What do you think about bikes that go past you on the left in your lane.

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by SloCoach, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. SloCoach

    SloCoach Guest

    I know it's against the road rules, but what do you folks think of people
    that do it to you?

    I ask because I regularly see a beaten up 'blade on my way to work (Sydney,
    Victoria Road) diving through the traffic going for every gap. This morning
    he went past me on the left in my lane, yes we were moving. Now I'm inclined
    to think that my lane is my lane and only a twonk shares it with me if we're
    moving, I may of course wish to swerve left to avoid some hazard in the road
    and I could do without some impatient git being there when I do so.

    So, what do you think, reasonable behaviour or not? Should I attempt to
    voice my opinion to the gentleman in question ( not that I'm likely to catch
    him mind you)

    If you are the aformentioned gentleman, consider my opinion voiced and
    please be a bit more considerate when you dive past me, try someone elses
    lane next time.

    And yes I've seen you take the pavement route when the road is blocked.

    SloCoach, Sep 16, 2004
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  2. SloCoach

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I think people who go up the left, in the emergency lane or in the bicycle
    lane are dickheads but I think car drivers who try and make something of it
    are faaar bigger dickheads!
    Just turn up your stereo, relax, and don't try to be boss-of-the-world.
    Knobdoodle, Sep 16, 2004
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  3. SloCoach

    Bobby Guest

    Yeah, who cares, SloCoach.You're just a whinger cos this guy owns you on the
    road. I say good luck to him.
    Bobby, Sep 16, 2004
  4. SloCoach

    GB Guest

    On the (thankfully very occasional) days that it happens
    to me, I think to myself "****, I wish I didn't have
    to take the car today."

    Most days, I take the bike, and do that to other folks
    in cars.

    GB, Sep 16, 2004
  5. SloCoach

    SloCoach Guest

    ahoo.com> wrote in
    Why do you think I was in a car?

    Look I have no issue with the bloke wanting to cut through the traffic
    quicker than me, it's his life after all. It's when it puts me at an
    increased risk that it pisses me off a bit. It's bad enough with cars
    wandering into your lane without some twonk justifying all the cage drivers
    assumptions about bikes and their cavalier attitude to road rules.

    Anyway, I'm over it now, just thought I'd vent a bit.

    SloCoach, Sep 17, 2004
  6. SloCoach

    SloCoach Guest

    They are, but I wasn't one of them. I wasn't talking about the bicycle lane
    or emergency lane, heck I do that sometimes. I was talking about my lane,
    the one I was doing about 30kph in... on a bike...without a stereo.

    Doesn't that piss you off when it happens to you? Or doesn't it?

    SloCoach, Sep 17, 2004
  7. SloCoach

    SloCoach Guest

    The point was, that it could have done, if I had swerved to avoid a pothole
    or something. You just don't expect there to be anyone there. I know it's
    unlikely but it does show some disrespect doesn't it. And yes of course I
    mirror and head check if I'm changing lanes but I wasn't changing lanes,
    it's _my_ lane.
    That's all really, made me jump I guess. It's not a really big thing, I just
    thought I would ask what anyone else thought of the practice of undertaking
    other bikes, when moving. The maneuver was all over quickly and hopefully he
    had acertained that I was probably not just about to change road position,
    but the point is that I might have. There may have been diesel spilled or
    something, if there had it could have got messy.

    I guess I do get a bit wound up when I see people "cheating". I'll try to
    get over it. The thing is this kind of behaviour is the sort of thing that
    causes the cage drivers to get irate about "bloody" bikes and in turn gets
    the police unfairly targetting riders.

    Anyway, I'll stop whinging now.

    SloCoach, Sep 17, 2004
  8. SloCoach

    SloCoach Guest

    I'm a pom, it's a hard habit to break. As for luck I reckon he needs it.
    Judging by the state of the bike he's used up a few lives already.

    SloCoach, Sep 17, 2004
  9. SloCoach

    SmeeR1100s Guest

    It doesn't piss me off per se but I am concerened about renegade riders
    who come up slipstream behind you then scream past you on the left. Like
    you have said if you set yourelf to then change your position in the lan
    and someone rear ends you then it can get messy.
    Usually if the other rider has a loud pipe i am aware of his presence so
    I do the headchecks mirror checks etc.
    Just go with the flow there isnt much you can do about it.
    SmeeR1100s, Sep 17, 2004
  10. SloCoach wrote:

    I think you have a valid concern there as you wouldnt expect anything
    else to be there (as you said).

    Try not to get wound up though, as that causes all sorts of bad shit
    (although its very hard at times) :)
    The Last Gunslinger, Sep 17, 2004
  11. I have your answer!!!

    2 options:
    1: trade in your current bike for a smokey old 2-stroke. (RZ500 would be
    a good option.)

    2: make your fuel a 50:1 mix of fuel/engine oil.

    No one will want to follow you so closely that they can do that to you if
    you're belching that much smoke.
    James Mayfield, Sep 17, 2004
  12. SloCoach

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Oh fair enough; no in that situation I can get extremely pissed off.
    I had one little prick who used to "buzz" me by zapping past at about
    50kph-over-the speed limit inches away from my in my lane (while I was
    doing 60kph).
    I haven't seen him since the last time he did it and I caught up and tried
    to run him into the back of a truck so I don't know if he still does it....
    but if he does I will bite my lip and try to be calm.
    Knobdoodle, Sep 17, 2004
  13. SloCoach

    sharkey Guest

    Inches away? This explains the BMW! (and how that throttle body
    got knocked off ...)

    sharkey, Sep 17, 2004
  14. SloCoach

    Bobby Guest

    shutup slocoach. i ride my bike for speed not so i can get stuck behind some
    slocoach on the road. theres plenty of room for two bikes to fit in one lane
    so overtaking should not be a problem. you just need to look in ya rear view
    mirrors so ya dont get a fright next time. nuff said
    Bobby, Sep 17, 2004
  15. I agree with you whole-heartedly. Apart from the race track (where there
    are no lanes anyway) my lane is MY lane. I use the WHOLE lane for
    buffering, obstacle avoidance and even visibility. I think that one bike
    passing another on the left (or even on the right in the same lane) is
    rude, inconsiderate, and courting danger.


    PeterC [aka MildThing]
    '81 Suzuki GS450-s
    '87 BMW K100RT

    Peter Cremasco, Sep 17, 2004
  16. SloCoach

    Bobby Guest

    says the bmw rider pffft.

    Bobby, Sep 18, 2004
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