What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. Bill has no clue about real estate finances. He's lived in a $3,000.00
    trailer on a rented plot of ground for 20 years. Now that's built up
    some real equity, eh ?
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    don't worry about it. he jumps on anyone that gets one of the doubleshit
    twins mixed up while confusing everyone in the world with everyone else
    when he rants to the wrong person on a weekly basis.
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    zss |>>|>>|>>z|>>|>>z|>>|>>z|>>z ssz|>>|>>sszs|>>ss
    |>>szzs|>>|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>z|>>|>> |>>|>>|>>szs|>>|>>zzz|>>z|>>|>>|>>ss
    szz|>>|>>s zss zzszzz|>>|>>|>> |>>zsz|>>|>>zzzs|>>zz|>>|>> zsssz|>>
    s|>>|>>zsssz|>>zs|>> zszzzzssz|>>zsz|>>|>> zss|>>|>>|>> zzszzzszzz|>>|>>
    szzzs|>>z|>>|>> |>>|>>|>>z|>>|>>z|>>|>>z|>>zszz sz|>>|>>|>>s
    zzs|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>sz|>>zzzzzssz|>> |>>|>>zz|>>|>> sz|>>zs|>>zssszz

    back channel of course.

    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX, IBA#288, RCOS#7, EOB
    "Of all things, good sense is the most fairly distributed: everyone
    thinks he is so well supplied with it that even those who are the
    hardest to satisfy in every other respect never desire more of it than
    they already have." René Descartes, Discourse on Method, 1637
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    Zss s|>>|>>zzzszz zsz|>>|>>szss|>>|>>|>>zsz sz|>>|>>|>>s szzzzzssz
    sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>> Z|>>sC|>>sCss Zs|>>ZssC|>>z zsssz|>>
    zssszz|>>|>>|>>hN>sz|>> |>>zszss|>>z|>>z|>>|>>
    szzzs|>>|>>|>>s|>>sz|>>szzss|>>|>>|>>zsz zzzsz|>>
    s|>>|>>zzz|>>zs-|>>|>>zzzz|>>sssz|>>. zzz
    |>>ssz|>>|>>zzs|>>|>>s|>>ssz|>>z z|>>z|>>|>>sz|>>|>>szz
    sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>> sz|>>|>>|>>s |>>szz|>>|>>|>>|>>s|>>sz|>>zsz|>>|>>.
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    It has been suggested that close family members won't out of fear of
    violence against them.
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    you have learned in 2 weeks what, time after time, people on t.m have
    been learning for years.
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  7. i'm just trying to figure the numbers.

    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>ssz|>>|>> zzz|>>ssz|>>|>> szz|>>|>>s
    |>>|>>zzzz|>>|>>|>>ssz ZzsZs|>>Czs zs|>>|>>|>>s|>>zsz|>>zz|>>|>>|>>ssszz
    s|>>|>>zs|>>|>>|>>s s|>>|>>zss|>>zs|>>zs zz|>>z|>>|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>ssz|>>|>>, zsssz|>> s|>>|>>|>>|>>sszs|>>zsz|>>z
    zz|>>z|>>|>> z|>>sszs|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ssz sz|>>|>>|>>s
    szzz|>>|>>z|>>|>> zs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>> |>>|>>zzzz|>>|>>|>>ssz
    |>>szz|>>|>>|>>|>>s|>>sz|>>zsz|>>|>> s|>>|>>|>>|>>sszs|>>zsz|>>z
    zz|>>z|>>|>> z|>>z|>>sszzzs|>>|>>|>>|>>|>> z|>>z|>>|>>ss|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>
    |>>|>>s|>>|>>|>> zs|>>zss|>>|>>z zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z zs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>
    |>>|>>zzzz|>>|>>|>>ssz |>>zszzzszzz|>>|>>|>>ss z|>>z|>>|>>ssz|>>szz
    s|>>|>>z|>>|>>|>>ssz|>>|>> |>>|>>s|>>|>>|>> zs|>>zssszz
    zzszs|>>z|>>|>>szzsz|>> zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z zs|>>z|>>|>>zzzz|>>z. zss
    sz|>>zs|>>zss|>>|>>|>>|>>z|>> zsssz|>>hN>szz zzz|>>zs|>>zs
    |>>|>>|>>|>>|>>szssszzz|>>|>> zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z zs|>>z|>>|>>hN>szz
    |>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ssz|>> zsz|>>|>>szss|>>|>>|>>zsz sz|>>|>>|>>s
    szzzs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>> zzzsz|>> zzz|>>zs|>>zs zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z
    |>>zzszsszzsz|>> |>>zszssz|>>|>> zzzzz|>>|>>|>>sszssz|>> zsssz|>>
    zzzz|>>ssz|>>z|>>|>>|>>sss|>>|>>zzz|>>ssz|>>zszz |>>zszss|>>z|>>z|>>|>>
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    he sold the wheels. knock a grand or two off.
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    I don't care who ya are. THAT'S FUNNY!

