What duz Ping mean

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    Bownse Guest

    don't bother with them. you could tattoo the proof on their eyelids so
    that it looked back at them everytime they flinched. they'd still deny
    they ever saw it or claim it said something other than it does.

    it's how they deal with the tragedy that is their lives.
    Bownse, Jul 13, 2005
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Phew.. now that's sick.. LOL..See you this weekend, Fatso... You do .. do
    Breckenridge/Possum Kingdom, don't you ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
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  3. BJayKana

    Solaratov Guest

    hehehe.. Sure has been putting it on your lying little ass, too.. huh,
    Skippy ?

    What a joke - Big, Tough Grizzled BW, the psycho, mentally unstable,
    violent construction site laborer, who "throws his lunch pail" at the
    project manager or engineer in a fit of uncontrollable rage -

    Now you're the hotshot boss doing the 'hiring and firing"

    Yeah, right!! Pull the other one!

    bill, have you ever entered one of those "Liars Contests" I've read
    about? Now that's the ONLY vocation where you really would excel.

    But in the fantasy world where you dwell, you're an industrial tycoon,
    a highly successful entrepreneur, living in palatial splendor,
    respected by all ;-)

    Solaratov, Jul 13, 2005
  4. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Lots of people make those salaries, Bill.
    Lots of people fret over buying motorcycles, Bill. Household budgets
    set priorities. Well, they do in the world I know, anyway. Sometimes
    people post inquiries in this newsgroup, hoping for some feedback on
    motorcycle decisions, and a lot of time those decisions involve
    budgeting. I don't know how you infer deceit from such an instance.
    Lots of people own $300K houses, Bill. Location, location, location,
    as it were. Ya live in a location where a house costs over $300K, and
    you pretty much are tied to a job that pays triple figures. An
    elevated instance of wage slavery, knowwhaddahmean?
    Lots of people do job interviews, Bill. It's how they move around.
    Kinda like a football coach at Texas A&M might interview for a job
    coaching the Cowboys. Kinda like that.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 13, 2005
  5. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Hmmm... ?
    Kitchen Man, Jul 13, 2005
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew.. That's a bad deal.. since that bunch already put me a new brake cable
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005

  7. Or he just can't resist trying to make others sound stupid.

    I'm done with these two fucks. If it's not part of their delusions they
    can't handled it.

    They're ploinked.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005

  8. Their only tragedy is being born and dropping the collective average IQ of
    texas by 30 points.

    Like I said... They're ploinked.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005

  9. He's a lost, sorry, sad old man with no perspective on reality. It's ok.

    Budget? Household? Responsibilities? What are these strange words you speak?

    Good point. This place is worth roughly $30k over what I bought it for last
    August. But ya know... That's a lie, too. New construction NEVER increases
    in the first two years. Ever! (ugh)

    I appreciate the support and factual interpretation, but like I said in
    another thread... I've ploinked his and his sorry-assed son, so I'll just
    see 'em in the quotes from here on. I'm sure my inbox will be a lot quieter,

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005

  10. Yeah, that's a classic example of pot -n- kettle, isn't it? Sheesh.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005
  11. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah.. give it a rest.. I think Nurick is finally taking the advice I've been
    giving him for the past 4 or 5 years.."Learn to ride that motorcycle"..
    LOL.. He's still trying to figure out how to get out of the neighborhood in
    Houston and all those brochures are very helpful..

    Soon as he learns how to read a roadmap, works himself up to 150 miles per
    day, and .. if he can get the oil changed on his crotch rocket, he might ..
    just might.. make it to the t-shirt party in Breckenridge/Possum Kingdom,
    this weekend..

    Of course.. that's going to be a two day trip for Nurick and it is all
    contingent on whether or not the Canadian Snowflake and the Chris fellow
    will be able to take his back.. Nurick and those guys need lot's of back up
    and it seems like they can't figure out how many it's going to take for all
    that, plus every LEO in the area.. Ah well.. that old dry hill at
    Breckenridge is going to be crowded with fat boys this weekend..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005

  12. For the record, I've ploinked you and your old man, however that wont' take
    effect until I restart Entourage (that's a Mac program, btw, before you
    start in on me for lying about what programs I use, too).

    Here's the thing... I don't just "write java".

