What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Bill, the only "thing" I have is wondering why you think what he's
    saying is bullshit. You'll take offense where none is intended, and
    go on and on against just about anybody for being a liar and a phony,
    and you never have anything to back it up. What's a person supposed
    to think, when you act all ignorant like that all the time?
    Kitchen Man, Jul 14, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Minor correction, he said he was making 125K, IIRC. I don't see the
    economy being so bad that the numbers I've seen look all that out of
    line. [1] You obviously have a different opinion, but how in the
    world do you expect to prove that opinion? You can't do it, so why
    waste all that time and effort berating the guy about things you can't
    possibly know about?

    As an aside, what Alcatel equipment do you work on? Microwave radios,
    by any chance?

    [1] (I see property values climbing like there's no tomorrow here
    where I just relocated, although the values are still reasonable
    compared to metro areas. To me, that's an indicator of a healthy
    Kitchen Man, Jul 14, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... That isn't really as much of a mystery as you'd like to let on that
    it is, now.. is it. Al ?

    You'll take offense where none is intended, and
    Who needs "backup" for an idiot as obvious as this kid.. He posts all this
    crap and within the same post he contradicts what he's said.. hmm.. Now
    that's a real giveaway..

    What's a person supposed
    ROTFL.. The bone of the issue is just this, Al... I don't really give a
    rat's ass what you or any of this sleazy assed Reeky crew think of me or
    anything, else.. I didn't come to the reeky newsgroup to make friends with
    anyone over there.. That includes you, Al.. That seems to be the part that
    amazes you flamers and you can't seem to get it through your thick skulls
    that you are dealing with a man, that could care less about any of your
    pitiful morons..

    I must admit that I've respected those that have indicated that they have no
    interest in engaging in the flame wars that so many of you cowardly assholes
    think are so cute.. As I have been treated with respect, I've treated those
    with respect.. Your seemingly eagerness to repeatedly jump into all this
    crap leads me to believe that you are much the same as the ones I named in
    that now famous introduction of mine.. Your criticism is directed toward me
    or Brian, no matter what the issue might be.. **** you Al Brennan .. Kitchen
    Man or whatever other phoney alias you care to call yourself.. Now that we
    both know exactly where we stand with each other, I'm sure we'll both feel
    much better..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 14, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... Labor statistics are readily available and the first indicator is the
    kids own version of his credentials and academic background.. Sheesh..
    anyone who buys into the horseshit this kid has spouted on this newsgroup
    has got some problems of his own.. You have just relocated and I'd lay odds
    that the salary you accepted isn't anywhere near this questionable high
    school grad is bragging about..

    You can't do it, so why
    hmmm.. Didn't you just relocate from one side of the country to the other ?
    The property values in California have been notoriously obscene for
    decades.. The standard of living, dollar for dollar is amongst the lowest in
    the country.. Been there done that and bought the t-shirt.. From
    Philadelphia, where this kid claims he owns that estate, to Tom's River,
    NJ.. is some of the most primitive and sub standard living conditions that
    I've seen anywhere in the U.S. Some of the reservations in Arizona is
    terrible, but the areas that you people seem so enamored with are
    comparable.. This kid is talking $300,000 and acreage.. hmmm.. even if it is
    so, he first talked about the house that he was trying to budget for, then
    he talked about the house he was going to build .. now he's talking about
    the house he's living in for almost a year... WTF... Yeah.. this kid is a
    bald faced liar.. Truth be known, your own little scenario isn't the gospel
    truth, is it, Al. ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 14, 2005
  5. you can't say anything about property values because you don't own any.
    30 year old $3,000.00 trailers aren't in demand, especially when the
    ground it sits on is rented. better not miss any payments.
    convicts such as yourself are in no position to question anyone's
    another viewer, Jul 14, 2005

  6. Let's use made-up examples to show an example.

    ReekyMember: "Hey, I just bought a motorcycle!"

    Bill Walker: "Now fatboy, you ain't got no motorsickle. What you got there
    is a crotch rocket that even good old fatboy Albert couldn't ride above a
    buck ten if he had to. Now a Vulcan is a motorsickle. Them Haryleys are nice
    too, I suppose, but this old man just ain't into that. <evil grin> Ain't
    that right Albert? And I'll see you this weekend... "


    Chris Hornberger, Jul 14, 2005

  7. $126k, actually. Salary plus a consistently rising bonus each year. But
    that's a lie. :)

    It's genetic, I think

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 14, 2005

  8. Let me correct bill's obvious reading comprehension problems here. I settled
    on this house last August - August 12, to be exact, which by coincidence was
    the same day the 'Wing was dropped off by the shipping company - AT THE OLD
    HOUSE. That was a fun day of running around. Settlement at 3pm in Lancaster,
    PA, I'm in Folcroft, PA at 11am waiting for the truck. Cut it close, but it
    all worked out.

    Anyway, You can see some pics, with dates, IIRC, of the house being built,
    posted during the preceding months - at http://chornbe.com/newhouse. Now
    then, I stopped posting pics about when the drywall was finished and ready
    for paint. Free time to run out to the house every few days (40-ish miles
    from where I was living) was getting scarce, so I missed out in getting some
    decent stuff of the lawn going down, final paint, final internal and
    external treatments, etc. Ah well.

    (joke) Ok, the pictures aren't my house, we just ran into some construction
    site for 3 months taking pictures. It was fun (/joke)

    The bike stuff is at http://chornbe.com/motorcycles and
    http://chornbe.com/motorcycles/gl1100, but it's all lies, too.

