What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe... Try him.. you don't have to take my word for it..
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    You seem to be the main player, at the moment, Chubby.. LOL... Point in fact
    is, that you kept itching for a fight with me for over two weeks and I
    ignored your silly horseshit... ROTFL... Well.. you got your little scrap
    and don't know exactly how to shut it down, do you ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's what I figured.. <evil grin> Better stick to the antiques ..
    Chubby.. whoops.. I forgot.. you got blistered on that group, a long time
    ago, didn't you ?
    hehehe... I sure know how to change the oil on a motorcycle, car or
    pickup... Been known to do that on the side of a bar ditch.. LOL... Didn't
    even have a computer with me to "ping" for help.. sheesh.. You are a
    freaking joke, Chubby..
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Hank Guest

    Why are you speaking in the third person, kook?
    No doubt, you're referring to this very foolish
    and blatant lie. <chuckle>


    From Hank:

    It's nice to see you admit that there's nothing in your
    kook .sig but a "stupid little point" - in fact, a point so
    trivial, that only a desperate and psychotically obsessed
    kook would bother to put in his .sig. (chuckle) But, of
    course, you're lying when you insist that I argued the
    point afterwards and refused to admit my mistake. As
    a matter of fact, I admitted my error as soon as it was
    brought to my attention, because that's what honest people
    with class and integrity do, kook boy.
    In fact, this time, your lie is so blatant, and so easily
    crushed, that it brings your sanity into question. <g>

    < begin quoted message >

    From: Hank ("stop"@bu$h.treason)
    Subject: Re: I see the best you could do is call me stupid
    Newsgroups: rec.motorcycles
    Date: 2004-08-10 17:45:51 PST

    Tim Morrow wrote:

    I meant 180 hp per liter. My bad! I had hp per cubic inch
    on my mind too and musta got confused or something.

    So, Albert, see where I wrote, "I meant 180 hp per liter.
    My bad!"? That's not "arguing the point after the fact", and
    refusing to admit my mistake, as you and your lying, shit
    brained little buddy, itchy are insisting, is it? You know,
    you could better yourself significantly by taking some notes
    here. <chuckle>
    So now it's your turn (again) to admit that your psychotic
    obsession forced you to make a fool of yourself, and that
    you lied. <g>
    However, based on your incredibly cowardly, weak, and childish
    behavior in the past, it's a =very= safe bet that you'd rather
    eat more shit, show us all that you have no pride or self respect,
    and sacrifice your credibility - wait scratch that, you have
    none to sacrifice - than admit that you just lied. <chuckle>

    If you can't post about motorcycles, please post about
    something other than your overwhelming, all consuming
    obsession with HHH.
    Post about something of great importance to all of us, such
    as the lies, tax payer theft, mass murder, death, destruction,
    terrorism, and treason of the criminal bu$h regime.
    Thank you!



    "They are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And
    there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to
    take... men with blind hatred and armed with lethal weapons
    who are capable of any atrocity... they respect no laws of
    warfare or morality."
    -bu$h describing his own illegal invasion of Iraq.

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook and blatant liar, on the rape,
    torture and murder at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that
    matter." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

    "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them. And then
    he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did."
    -- George W. Bush

    "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the
    will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the
    Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    -- Adolf Hitler

    "The tsunami was a wonderful opportunity to show not just the
    US government, but the heart of the American people, and I think
    it has paid great dividends for us." Condoleezza Rice

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.

    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    Hank, Jul 8, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Yes. And, in fact, I'm really hoping that bill is standing next to the
    property line with one boot over it screaming, "SILL NOT TOUCHING
    THINK???" when the LEOs roll up. Having threatened to do you and Bownse
    harm on the 15th, bill's mere presence in the area is enough to pick him
    up. And it won't be for trespass, it'll be for consipiracy to commit a


    If your cell mate is a fatso, you should keep that to yourself.

    If you use the words "wormy", "boys" and "asses" in a sentence, and your
    cell mate's eyes glaze over and bulges start to appear in his crotchal
    region, you might just want to STFU.
    Ari Rankum, Jul 8, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Why? I see someone being stupid, I'm saying so.

    If memory serves Mr. Nurick and I had a little mixup about a year ago
    over something silly. Later we spoke about his experiences on a PC800
    and other topics. I find him to be a pretty decent guy and someone I
    can relate to, bike-wise.

    The first post by Tim Morrow I saw, way back, made me think he was a
    complete ass. Since then he and I speak off list frequently and I've
    found him to be a smart, educated, funny and pretty charming guy. We're
    planning a few area rides together when he's back from his trip. He's
    someone I can relate to. If that makes me an ass, well, I'm in good
    company, I guess.

    No, I don't need to pick sides.

    You, however, do need to stop being wrong about everything you open
    your mouth on. Really, man, just try shutting up now and then. It's
    rec.motorcycles, not ass.clowns.named.walker.who.have.to.bash.everyone.