    I write: Java, C++, C#, Perl, C, Python, VB, ASP, JSP. In addition I'm also
    a DBA for MS SQL Server, Sybase with lesser experience in Oracle. In
    addition, I've also been a SysAdmin for NT Networks with lesser experience
    in Unix domain management. In addition I've also been known to work with
    routers, email servers, security models. In addition I've pulled cable,
    setup new systems, repaired hardware, provisioned communications lines,
    interfaced with users, designed and prototyped GUIs in various RAD
    environments, and have been known to vacuum out AT&T mini-computer systems
    when they've had ant colonies infest them.

    In short, I've done everything in the "IT" World from entry level stuff to
    my current position as a senior level developer and project manager with a
    title of V.P., Software Development. Before you get all crazy disproving the
    V.P. Title, I'll let you in on a little secret. They hand out V.P. Titles to
    many people in the financial world because "back in the day" when smaller
    banks were run by people who had a self-important view of the world, the
    senior bank people would think it was a necessity to refuse to speak to
    anyone with a lesser job title. The entire financial world has a goofy
    job-title structure in place.

    Anyway, I've paid my dues and earned my wings over the past 15 years... By
    being good and what I do and kicking ass.

    Deal with it, you jealous, worthless, loser.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005
  13. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sure they do, Al.. Chances are, though. they don't do it by hanging out on a
    silly usenet newsgroup, bragging about it.. though.. If you Google just a
    bit.. there are Labor stats that will give you pretty close percentages of
    just how many ..
    Sure do, Al.. My first exchanges with this lying little creep, respectfully
    made that point.. The Greek snapped on this counterfeit nitwit, when he
    posted all that whining "oil leak" repair stuff on the newsgroup.. I took up
    for him..As it turns out, he had an altogether different agenda in mind..
    didn't he ? Nah.. this kid is phoney..

    Well, they do in the world I know, anyway. Sometimes
    LOL.. Most of us who have worked for a living have experienced household
    budget problems, Al.. Nothing strange or unusual about that.. That was
    pretty much the response I made to his first post... He took off from there
    and pretty soon that little high school graduate (?) was one of the most
    sought after and highest paid employee in the (?) industry.. That's bullshit
    and you know it.. The industry that he's talking about has been in the
    toilet since George W.Bush took office.. High Tech workers have been losing
    their jobs all over the country.. by droves..

    I don't know how you infer deceit from such an instance.

    No "deceit" inferred , Al... This kid is an out and out, bald faced liar..
    I'm sure that he will appreciate your defense of him, though.. I tried to do
    that in our first exchanges.. then all that lying and shit commenced from
    Hey Al.. I know exactly what you mean. The fantasy world of this kid,
    though.. it would seem that he's pretty well wrapped up in trying to make a
    usenet impression.. I don't give a damn how much money he makes or don't
    make .. either him or anyone else.. I'm retired, Al.. I fought those wage
    wars and job markets for a lotta years.. chicken one day and feathers the
    next.. knowwhaddahmean, Al.. Been there, done that and bought the t-shirt,
    Al.. These kids coming along haven't done anything original.. A lot of us
    have been there while they were still a gleam in their daddy's eye..
    Sure they do, Al.. Especially when they need a JOB.. Hanging out on a
    newsgroup seems to be the primary JOB this kid has, for the moment.. The
    position and salary he is claiming doesn't really leave as much time to
    devote to a newsgroup as he seems to have.. knowwhadahmean, Al ? Yeah.. I
    think you do..

    It's how they move around.
    Kinda sorta, but that is what I would call.. Apples and Oranges, Al...
    Now..Al.. I don't care if you buy into all this, or not.. There's probably a
    lot more that don't than there is that do.. I don't care about that,
    either.. This kid made it a personal agenda with me, Al.. Well alright.. we
    can do that.. hmmm...

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  14. BJayKana

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Judging by Chris' reply, that doesn't appear to be relevant.
    There are many job openings in IT, all over the country (or world, if
    your interest exceeds the domestic market). I, myself, am not
    strictly an IT person, but back in 2001, when I was actively seeking
    on the open market, I had five formal interviews (two where I was
    given an expense-paid visit to the company site) and three offers. I
    was employed at the time, and refused both offers, as I judged that
    the pay and benefits did not meet or exceed what I was already
    getting. All that was from simply posting a resume on Dice.

