What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's what I call a graceful exit.. ROTFL......
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Typical Albert Nurick and Reeky wannabe.. Plonk, Killfile and keep
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. I felt all that "plonking" all the way down here, in Texas..
    sheesh.. Even all that rebooting was intense ROTFL...

    however that wont' take
    <evil grin> Who cares.. none of them seem to work very well, the "plonking"
    deal sure don't.. You might want to check with some of the other reeky
    plonking and killfiling wizards, though.. hmmm Nah.. theirs don't seem to
    work any better, but you can bet your happy little unemployed ass, they can
    sure build a piano while they tell you how to do all that shit.. LOL
    Still wanting to talk "coffee" ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well, Al.. all that is impressive as all get out.. hmmm .. I don't remember
    that you have ever posted any of the kinds of comments this kid has.. Be
    that as it may.. you seem to be real critical of the Walkers when they
    respond to the kind of horseshit that this little braggart came on with...
    Evidently .. you have got a thing with the Walkers, right, Al ? That's OK..
    no need to qualify that or anything.. It's fairly obvious, even though
    you've been a bit more discreet than others..

    Hey Al... this kid came up with all this bullshit, even when my exchanges
    with him were cordial and encouraging in the beginning.. Not really
    evenhanded in your criticism, are you, Al ? FWIW.. that's perfectly alright
    with me.. I have to admit, I don't like you very much, either..

    That little loudmouthed creep has sure got you defending and trying to
    justify all his horseshit, don't he ? LOL
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    whoops.. What happenned, here.?. First you were buying, then you were
    building and now you've owned it for almost a year.. hmmmm Patios come to
    mind.. So..now it's not $300,000 anymore, it's $330,000.. ROTFL

    But ya know... That's a lie, too. New construction NEVER increases
    Especially that fantasizing kind of construction .. right, Skippy ?
    Don't seem to be, Skippy.. ROTFL.. You just can't seem to forget about those
    Walkers, can you ? Include yourself with a few of the others that the
    Walkers "own".. If you notice ... a couple of your good buddies have the
    same problem.. For a bunch of usenet and computer wizards (?) ya'll have a
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... I believe it is a "classic example" of a lightweight getting his big
    foot in his mouth.. You really need to get back to all that interviewing
    instead of this usenet bullshit.. Chances are, you aren't any better at on
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  7. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Holy sheeyit.. Brian.. I don't like this wimpy little, lying poot any better
    than you, just because he is such close friends with Albert (the fool)
    Nurick.. But, damn.. this is ridiculous.. I starting to feel sorry for the
    nincompoop.. Sheesh.. now.. we're talking taking advantage of the diabled
    and such.. At least let him have something..ROTFL
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  8. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... "About what"... whoo hoo... A silly shit tells a damned lie,
    someone calls him on it.. right ? "you told another lie".. The dumb ****
    jumps in surprise and asks.. "About what".. And.. you got balls enough to
    call anyone "delusional" ? tsk tsk.. That kind of shit went out with
    graduation from middle school, Nurick..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  9. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO twice.. no three times.. sheesh.. I can't get off this fuckin'
    floor... <gasp> This fat little **** is eat smooth up, with STOOPID...
    Nurick.. you wanted a whole big piece of Walker.. I ignored your simple
    minded, juvenile shit for two weeks, or more.. You and this simple minded
    **** from where ever have got all the Walker, you wanted and don't know how
    to get loose.. ROTFLMAO...Holy Sheeyit..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  10. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    The same one he's been telling since he came on with all this bullshit.. The
    goofy prick is lying about a job and all that money he claims to be
    making... Ask me again, now.. you juvenile idiot..
    ROTFL... Are you confused, again .. Chubby.. ?? You and your little friend
    have got a lot in common, don't you ?
    my.. my... my.. Tell it straight in the beginning and you don't have to
    worry about anyone being able to "twist your words".. Do you, fat boy ?

    and finds
    He sure "picks on you a lot, don't he, Chubby"... Hey Brian.. quit picking
    on poor little old Albert.. Can't you see, you bad feller.. you've made the
    boy cry, again"

    I see no reason to provide him with
    Yep... that's how I found out that you were an antiques connoiseur, isn't it
    ? No telling what is in there, by this time.. That was about two years
    ago.. ROTFL..Evidently, that old boy that was laying into you on the
    newsgroup had about the same opinion of your tastes and expertise, as I do..
    He told you to stick to flea markets and stay the hell away from serious
    antique dealers.. Right, Fatso..??
    That above comment should have been "elementary school".. That "boy" I
    raised eats your lunch every time you start your usenet bullshit with him,
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoops.. the clown will be Googling for two day to fabricate this one.. He
    barely made if through high school if even that.. Go Google, Lightweight..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  12. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. That's what I call "ruthless"..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005

  13. *giggles maniacally*

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Hank Guest

    Wow, your memory is as weak as your integrity and
    self respect. Show us where I "argued it after the
    fact", or admit that you lied, kook. <chuckle>

    From Hank:

