What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. Some of those homes that have had those for sale signs in the yards
    are also appraised high and the owners are waiting for that line to buy
    them, before the foreclosures are finalized.. California had a lot of that
    going on..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Some of them are even familiar with closings and such, but you are still
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    You seem to be doing a lot of "assuming". about this kid.. He runs this
    bullshit "assuming" everyone else hasn't bought a home or property...
    hmmmm.. Don't you get it, either.. He is full of usenet bullshit .. He's the
    only one desperate to get someone to side with him or desperate to wriggle
    out of the lies he's already told about himself.. This fool doesn't have the
    dignity to cut his losses and just STFU..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    The first thing you got "lucky" about was walking in off the street with no
    qualifications or academic background landing a high profile professional
    position with that Blue Chip company that you are VP with.. Now that is
    "lucky" .. You've got to get over that little hurdle first.. Lightweight...
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Not sure about that, are you, Chubby.. It is beginning to become apparent
    that you and you newest bestest friend have ever been in involved in the
    qualification process for a home loan.. Neither of you even seem to be aware
    of what goes on during that qualification nor the closing, after the
    approval.. You clowns act like you are shopping at Wal-Mart.. Ain't so.. Fat
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sure.. that increase in tax liability sure makes it work out, don't it ..
    Lightweight ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Ol' John Moran has already pissed himself so much about this coming
    weekend, he's forgotten all these years he's been try to make the cut on two
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005

  8. What *exactly* is it that you find so hard to believe about his
    housing experience? He bought a house, got overtaxed by the local tax
    board, appealed it, had to get an appraisal as part of the appeal, and
    when he did, he found out that his home/property value had gone up
    about 10% in the past year.

    Pretty straightforward, and probably happens hundreds of times every
    day to homeowners around the country. But now you're claiming that he
    doesn't even OWN a house, and that he doesn't even know what "closing"
    is without Googling it.

    How do you make these assumptions, Bill? *I've* bought a home and
    property, and nothing he described about his experiences sounds out of
    the ordinary at all.
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    RL Guest

    7>7|>>|>>z|>>|>>|>>zs|>>zs, zssz|>>s sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz
    s|>>|>>|>>|>>sszs|>>zsz|>>z szzzs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>> szs|>>sz
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    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>zss|>>ss zzzszzszzz|>>|>>szz zz|>>zzzzzs|>>z|>>
    sz|>>|>>|>>s sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>z. Zz|>>szssz|>> sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz
    s|>>|>>|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>hN>sz|>> zz|>>z|>>|>>
    szzzs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>zss|>>|>>|>>zsz szs|>>sz zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz |>>|>>zzsszszzs|>>sz|>> |>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ssz|>>
    |>>zszss|>>z|>>z|>>|>> sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>> szzzs|>>zzz|>>szz|>>|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>zss|>>ss zzzszzszzz|>>|>>szz s|>>|>>|>>|>>sszs|>>zsz|>>z
    zz|>>z|>>|>> zss|>>|>>|>>, s|>>|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>> sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz
    |>>zsz|>>|>>z|>>ssz|>>. 7>7zz|>>|>>zzzz|>>zs|>>zs |>>zzzzzzss|>>zs, sszzzz
    |>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>NNN Zs|>>zzz|>>ss zs|>>zzz|>>ss.

    Badminton, anyone? <g>
    RL, Jul 15, 2005

  10. yep, Bill knows.

    Zz|>>zss|>>zs|>>zs |>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>szz zzz|>>zs|>>zs
    zzzzz|>>|>>|>>sszssz|>> sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>>. Zs|>>z|>>|>> zs|>>zzzz|>>z
    |>>ssz|>>|>>|>>zzz|>>|>>zzssz|>>zss|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>> zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z
    z|>>s|>>|>>s|>>ssz|>>|>>zzs|>>zs|>>|>>sszzszs|>>ssz|>>|>>, zz|>>szssz|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>>hN>szz zzz |>>zs|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>zsz
    sz|>>zss|>>|>>zz|>>|>> zzzzsz|>>|>>s. zs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>>
    z|>>|>>|>>zsszzz|>>|>> zzszzz|>>|>>|>> ssz|>>|>>sszs
    z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>z|>>z szs|>>sz |>>zszsss|>>zzss|>>|>>|>>zsz >>>0
    sszz|>>|>>zzz|>>ssszz zss|>>|>>|>> zzz >>N0 sszz|>>|>>zzz|>>ss
    |>>|>>s|>>zsz|>>z sz|>>|>>sszzzzss|>>zsz|>>|>>|>>ss |>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>
    |>>sz|>>ss|>>|>>s|>>szz|>>|>>|>>sssz|>>ssz zs|>>z|>>|>>
    z|>>z|>>|>>sz|>>|>>szz|>>|>>|>>hN>sz|>> z|>>|>>s|>>zz|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>
    |>>|>>ss|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>. zss |>>|>>zz|>>|>>zzz|>>|>>|>>
    |>>ssz|>>|>>zzz|>>zs|>>zsssz, zs|>>|>>|>>ss|>>|>> |>>|>>zszszzszs|>>
    zzszzz|>>|>>|>> zzz >NN00 szz|>>s|>>szszzz|>>ssz|>>|>>
    z|>>s|>>|>>s|>>|>>ssz|>> |>>sz|>>zs|>>|>>ssz|>> |>>|>>sz|>>s
    zsz|>>ss|>>|>>sszs|>>|>>|>>z|>>z zzs|>>|>>sszzsz|>>
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. You've been pissing all over yourself trying to convince the usenet
    world about how much you make and how important you are.. Real world is a
    little tough to sell all that bullshit to, Lightweight.. Instead of trying
    to wedge up some kind of juvenile "contest" with me, you'd be better off to
    find yourself a real job and make some money to buy yourself a decent
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sounds great, fat boy.. There will be a lot of "real world" experience for
    you at Breckenridge/Possum Kingdom, this weekend.. See ya'...
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Gotta love it.. Smells like the fat boy is really pissing himself .. LOL..
    hmm Day after tomorrow, right.. Poser ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Have you got them ? LOL.. You just made the case against your newest
    bestest friend , Chubby.. Whew.. with backup like you, that child is in t r
    o u b l e.. ROTFL
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... whew.. you'd never tell it from all the bullshit you two have
    wasted on a couple of "no weight" opinions.. huh, Chubby ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  16. Well let's do the math. Before, he was being incorrectly taxed on 90%
    of $300k, or $270,000. Now, he's only being taxed on 72% of $330k, or