    Since then, I have concentrated my job search within a narrow band of
    the market, sending out dozens of applications, and in May, I changed
    jobs and location. I don't make the kind of salary Chris is talking
    about, but one of the job offers I refused in 2001 was in the SF bay
    area, at a projected salary of ~$150,000 per year, with no added
    benefits. In that location, that kind of money doesn't really stretch
    all that far. In a situation like that, paying for my own relocation,
    buying health care, and finding a $300K hovel to live in, I would have
    been very stressed over a decision to spend ten grand on a motorcycle.
    My current first line supervisor was in a similar situation, after
    being laid off from Agilent. He struggled for a while, but is back in
    the business, and is now building a very expensive home. I don't know
    why you Walker boys are having so much trouble believing that someone
    can be gainfully employed and own a fairly expensive home. I should
    point out that someone who writes java apps is unlikely to do only
    that. I'd tend to agree that if that was one's only talent, then the
    job market might be somewhat limited. Most people in the business
    know multiple languages; for instance I can write programs in c, c++,
    java, BASIC, FORTRAN, Ada, ATLAS and several script languages, and I
    am not strictly speaking a software person. That stuff just comes
    with the job.

    Now I think that Chris has mentioned that he's in northern Virginia.
    That's a hotbed for IT, and the real estate market there makes a $300K
    house almost median. I don't see his situation as being all that
    atypical. What is your problem with accepting what people say at face
    value? Why does everything anyone has to say have to be a big lie to
    Kitchen Man, Jul 13, 2005
  15. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Oh yeah.. I forgot about Al Brennan when I made that comment.. If that kid
    is trying to take on the Walkers, ol' Al Brennan is gonna support him..
    right, Al ? Be careful with this one, Al.. this kid is more full of shit
    than Albert Nurick and ol' Canadian Snowflake, combined ? Of course you
    won't get yourself too far out on a limb here, because of that "neutral
    usenet image" huh, Al.. That's real discreet, Al.. I like it..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  16. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... see what happens when you get out of pocket for so long.. We got us
    another Albert Nurick.. sheesh.. This one is outshining Nurick, even..
    Bill Walker, Jul 13, 2005
  17. BJayKana

    Vito Guest

    Since this is reeky motorcycles "ping" means you are about to hole a piston.

    If this NG were instead populated by nerds and geeks it'd mean something
    Vito, Jul 13, 2005

  18. A point to mention that you touched on, location, location, location. No,
    I'm not in Northern Virginia. I'm in the suburbs of Philly, between
    Philadelphia and Wilmington, DE.

    Wilmington, thanks to Delaware's tax laws, is becoming a mini-version of
    NYC's financial district, as well as a hotbed of Insurance companies and
    tax/business law. While it's not an up-n-coming IT mainstay like, say,
    Durham (Was looking to move there - software developers can do well there),
    if you have financial background, it is most definitely a place to seriously
    consider for a career. One of the nation's largest credit card banks, MBNA,
    is here and have displaced DuPont as the state's largest and most respected

    As for my home, it's in Southern Chester County, nicely located old-woods
    and old-farm land being sold off and divided. This close to two cities (40
    miles to Philly, 15 to Wilmington) and the migration from Delaware County,
    PA and northern Delaware out this way, the land prices are skyrocketing. So,
    I got in as early as I could, still later than some, and am happily sitting
    here in a 2400 sq. foot home on .4 acres. The entire development... The
    entire area... Is appreciating like crazy.

    I'm happy to have a little less disposable cash now for the bank roll and
    security this place could earn me in a few years. Like I said... It's
    already (roughly) worth $30k more than I purchased it for last year. In 11
    months. The woman across the street has *way* more options and such, and
    just did a re-fi and walked away with something like $55k cash. She's in
    hock for the full boat, but she and her husband are using that money to get
    their own business off the ground - while they both maintain their current
    jobs. They're gonna do pretty well for themselves.

    Plus, this neighborhood is one of those quiet, off-the-beaten-track places
    where you can still leave your doors unlocked and the kids are all known to
    all the neighbors and you can trust the people around you. My little slice
    of heaven, so to speak.

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005
  19. Yeah, when you get into one of the major urban areas, it's amazing how far
    money *won't* go. My sister-in-law used to live in center city philly and
    was paying $2200/month for an apartment that was *TINY*. People who don't
    really live or work in the cities are shocked to find out what things go

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005
  20. :) Good point. It's *all* about octane and compression!!

    Chris Hornberger, Jul 13, 2005
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