
    found the intermittent failure."

    Mike also wrote TTCP.
    Polarhound, Jul 11, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    whew.. If you think it is bad on usenet .. Nurick.. look him in the eye and
    tell him all that, this weekend.. whoops.. still can't ride that far, huh,
    Chubby.. Maybe a few more days practice is all you need.. That crotch rocket
    you are trying to ride will make the trip, for sure..LOL
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... all that extrapolatin' sure gets messy when you tell a fucking lie
    and get all caught up in it, don't it, Skippy ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good comeback, Skippy... Now explain what I lied about .. enquiring minds
    are curious and want to know.. Matter of fact there is a Aeronautical
    Engineer looking over my shoulder at some of you ridiculous salary claims,
    smiling and shaking his head.. Being a joke is one thing, being a joke and
    thinking anyone in their right mind believes you is something else
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Polarhound Guest

    Almost forgot.. Mike Muuss also received a Lifetime Achievement Award
    from USENIX in 1993 for Ping.
    Polarhound, Jul 11, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Dance away.. Lardass.. See you this weekend.. That's getting real close, now
    ... huh ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Let's see if I can make you get this, again using the two previous
    examples. I'll try to use small words again, but some of these concepts
    are pretty intense so sometimes I'll use bigger words. I'll try to be

    Yes, Java is a programming language. Note the semantical use of the
    capital "J", suggesting this to be a proper noun. You know what those
    are, right? Ok, then, using Java, I can write a simple program such as:

    // ----
    // start code here
    import java.io.*;

    public class walker {
    public static void main( String[] args ){
    System.out.println( "Hi, I'm Bill and I'm a dumbass!" );
    // ----
    // end code here

    We save this to a file called "walker.java". The ".java" extension is
    (more or less) mandated by the Java Language Specification. Feel free
    to read the book. Get Sun Press book ISBN # 0130471771. Good stuff.

    Ok then... now I want to run it. But wait! *gasp* It's not a program.
    WHAT DO I DO?? We compile it (into byte code, in the case of java and
    certain other languages) using the program... or "command"... "javac"
    for "java compile", thusly:

    (I'll use the examples from my current Windows workstation here)
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_01\bin\javac walker.java(enter)

    And we then run it, using the program... or "command"... "java", the
    java virtual machine - the byte-code executing runtime.

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_01\bin\java walker(enter)

    So, you see, "Java" is a language, "java", "java.exe" and "javac",
    "javac.exe" are programs... commands in Unix/Linux parlance... that do
    things and the code is the Java programming language. So, what I wrote
    still holds true... Java is a language, and (on my Linux box)
    /usr/bin/java is a command (more precisely a symbolic link to a
    command, but that's outside the scope of this simple example) that
    starts the JVM.

    Java - language
    java - command

    Let's take another example.

    If you're familiar with Unix/Linux, you've no doubt used the "cat"
    command. "cat" is a command line application, similar to the "type"
    internal command on Windows and DOS but more powerful, that
    regurgitates the contents of a file (or group of files) to STDOUT.
    "cat" is an executable program... or "command". Cat is not a language,
    although with the plethora of programming languages over the years, I'm
    betting someone made an unsuccessful language and called it "Cat",
    somewhere along the line.

    And then, the other example... Perl.

    Perl is a language, yet the "perl" program... or "command"... is used
    to execute Perl programs... scripts as they are known. Perl is a little
    different from Java in that you don't precompile the programs, so
    whereas Java needs javac + java to execute programs, Perl only uses the
    "perl" command to execute them by compiling them in memory, then
    running them, effectively from a user perspective, in one step.

    Shall I run thru' the previous example? Ok, fine. I will.

    # perl program starts here
    # this one's even more simple:
    print "Hi, I'm Bill and I'm a dumbass!";
    # perl program ends here

    Save that file as "walker.perl". You only need the extension for
    clarity, it's not mandated by the Perl spec or by Larry Wahl, the
    inventor of Perl.