    The builder is Keystone Custom Homes, http://keystonecustomhome.com and I
    think full, base-model price lists are available for the new development
    going up down the street. In fact, this post on my weblog shows the field
    where they'll be building next:

    Those are shot from my back door when a guy driving a bobcat tore the top
    off a propane tank. My digital camera is a Canon S1 with like 7x or 10x
    zoom. It's about 1/2 mile away or so.

    Oh, and here I built a workbench, and I referenced having to do some work on
    the 'Wing ( http://chornbe.com/newhouse/firstproject/ ). But that's a lie,
    too, I guess.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 14, 2005

  9. Woops, Keystone's site requires the (now deprecated) www on the url, so it's

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 14, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Please keep up Brian.. LOL.. Tim Morrow checked in this morning with his
    latest little "plan".. Seems like he has finally decided that he'll be here
    Friday morning on the 15th.. But, only if I am going to ride WITH him..

    In my response, I've assured the good man that I'll be riding, and if he can
    follow the directions that he's been given, he'll sure have the opportunity
    to ride those circles around me, as well as give me those riding lessons
    that he promised me..

    Meantime.. from the cheap seats, John Moran is sweating like a pig and he's
    so excited about the prospects of getting some more mileage from all his
    usenet posturing and dancing, I can smell him from here.. <chuckle> This
    has become a soap opera and these newsgroup posers are beginning to unravel
    at the seams .. All this desperation has become remarkably comical and I've
    never seen a bunch of cowards like this become so frantic.. Sure is fun to
    Bill Walker, Jul 14, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    you're *STILL* hung up on that? The moon *IS* made of cheese, cupcake!
    *rolls eyes*
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Nah, not really. I like my job - it has certain frustrations and
    pressure some times, but they pay me well, I'm well regarded and I have
    a decent balance of responsibility and compensation. I'm sorry your
    career isn't working out as well - I can sense your frustration and
    desire to prove me wrong because of that frustration. It's ok

    As for looking around, I'm smart enough to just keep my options open.
    As you point out at every opportunity, the market place is rife with
    radical and unexpected changes. It's good to be prepared and know
    what's out there. If you ever had a *real* job, you would know what
    it's like to play in the job market.

    As for my V.P. title, I explained how the financial industry at large
    handles that. What it means is I'm a senior level guy - but damn, does
    it look great on the a business card.

    Some day you'll be able to communicate in an intelligent and eloquent
    manner about such things. Until then, I guess the rest of us have to
    suffer thru' your impotent attempts to drag down those around you.
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    And there you go again. Calling something a lie then not backing up
    your reasons. YOu just proved his point so much better than *anything*
    he could point out without your "help". Well done.
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Hmm. 38 years old. Married 15 years. 5 kids. Secure career. House,
    cars, some toys. Friends and family who respect me.

    Yeah. Kid. *giggle* You're so cute.

    You couldn't show respect if you had a gun to your head. Even when you
    agree with people there's still that subtle little bit of "let me tell
    *YOU* how the world works" attitude that comes thru'. Yeah, real
    respect. That's something that's earned and should be given freely.
    You're incapable of either.
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Well, as I explained to you... being a senior level developer and
    project manager, my team and I just rolled out a big version update to
    a critical, core system and are now in development freeze pending
    production parallel testing. Complex systems are big and complicated
    things. YOu'll learn that when you finally get a real job.

    Nah, not today. Thanks for the concern tho'. I appreciate it.
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Try clicking and reading. All those links are valid and correct.
    No, my contracting days ended when I accepted this job 6 1/2 years ago.
    As I've already explained. You really can't accept it when someone has
    a pretty decent life going, can you? Poor thing. You should have been
    taken from your degenerate parents and given to a family that would
    have helped you, loved you and maybe even encouraged you. Maybe you
    would be so bitter and angry now.
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Yeah, you ride with him, let him give you instruction, as intended, or
    maybe even you guys could just hang out and maybe try to *gasp* get
    along. But if you're just gonna pussy our, give excuses or sit and
    berate him from your front step goading him to "come on my property so
    I can shoot you or call the cops", why should he waste his time?

    Wow, you're finally right about something
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Whew.. sure is a lot of concern for another blowhard, huh.. Skippy.
    I'm not in the market for riding lessons and didn't invite Tim Morrow to
    give me any.. HE DID all that on his own..All these juvenile acrobatics that
    you are posturing about are something else that I don't need.. Morrow said
    he'll be here to ride circles around me and give me riding lessons, which I
    never invited him to do.. OK.. get 'er done.. quit trying to talk me to
    death about it on a newsgroup.. He's got the address and directions.. All
    your juvenile bullshit isn't going to change a damned thing, Lightweight..
    If Tim Morrow is so paranoid, he oughtta be a lot more careful when he makes
    his usenet declarations, somebody is going to take him up on them.. I DID,
    this time..

    If you'd just get yourself a real job, you wouldn't have all this time on
    your hands to worry about this kind of stuff, would you ? If you'd learn to
    operate all that killfile stuff and plonking business, you wouldn't even
    have to read it, either.. would you, Lightweight ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 14, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    You sure do get funny when you get hysterical.. Go find a job for yourself,
    you pitiful little usenet freak.. ROTFL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 14, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    chornbe Guest

    Cool. If you're comparing me with Ari, I'm in good company. He's what
    we, the educated and intelligent call, "Good people".
    chornbe, Jul 14, 2005
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