    So, by appealing to the tax board and having his house re-appraised,

    1) He's reduced the amount he's being taxed on by almost $33,000.

    2) He's gotten closer to the equity threshold where he can drop PMI
    insurance, if he's not there already.

    3) He now officially has $30,000 more equity in his home than he did
    before the appraisal, in case he wants to use his equity to secure a
    loan sometime in the future.

    Seems like it worked out all around. What would YOU have done
    differently, Bill? Continued to pay the excessive, incorrect tax,
    just for the sake of concealing a $30,000 increase in your home's
    market value?
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  17. Did I miss a post? I don't recall Chris ever discussing the loan
    approval/closing process for his house. On what are you basing your
    assumption that he doesn't know anything about it?
    Scott Gardner, Jul 15, 2005
  18. you know you've gotten to someone when they keep bringing you up without
    having to do a thing. the EOBs rule his life now and he's helpless to
    stop thinking about it. LOL

    Zss z|>>z|>>|>>s szz|>>|>>s zs|>>|>>|>>s|>>szz|>>|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>ssz sz|>>|>>ssssz sz|>>|>>|>>s zzs|>>|>>s|>>|>>zz|>>|>>
    |>>|>>s|>>|>>|>> sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>
    |>>sz|>>ss|>>|>>s|>>szz|>>|>>|>>sssz|>>ssz |>>|>>s|>>ss z|>>z|>>|>>s
    szz|>>|>>s|>>|>>zz|>>|>>sz|>>zs|>>zss|>>|>>|>>zsz sz|>>zs|>>zzzsz|>>
    s|>>|>>zzz|>>ss|>>sszzz|>>|>>|>>sz|>>szz zzz
    |>>ssz|>>|>>szz|>>sz|>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>szzz|>>|>> s|>>|>>zsssz|>>zs|>>
    |>>zs|>>|>>ssz|>>szz zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z |>>zs|>>|>>ssz|>>szz |>>|>>sz|>>s
    zzz|>>ss|>>|>>sszs|>>|>>|>>z|>>z. C|>>s|>>zsz|>>z z|>>sszszzs|>>z|>>szz
    |>>zszss|>>z|>>z|>>|>> Zz|>>zss|>>zs|>>zs
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>zszzz|>>|>>|>>zss|>>zz|>>|>>szz zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z
    zzszzzs|>>zz|>>|>> zss|>>|>>|>> szz|>>|>>s z|>>|>>zzzszzzss|>>zsssz
    s|>>|>>zs|>>z|>>|>>|>>|>>|>> zzzzzssz|>>szszzz|>>zs|>>zsssz
    sz|>>|>>|>>s zz|>>z|>>|>> zzz z|>>s|>>zsssz |>>|>>s|>>|>>|>>
    sz|>>zs|>>z|>>|>> s|>>|>>zzz|>>zs|>>zs
    sz|>>|>>|>>s|>>|>>z|>>|>>s|>>ss|>>ss|>>|>>ss|>>|>> s|>>|>>zsssz|>>zs|>>
    7>7z|>>zss|>>|>>z |>>|>>z|>>|>>s|>>ss|>>|>>|>>zss|>>|>>|>>zsz
    s|>>|>>|>>|>>sszs|>>zsz|>>z zz|>>z|>>|>> z|>>sszs|>>|>>|>>.
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
  19. yep, it's gonna be a great party with lots of cold beverages, great food
    and plenty of fun for all the invited guests and friends.
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
  20. Why on earth would we want that to happen and end all the fun? Bill is
    the EOBs puppet on strings, bobbing up and down at our command. We can
    send him into psychotic tirades, make him say silly things that make
    sense only to him, even get him to go places he wouldn't ordinarily go
    and do things he wouldn't ordinarily be doing. We dominate his waking
    moments and possibly his sleep. He can't stop thinking about us, it's
    hilarious. Snappy retort time, Bill, let's hear it !
    another viewer, Jul 15, 2005
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