What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    i think you're asking a trick question under the assumption that the
    company ever made any money.
    Bownse, Jul 7, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    I don't care who ya are. THAT'S funny!
    Bownse, Jul 7, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    The Family Guest

    Thanks for the update, hope the FJR get packaged up for your
    departure. But, I really would feel much more concerned by
    running around in city traffic on the air cooled bike, than out on
    the open road in any temperature.

    Good luck on the trip, and with the fix.


    The Family, Jul 7, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Thanks. One nice experience in all of this is that they invited me into
    the shop to take a look for myself. The head mechanic was gone, but a
    well-informed tech walked me through it. She tried to show me some wear
    on the gears that, as hard as I tried, I just couldn't see. She said
    the usual signs of abuse to the shift forks were missing, but that the
    dogs on some of the gears had some rounding. We looked at the gears for
    maybe 2 minutes, earnestly trying to find an example, but neither of us
    could see one. I got invited to come back when the head mechanic was
    back in the shop. They said all the parts would go back to Yamaha for
    forensic analysis to see if they could determine the cause of the failure.

    The whole motor was apart, so I took some time to look at other things.
    I checked out all the bearing surfaces I could see and I was really
    happy with their condition. Since break-in, I've been using Mobil 1
    MX4T motor oil on the bike. The bearing surfaces were perfectly smooth
    and absolutely brilliant. It'd be great to have an opportunity to look
    at the pistons and rings and cylinder walls at this point, too.
    Ari Rankum, Jul 7, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    I like his blog. He's an intense writer. As impressive as he is in
    print, his talk was absolutely amazing. He did a talk on intellectual
    property, copyrights, Disney, RIAA, MPAA, etc, with a running backdrop
    of a series of white words on a black background that was incredibly
    well thought out and synchronized in a way that I've never seen before
    or since. At modest and appropriate intervals, he was also capable of
    being extremely funny. I think that talk was probably the most
    stimulating hour long presentation I've ever seen.
    Ari Rankum, Jul 7, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    The Family Guest


    Don't think I've ever seen a "she" in a motorcycle shop mechanical
    service area.

    The Family, Jul 7, 2005
  7. that is the problem, isn't it.

    Guarantee the money will be there. All there is from Brainless is a
    history of lies about Western Union. I want to be certain we will be
    paid for showing up. What's so difficult about that ?


    nope, you need a camera running, ya dolt. sheesh, you really are dumb.
    Brainless said he could ride me into the ground, When given a prime
    opportunity to show he could actually do it over the course of a 1000
    mile rally, he hemmed and hawed and finally didn't show up to back up
    his statement. that's a no show in anybody's book.
    sure, but first :

    another viewer, Jul 7, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'll be carrying the money in my billfold, on the 15th of July.. You'll
    never see it, but I figure that's about what it's going to cost me to pay
    the fine for kicking your sorry, fat ass all over that county at
    Breckenridge.. <evil grin> You just might get a glimpse of it while they
    are leading you to the cell where you'll be... hmmm... Maybe I'll wait till
    they release everybody.. Who knows, they might put us all in the same one,
    that jail isn't very big...
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  9. why, it sure does, doesn't it. there's a whole string of them too, all
    in print and signed and dated with a verifiable adress.
    gee, i wonder what one could do with these if so inclined.... lol
    when they're dumb, they are dumb.

    Imagine the two idiots baking in the sun while we're enjoying cool
    beverages in the shade and trading jokes. Now that's a funny scene.
    another viewer, Jul 7, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Not according to some of the relationships you claim to be fond of, on
    usenet.. Nurick... You'd associate with a slug, if they'd just butter you up
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm... Well now.. you might just try calling the Abuse Hotline at my ISP...
    whoops.. Already tried that one, didn't you ? Wound up having to hustle
    around to find yourself another provider, as I recall..ROTFL
    My .. My... What was the reason they canceled your account this last time..
    Slug ? I don't recall.. but it had something to do with some kind of sleazy
    bullshit, didn't it ?
    That dry hill is sure going to be crowded with all you fat boys... I think
    ol' Mark Johnson is planning on a lot of police protection.. LOL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. You sure don't have much going for you, do you.. Chubby ? Got a
    motorcycle that is way over your head... Can't even change the oil in the
    damned thing without help.. Can't ride that sucker more than a few miles
    away from the house, and you want to play with the big boys on a motorcycle
    newsgroup so bad, it is pathetic.. ROTFL..

    Better get out of those Houston titty bars and queer palaces if you intend
    to challenge Brian Walker.. He'll cause you to **** up real bad, trying to
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Wow, another asshat who relies on literal distinctions to point out
    imaginary mistakes by everyone but himself.

    Both answers are right.

    Ping is, in fact, IMCP BECAUSE the PING program sends ICMP packets over

    His "Ping is ICMP" is *functionally correct* for describing to a
    layman. The problem with many technical people is that they don't know
    how to communicate to non-technical people who neither understand nor
    CARE about the minutiae and technical distinctions of stacked network
    communication layers.

    Jeezuz, apple from the tree, I see.
    chornbe, Jul 7, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    I played Ultima Online for a few years. It was, once upon a time, a fun
    past time. However, as the popularity grew, so grew the population of
    online dolts who thought that winning a "duel" in a video game somehow
    proved them a better person.

    Sounds like this Brainless fellow is of the same mindset... watch out,
    he might r0xx0r jur w0rlD!!11!!111


    Don't concern yourself further. Remember, at some point, continuing to
    argue on the internet is like being 2nd runner up in the special

    Let it go, man. Let it go. Get out and ride :)
    chornbe, Jul 7, 2005
  15. nope, never have done that. it's all in your head, o demented one.
    again, nope, haven't done that either. i've had the same ISP and web
    host for years.. it's all in your head, o demented one.

    Western Union was all in your head too.
    another viewer, Jul 7, 2005
  16. I just did make a short business run on the little bike as a matter of
    fact. That thing is so much fun, ride it right up to the front door of
    a bank and park it, no one gives it a second look and the 70mpg aint bad

    Brainless is about as important to me as a string puppet; It's amusing
    to make him jump around and twitch for brief periods of time when I'm
    not doing other things of more importance. He begs for it.
    another viewer, Jul 7, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehe.. Would it, now ? That's funny.. just like that oil change little
    deal.. you'd be all over usenet "pinging" your silly ass off, crying for
    someone to help, if you ever got too far away from the porch..
    Doing extremely well, Chubby.. I've had your number for several years..
    Wannabes, Posers and Welfare Riders are easy to spot, especially when they
    keep prostrating themselves on newsgroups .. the way you do.. ROTFL
    <grin> You and your buddies are the ones who keep posting links to
    disgusting porn sites and visiting the local titty bars in your area..
    hmmm...Matter of fact, you and the Slugs you are so fond of, are the only
    ones I've seen do that.. huh ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Since I'll be looking you up on the 15th, don't really make much difference,
    does it ? LOL.. Guess .. you'll just keep on trying to talk me to death
    about it, till I tree your fat ass on that dry hill, though.. won't you ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    whooo.... hooo.. Tell it to the new guy, Slug.. See you on the 15th.. then..
    you can talk to me about it.. LOL
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    <grin> You need to get back to finding that motorcycle you are looking for,
    dude.. While you are doing the searching, you can figure out the players on
    this newsgroup and choose up sides.. OK

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jul 7, 2005
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