    And quit all the radical, fundamentalist, political bigotry. You're
    nothing but a fucking KKK-minded ass clown who can't see beyond his
    nose. Yeah, it's ALL bush's fault. Fucking mind-numbed, brain washed,
    follower, is all you are. I voted independent this past election, but
    you know what? BUSH IS OUR PRESIDENT NOW! Get behind the guy in the
    office, or shut up about him. It's people like YOU, SIR, who are giving
    the world free license to attack America. "They hate their own
    government, so can we." Stand up for America, and hence, who's running
    it, or get the **** out of my country. yeah, Proud fucking Texan, for
    sure. Loser.
    chornbe, Jul 8, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    To be pedantic, that really should be:

    Kitchen Man, Jul 8, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    You have yet to prove it...<chuckle> Much like all of the shit you "claim"
    someone has said. You put it in quotes, yet they never even came close to
    sayin it. LOL
    Iggy, Jul 8, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    Unfortunately, you don't know when you've been "shut down". It's been
    NUMEROUS times, billy-boy. We take you out and play with your silly ass at
    Iggy, Jul 8, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    So, you finally admit that there is no such thing as a "will call" account
    with Western Union....good for you!

    Guess .. you'll just keep on trying to talk me to death
    You couldn't tree a squirrell.....you lame-ass sumbitch. LOL
    Iggy, Jul 8, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    You obviously can't, you chicken-shit. Invite a Walker anywhere to back up
    their tough-talk, and they start screaming "I need a phone #!!!!" or "you
    need to come to Texas". What maroons
    Iggy, Jul 8, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Can't even remember what that was about, now. (shrugs) Yep, then we
    started talking about the PC and differences forgotten. Imagine that.
    Sing with me...

    "We are the world..."
    "We are the children..."


    Kinda where I was heading with that. Kick him out. Maybe Oklahoma will
    take him.
    chornbe, Jul 8, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn..Chubs... ROTFL.. you are sure shook up over all this, aren't you ?
    hmmm... You might want to find out what the difference is between simple
    assault and all this other stuff is that you are talking about.. Then ..
    try to convince some LEO that one old guy is "attacking" an entire hill of
    sweating fat boys.. BWAAAHAAA... That's going to be real funny..
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well now.. Some schoolkid in Florida keeps making a little noise.. And there
    is that fat boy talking about getting someone all "arrested and stuff"...
    That's the idea... Damn.. you are too dumb .. ROTFLMAO... Ain't happenin'
    ... Fat Boy..
    I haven't "claimed" anything .. Squeeky.. LOL
    Yeah.. right... with all that peace and quiet, you might google enough to
    learn how to change the oil in your crotch rocket without help... hehehe..
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    You're threatening to *kill* me now, Bill? That's not very smart.
    Ari Rankum, Jul 8, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Wanna talk about "stupid"... LOL.. Alright.. Trying to find $10,000.00 in a
    budget of $125,000.00 to $200,000.00 per year salary... Buying junk
    motorcycles on e-bay.. hmmm... $300,000.00 homes.. etc. etc. You tell'em
    smart guy... That don't really sound stupid, it sounds like a fucking lie..
    several, as a matter of fact..
    I bet.. Nurick is well known for his silliness..

    Later we spoke about his experiences on a PC800
    hmmm... That's logical.. You been trying to figure out how to get a
    motorcycle for more than a year and Nurick is trying to figure out how to
    hmmmm... Better get yourself a motorcycle before you start all that riding,
    don't you think ?

    Good luck with all that .. <grin> I think so highly of ol' Tim Morrow, when
    he threatened to come to Texas and ride circles around me and give me riding
    lessons, I invited him... After he talked to a few guys who know me, he got
    real shy and timid and has completely wormed around all that subject..
    <sigh> I sure was looking forward to those lessons.. Dammit.. I guess the
    guy that told him I would probably slap him off that tore up Harley if he
    got mouthy with me, in person... really fucked up my little appointment ..
    huh ?
    Did I mention "**** you".. I don't subscribe to reeky to win friends and
    influence people, especially snot nosed, lying little wannabes like you..
    Whew.. little boy... you sure want to try and run your mouth, don't you ?
    Again.. **** you..

    ROTFLMAO.... whew... You've gone from all those financial problems and
    trying to find $10,000.00 to buy a motorcycle, to being a Bush supporter...
    Really can't make up your mind who the **** you are, can you.? hmmm... I
    believe that you are a damned liar..

    Get behind the guy in the
    You are sure a nitwit little ****, aren't you ? LOL.. You really ought to
    find yourself a job, you burgher flipping little turd..
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... See there, if you could afford a motorcycle, you and Nurick
    could get together and make a day of it.. He's got the address, all YOU
    need to do is scrape up enough real money to get that bike.. huh ? hmmm..
    Be sure you take care of the little wife and all those kids before you jump
    into anything, though.. It's tough to get by on the kind of money you are
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Tony D Guest

    Uh, whats wrong with titty bars?

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jul 8, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. dude.. Nothing that I know of, if you like 'em.. I'm kinda partial
    to the boot scootin' dance halls, though.. Some of those ol' titty bars
    don't like for you to touch 'em.. Now .. that's frustratin'..

    The old boot scootin' joints is where it's at.. You can get real close to
    'em.. Waller 'em around on the dance floor and you just might get lucky in
    the parking lot.. If someone don't like it, you can even get in a fair fist
    fight, now and then to work off some of that anxiety..

    Nothing wrong with titty bars, I guess.. Just not my bag.. LOL

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Holy Shit. how old are you fat boy ? damn.. quit sweatin' so much..
    chubby.. ROTFL...
    Bill Walker, Jul 8, 2005
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