What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    "Result" of what ? A requiest for a tax review ? ROTFL.. That's terribly
    funny.. gawd damn.. You clowns neither one have ever Closed on property..
    You don't even know the difference between liabilities and debits.. sheesh..
    Keep digging, Lightweight.. that hole is getting too damn deep for either
    one of you to see out of.. LOL
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    gosh Bill, that wasn't very snappy, now was it. Aren't getting tired of
    being the puppet are you ? Well, you can't stop, you're obsessed by
    thoughts planted in your head by other people. LOL.[/QUOTE]

    Dance away.. fat boy.. See you this weekend.. LOL
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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  3. Three three outcomes I posted from his appeal are all true, and
    they're all benefits for him. You still haven't said what you'd have
    done different.

    And now you're calling me a liar, claiming that *I* don't even own a
    house. This just keeps getting better and better.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005

  4. Like a stopped watch that's correct twice a day, Bill has actually
    stumbled into one true statement in that paragraph. I *didn't* attend
    the closing on my house. On the closing date, I was in the middle of
    a two-month counter-drug detachment with my squadron in Puerto Rico.
    Before I left, I had to sign a general power-of-attorney for my wife
    so that she could sign the closing documents in my place. In
    addition, on the day of closing, I had to fax an "alive and well"
    letter on squadron letterhead to the closing agent to prove that I was
    still alive and that the power-of-attorney I had signed before I left
    was still valid.

    So technically, Bill's right - I didn't attend the closing for my
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  5. He mentioned the appraisal that he had to get done when he appealed to
    the tax board, right from the start. It was that appraisal that let
    him know the market value of his house had increased $30k. I guess
    you missed it.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  6. No, whenever I've mentioned "appraisal", I've meant "appraisal", not
    the tax "assessment" that's usually just some formula that's applied
    to the original purchase price to "guesstimate" the current value of
    the house.

    "appraisal"...."assessment". Try to keep them straight.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... If I had a bone with you, Scott.. you'd have known about it, a long
    time ago.. I sure wouldn't have come at you under the cover of being
    neutral. Some of the posts you've made regarding yourself is well open for

    I don't care what you own or don't own.. that seems to be hard for you to
    grasp.. I didn't have to call you a "liar".. you are pretty well backing
    yourself in that corner, yourself.. The "better and better" threshold was
    reached a long time ago.. You and your newest and bestest friend are trying
    desperately to get out of the hole that you both have gotten into.. Stop
    digging.. that's simple..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'll disregard the main gist of this one.. Why didn't you just say that
    you'd never attended a Closing, instead of all the usenet dancing that
    you've been doing ? I already knew that, when I commenced mentioning
    "closings" several days ago, or whenever it was.. Your newest, bestest
    friend, Chris is still so pumped up to "get the goods" on the Walkers, he
    can't get past the point that he's been sucker punched.. You were too..
    LOL.. The fool is still trying to convince that he's for real... What a
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. That must have been included somewhere that he was addressing all the
    "Closing" comments that he is totally ignorant about.. hmmm Guess he's still
    Googling, huh ? How come it takes him so much longer than you ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... yeah.. that's how it goes when you Google.. Sometimes things just
    escape you.. <grin> The real world is another place and entirely different
    than usenet..

    You can bet your phoney little ass, that anyone that has challenged a tax
    appraisal knows exactly what the difference is .. If you'd ever attended a
    property Closing, you would know.. It's all explained to you in detail..
    Liabilities as well as the Assets that are entailed in the property.. There
    are also costs and charges that are detailed and qualified.. ROTFL... FOOL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005

  11. It's more funny than unsettling. I don't have the history with the
    Walkers that Nurick, Moran, and others on this group have, but that
    doesn't stop them from lumping me in with them whenever I point out a
    logical or mathematical problem with one of their posts. I've never
    gone off on name-calling tirades, insulted their families, blamed
    Brian for the unfortunate, untimely death of his daughter, made
    outlandish claims about my income, work history, or housing situation,
    or challenged anyone to a fist-fight, gun-fight, or a display of
    riding skills. I've wrecked a motorcycle, but I didn't try to blame
    my bike or anyone else but myself. I've also never posted under an
    alias during the eleven years I've been participating on Usenet, and
    the return e-mail addresses on my posts are always current and

    Everything I've ever said on this newsgroup has been the truth, but
    according to Bill, I'm an "asshole", a "phony", "one of the two
    biggest dumbasses on Usenet", and now I find out that I don't even
    own a house!

    My conscience is completely clear when it comes to what I post here,
    so I'm not bothered at all by what the Walkers say about me.
    Sometimes amazed, and often amused, but not bothered.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  12. Cite one.

    That doesn't stop you from claiming that I'm lying about owning a
    house, or claiming that I'm living in "subsidized housing" (Does
    receiving a housing allowance from the Navy as part of my pay and
    benefits count as "subsidized"?).

    Again, please cite an example. My work history? My education? My
    income? My housing situation? The bikes I own? Pray tell.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... That's what I call usenet dancing when someone has slipped up
    pretty badly, Scott.. I haven't gotten anything confused.. you have.. and
    this Chris idiot..
    Your explanation that you were deployed and not able to attend the Closing
    is somewhat of a reasonable excuse and you admitted that you'd not attended
    a Closing..