    It's nice to see you admit that there's nothing in your
    kook .sig but a "stupid little point" - in fact, a point so
    trivial, that only a desperate and psychotically obsessed
    kook would bother to put in his .sig. (chuckle) But, of
    course, you're lying when you insist that I argued the
    point afterwards and refused to admit my mistake. As
    a matter of fact, I admitted my error as soon as it was
    brought to my attention, because that's what honest people
    with class and integrity do, kook boy.
    In fact, this time, your lie is so blatant, and so easily
    crushed, that it brings your sanity into question. <g>

    < begin quoted message >

    From: Hank ("stop"@bu$h.treason)
    Subject: Re: I see the best you could do is call me stupid
    Newsgroups: rec.motorcycles
    Date: 2004-08-10 17:45:51 PST

    Tim Morrow wrote:

    I meant 180 hp per liter. My bad! I had hp per cubic inch
    on my mind too and musta got confused or something.

    So, Albert, see where I wrote, "I meant 180 hp per liter.
    My bad!"? That's not "arguing the point after the fact", and
    refusing to admit my mistake, as you and your lying, shit
    brained little buddy, itchy are insisting, is it? You know,
    you could better yourself significantly by taking some notes
    here. <chuckle>
    So now it's your turn (again) to admit that your psychotic
    obsession forced you to make a fool of yourself, and that
    you lied. <g>
    However, based on your incredibly cowardly, weak, and childish
    behavior in the past, it's a =very= safe bet that you'd rather
    eat more shit, show us all that you have no pride or self respect,
    and sacrifice your credibility - wait scratch that, you have
    none to sacrifice - than admit that you just lied. <chuckle>

    If you can't post about motorcycles, please post about
    something other than your overwhelming, all consuming
    obsession with HHH.
    Post about something of great importance to all of us, such
    as the lies, tax payer theft, mass murder, death, destruction,
    terrorism, and treason of the criminal bu$h regime.
    Thank you!



    In September and October 2003, McClellan said he had spoken
    directly with Rove about the matter and that "he was not
    involved" in leaking Plame's identity to the news media.
    McClellan said at the time: "The president knows that Karl
    Rove wasn't involved," "It was a ridiculous suggestion"
    and "It's not true."
    Yet another in the endless stirng of bu$h's lies.

    "We argued, as did the security services in this country,
    that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the
    threat of terrorist attack in Britain. Tragically Londoners
    have now paid the price of the Government ignoring such
    warnings." Respect MP George Galloway 7-7-05

    "They are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And
    there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to
    take... men with blind hatred and armed with lethal weapons
    who are capable of any atrocity... they respect no laws of
    warfare or morality."
    -bu$h describing his own illegal invasion of Iraq.

    "Brutal and sadistic? By what girly-man standards? Compared
    to how Saddam treated his prisoners, a bit of humiliation was
    a walk in the park. AFAIK, No one died or even lost any blood."
    -Albert Nurick, a usenet kook and blatant liar, on the rape,
    torture and murder at bu$h's Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things
    that matter." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

    "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them. And then
    he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did."
    -- George W. Bush

    "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the
    will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the
    Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    -- Adolf Hitler

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    Hank, Jul 13, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Who is all this "our" you keep talking about, Batman ? huh ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Aw shucks .. Chubby.. You and that lame son of a bitch have both got your
    silly asses fried for the past couple of days.. Ya'll just keep on high
    fivin' and everyone else is saying.. "Lookeee.. Lookeee.. Walker's have done
    it to Nurick another again".. ROTFL..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Talking in tongues again, huh ? I don't blame you, I guess.. You don't hold
    up your end very well.. Kinda silly, though.. even if you could read it..
    you wouldn't understand it.. Besides why post it on a newsgroup forum..You
    are an idiot. Nurick..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Ah .. there you are, Skippy.. I figured you were following along.. Haven't
    figured out all that killfile and plonking thing, huh ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  19. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    zz|>>zss|>>zs|>>zs z|>>z|>>|>>sz|>>|>>szz|>>|>>|>>hN>sz|>>
    |>>zsz|>>|>>sz|>> zsz|>>|>>s. zs|>>z|>>|>> zs|>>zzzszz
    |>>|>>z|>>|>>s|>>|>>zz|>>|>>|>>|>>|>>sz|>>szz. zs|>>z|>>|>>
    z|>>s|>>|>>s|>>sszszz|>>|>>sz|>>szz zzz|>>|>>|>>z|>>z zsssz|>>

    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX, IBA#288, RCOS#7, EOB
    "It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I
    have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first." -
    Ronald Reagan
    Bownse, Jul 14, 2005
  20. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    No, Brian. You said ping is a TCP command. I said ping is ICMP and
    that ICMP is a transport protocol. You are, once again, a liar. The
    transport layer, where transport protocols live (TCP, UDP, ICMP, *and
    their peers*) is *LAYER 4*. Idiot. The TRANSPORT LAYER == LAYER 4!
    Get it? Idiot.
    It should be clear to anyone with half a clue what those certificates
    mean. Tell me, do they already have shit on them, or are you keeping
    them for a *future* camping trip?
    Ari Rankum, Jul 14, 2005
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