[QUOTE="wessie"] In fantasy land, yes. However, back in the real world, is it right to force someone to take a job that they do not want? Is it right to force an employer to give a job to a lazy waster? That's what will happen if your policy of "no unemployed" is implemented. Most of the half million jobs that Champ refers to are part time, service sector jobs, i.e. crap hours, crap pay. If I was an employer, I would be far happier employing a keen person, regardless of where they came from, who really appreciated the job rather than tolerating someone, allocated by the Job Centre, who *had* to take the job because they were about to lose their dole money. I'm sure my customers would feel the same.[/QUOTE] You are suggesting they need cultural re-education then. I'm all for it. Then again support, education and training, giving them a sense of personal worth, might kick a large %age out of their fuge. Compulsory agricultural work for the rest of them.