    Trying to turn it around, now.. isn't impressing anyone but another
    Wal-Mart/Usenet Shopper .. Transferring property isn't comparable to a
    vehicle transfer, Scott.. Forget it.. Real Estate transactions are an
    entirely different world where Realtors licenses are involved as well as a
    lot of people who are bonded have to be considered.. Any agent who'd preside
    over a Closing with two morons like you guys have indicated that you are,
    would promptly lose their licenses and bonds revoked.. It isn't criminal,
    but it is damned sure a loss of livelihood for those people.. The Closings
    are designed to protect the buyer, seller and all those parties who are
    slightly involved in the process.. Yep.. my original impressions of both you
    guys are that you have never bought or sold property and are only determined
    to make someone look foolish.. As a result of that determination, you both
    look like idiots.. Thanks ..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  14. Because for all intents and purposes, I *have* done a closing. I
    looked at the paperwork before I went to Puerto Rico, my name and/or
    initials are on every page (put there by my wife as per the
    power-of-attorney), and I have a copy of the closing paperwork right
    next to me in my filing cabinet.

    To use the fact that I wasn't physically present on the day of the
    closing as claim that I have no experience with house closings would
    be silly and deceptive. I only mentioned the fact that I wasn't
    physically there because I thought it was funny that buried in your
    lie was the technical truth that I didn't attend my closing in person.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  15. Sounds great! Of course, you'll want my work history, educational
    history, and current salary before you rent to me. No problem. I'm
    only 35 years old, and I never graduated from grade school. I make
    $900,000/year as a theoretical physicist at Los Alamos, where I've
    worked for sixty years, and I sit next to the guy that invented String
    Cheese! Good enough? Let's make a deal!
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  16. Closing costs have nothing to do with this discussion. He paid them
    when he closed on the house, and they're done with. His problem was
    with the re-assessment (NOT appraisal) that the tax assessor's office
    came up with a year later. That kind of stuff happens all the time.
    The tax assessor around here re-assesses (NOT appraises) the value of
    my home every year. If he suddenly assessed it (NOT appraised it) at
    $600,000, I'd appeal it with him. The closing costs and assessment at
    the time of my closing back in 1999 would have nothing to do with it.

    As part of the appeal regarding the "tax ASSESSMENT", I'd have to pay
    someone to do "an APPRAISAL" to prove that my house wasn't really
    worth $600,000. Again, what I signed at closing or paid in closing
    costs would have nothing to do with the annual re-ASSESSMENTS that the
    tax ASSESSOR does.

    I've tried to be very clear with my terms, because every time you
    talke about a "tax appraisal", it makes you look even sillier.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    That pretty well sums it up, alright.. Several points that you have gone off
    on, though.. With all due respect, I've repeatedly expressed surprise that
    you'd become involved in these silly usenet games, I've even asked you to
    stay out of the ones where you seemed to insist .. This one, you really
    waded into, even though I pointed out how stupid this entire discussion has

    You repeatedly ignored my concern that you would engage .. No one but you,
    is responsible for your involvement and no one but you is responsible for
    the outcome of your involvement..

    You continually ignored my comments to the effect that I could care less
    about what you own or what that idiot, who claims he is in the Philadelphia,
    owns.. None of that was of importance to you, or him.. At any given time,
    you could have gracefully withdrawn from the discussion because it was
    obviously his focused agenda to discredit and/or embarrass someone.. You
    persisted in engaging..

    Neither of you halfwits can claim with a straight face that the Walkers
    victimized you and/or mistreated you in any way.. Forget it.. You did it to
    yourself, both of you.. I'll give you credit hmmm No I won't .. You brought
    every damned bit of this on yourself, Scott.. quit your freakin' whining
    about it .. Take it from here to wherever you want to.. And that's a
    gracious offer.. from me to you..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    STFU.. you witless little, usenet freak.. You've caused a pretty decent man
    to humiliate himself by trying to defend your juvenile bullshit.. You aren't
    even smart enough to realize he has shown more man in that one post than you
    have shown since you've been posting on usenet..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  19. There's nothing that his Realtor, the seller's Realtor, or Chris could
    have done at the closing last year to keep his property from being
    mis-assessed by the tax assessor further down the road. Just like
    there's nothing that my realtor could have done in 1999 that would
    keep my house from being mis-assessed next year.

    The truth is, I own a house and have owned it since 1999, and I don't
    see anything in Chris' description of his housing experience to
    suggest that he doesn't own a house as well. YOU'RE the one claiming
    that Chris got a "tax appraisal" (which would be worthless if one even
    existed), when in fact he plainly stated he got an *appraisal*, not an
    *assessment* in order to resolve his dispute with the tax board.

    But you are right in that I've never SOLD property. As I said before,
    I rented until 1999, and I haven't sold this house yet. I did
    re-finance it in 2002 when the interest rates dropped significantly,
    but that's it.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    No need.. I served in the Navy, also.. I'm still very active in veteran's
    advocacy groups.. Leave it alone..
    Just leave it alone, Scott.. We really don't need to go there..
    Just leave it alone, Scott.. We don't have to do it, this way.. I've also
    got a very valid e-mail address.. See you later.. OK
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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