What causes this?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Anonymous, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Anonymous, Apr 17, 2008
    1. Advertisements

  2. Anonymous

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm just guessing that this was won in a raffle and the person didn't
    ride. Taxes came due and the IRS came looking to collect on their
    portion of the "winnings".

    Just a guess...

    Another likely scenerio would be if the person knew a guy who knew a
    guy who once worked at the dealership and got a "great deal" on a
    brand new "last year" model and the person thought he could make a
    couple thousand bucks to buy and then sell.

    Who knows. You can be sure the "truth" won't come out from the
    Brian Walker, Apr 17, 2008
    1. Advertisements

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm just guessing that this was won in a raffle and the person didn't
    ride. Taxes came due and the IRS came looking to collect on their
    portion of the "winnings".

    Just a guess...

    Another likely scenerio would be if the person knew a guy who knew a
    guy who once worked at the dealership and got a "great deal" on a
    brand new "last year" model and the person thought he could make a
    couple thousand bucks to buy and then sell.

    Who knows. You can be sure the "truth" won't come out from the

    Those are pretty good guesses. Of course, the owner
    wants to keep the bike new(0 miles) to preserve the
    price as close to MSRP as possible.

    It does say the bike has <5 miles. The odo image app-
    ears to show 1 mile.

    It also says - "Need to sell to get out from under pay-

    But, there's a reason why am Oklahoma bike needed
    to enlarge its advertising area by appearing in the Dal-
    las site also ???
    Anonymous, Apr 17, 2008
  4. Anonymous

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Annoymuss responds to Brian: ''But, there's a reason why am Oklahoma
    bike needed to enlarge its advertising area by appearing in the Dal- las
    site also ???

    ========Simple, he wants to get rid of it,per-haps it is 'too much of a
    Barge for him to ride. Perhaps he ''just thought'' he wanted a big ol'
    tour-packaged motorsikel. <g> MrjayTFuss.
    Mr. JayT, Apr 17, 2008
  5. Anonymous

    bj_kana Guest

    ==Shore cood be..
    bj_kana, Apr 18, 2008
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