    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    that's tag line worthy!
    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX, IBA#288, RCOS#7, EOB
    Wonder Twin Powers Activate:
    Form of: a douchebag
    Shape of: a short bus
    Bownse, Jul 15, 2005
  11. or put on a set of spinners and double the value.
    uh oh, gotta talk to the appraisal district!
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    RL Guest

    You have mail!
    RL, Jul 15, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    Nothing funnier than a bunch of nerds fighting. There should be a league.
    Make some money offa it. How's yer slap-fighting?
    Wakko, Jul 15, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Wakko Guest

    All you nerds should shut the **** up before some bikers come over to kick
    your asses.

    BTW, good one on the ICMP thing. Indeed network layer. Point for you.
    Wakko, Jul 15, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Iggy Guest

    Holeeeee Shit! Are you really going to bring up hosted web pages?! Let's
    take a look at yours, you big network professional you! Can't even get that
    thing to load in less than two minutes....and that's with a cable
    connection. Your clients aren't getting shit for their money....except a
    low-rent, tow-bit bullshitting coward. <chuckle>
    Iggy, Jul 15, 2005
  16. His tax rate is now 72%, but he's being taxed on 72% of the
    *****newly-appraised value*****, which is $330k.
    You're right - a simple tax assessment won't impress the bank, since
    tax boards often guesstimate using prices from recent sales in the
    neighborhood, or simple dollar-per-square-foot calculations. But
    Chris actually had an *appraisal* done, where his particular house was
    evaluated. That's the exact thing that a bank would have requested to
    show equity.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. done got pretty tiresome, huh, Waco..?? I think so.. I would imagine
    things will quieten down somewhat this weekend.. Show and Tell.. Regards to
    the Mouse ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sure they do... Don't worry, fat boy.. I haven't forgotten you.. See you
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    I never heard of you until you decided to get engaged in the Albert Nurick
    bullshit, which has been an off an on and ongoing thing for years.. I've
    repeatedly pointed out the similarity between you for some time, now..

    (and others)
    Of course.. not to mention that little obsession thing that you and Nurick
    also share..

    You continue to call me a liar, flat out and blatently,

    Yessir... still do..

    yet refuse
    ROTFL.. I'm convinced that you are a usenet liar and phoney and I've offered
    my reasons over and over.. You are the one who made all these ridiculous
    claims and refuse to substantiate them.. You are the one that has repeatedly
    claimed that you work for a Blue Chip company in high profile administrative
    positions.. Then .. you've backed up by claiming "personal information"..
    ROTFL.. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen, Lightweight..
    If you aren't willing to back up your claims with anything more than "your
    word", don't make the claims in the first place.. That's stupid..
    Perhaps I'm a little thin skinned, but that
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... I didn't think you'd get it.. You didn't disappoint me..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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