    Then execute it thusly:

    perl walker.perl(enter)

    So here we have a short program, or script, written in Perl and being
    run by the "Perl runtime" via the command "perl". So, again:

    Perl - language
    perl - command

    Do we need to continue the lessons? Point being, just because I
    dummyied-down my explanations to fit a broader audience, and you didn't
    get the semantical differences between technical and layman's
    explanations, you really are being silly suggesting I don't know what
    I'm talking about.

    Really, I do this for a living, and it's something I take rather
    seriously. Again, you're out of your league.
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Well, it depends on the system I'm posting from. You see, at work I
    post via Google, using "chornbe" or "", while at home
    on my laptop, I post via my whole name, "chris hornberger". If you
    weren't stupid, or if you weren't looking to twist every little
    discrepency into a lie to bolster your insanity, you'd see that.
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Your credibility is in the toilet. Your lies are blatant.

    Actually, in one way, you're kind of ingenius, but you took it too far;
    you lie about each of us in a way that would force us to disclose way
    too much personal information to refute. The only way you really fucked
    up is by doing it to *everyone*, so your credibility with everyone is
    in question, thus putting everyone on the same page; you're a lying
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    TomO Guest

    chornbe wrote:

    <snip long description of Languages and commands>

    I would add to that that in my case, as an amateur hacker, *command* may
    be a bit harsh of a term. When I type /usr/bin/java it is more of a plea
    or a humble request to execute my code without crashing the system.

    With a little practice, maybe I can get to issuing commands to my
    systems, for now I'll stick with the requests.
    TomO, Jul 11, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Hardee-har-har... you'll see on the 15th lardass... this old man will
    command all the unix and all the Windows and show your sorry, poser
    lardass.... ROTFLMAO <evil grin>. Get my Vulcan off that patio, woman!!
    I've got lardass posers to outwit.

    Wow, I just had flashes of Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrain, comin' at ya...
    ke ke.
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
  16. Yah, you were definitely in the running if you had taken off with a bath
    towel and not the rally flag.

    I was just out for the ride, not really caring about placement. I love
    riding that part of Texas. I didn't leave until around 10AM, three hours
    after the start, got back in with maybe 5 mins left in penalty time so i
    got a negative point score but covered 540 or so miles and was logged in
    before time ran out. I don't think anyone who has ever finished a Waltz
    did so with negative points. LOL I thought it was pretty funny
    and so did Jack, Rigger and the other crew who logged me in.

    We did some flying down to Del Rio, eh ? I knew I had to set a pace if I
    was going to make it back in time. In four Waltzes, I've never DNF and
    didn't want to this time so I said screw stopping for points after Del
    Rio, I'm gonna ride to cover ground and headed for Sonora. It's like
    Bruce B. blowing off his plan so he could stop in Lockhart for BBQ
    dinner when he could have finished. If you're simply out to have fun,
    it doesn't matter what you do and who cares ? What fun, what a great
    area to ride and it's for a good cause.
    another viewer, Jul 11, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    No one has to twist or posts anything in your juvenile posts .. Hell.. you
    tell a freaking lie and then spend a week trying to justify it.. You finally
    admit to the lie and try to qualify it.. Not working, Skippy.. I don't care
    where you are posting from or what name you are using.. ROTFL... you are one
    of the phoniest little pinheads to come on these newsgroups.. I'm not sure,
    but I think Albert Nurick is having trouble competing with you, although you
    two sure have a lot in common..
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    One more time. Show me the lie. Show me. Where is it? Where's the lie?
    Once you point out the lie, show me the data disproving my lie. Come
    on. Show me. I continue to wait.
    chornbe, Jul 11, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. I don't know about all those rewards.. and really don't care I'm
    getting real concerned that old John is going to try and talk me to death
    before the weekend gets here... "See you next weekend" is about all the
    response he's going to get from me until the fat son of a bitch looks me in
    the eye..Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 11, 2005
  20. you'll get a better response talking to a fence post; the fence post
    won't bullshit you.
    another viewer, Jul 11, 2005
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