G'n'T, actuellement, and it's completely empty. I'm just off to molish a refill and load the dishwasher. -- Platypus - (unreal) VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200 DIAABTCOD#2 GPOTHUF#19 BOTAFOS#6 BOTAFOT#89 FTB#11 BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is this some kinda West Country slang for ejaculating inside one's lawfully bedded wife?
berlin.de: Plenty of jobs going in Cardiff. Can they get the unemployed from Merthyr Tydfil to get on a bus/train [1] to take the jobs? Can they ****. Why would they want to travel so far when they can stay at home, claim the dole and go to the supermarket to wind up SteveH? [1] 24 miles
Fucking weekend mountain-biking, pseudo-cyclist, health-trip , ego-trip, middle-class, middle-income, middle-way, middle-weight, middle-of-the-road scum sucking scuzzball cunts. Answer your question?
Two shags in the one year? You're having a giraffe... -- Platypus - (unreal) VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200 DIAABTCOD#2 GPOTHUF#19 BOTAFOS#6 BOTAFOT#89 FTB#11 BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
Offer the job, offer all the support required, stop the dole and housing benefit money. Simple really.
Easier to claim incapacity, innit. Fucking scum, the lot of 'em. Especially in Merthyr where every fucker has a limp and a stick. <shakes fist>
Nod's as good as a wink... -- Platypus - (unreal) VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200 DIAABTCOD#2 GPOTHUF#19 BOTAFOS#6 BOTAFOT#89 FTB#11 BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
Heh. Surprised her. Surprised me too... Err, haven't tried that. Does it hurt? -- Platypus - (unreal) VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200 DIAABTCOD#2 GPOTHUF#19 BOTAFOS#6 BOTAFOT#89 FTB#11 BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
wessie wrote Prolly for the same reason that the business in Cardiff who can't fill it's jobs don't move to Merthyr.
SteveH wrote Which is a gross exaggeration. Why it was me who not so long ago posted details regarding Burnley being the place in the uk with the highest ratio of registered cripples. 1 in three households I believe it was.
In fantasy land, yes. However, back in the real world, is it right to force someone to take a job that they do not want? Is it right to force an employer to give a job to a lazy waster? That's what will happen if your policy of "no unemployed" is implemented. Most of the half million jobs that Champ refers to are part time, service sector jobs, i.e. crap hours, crap pay. If I was an employer, I would be far happier employing a keen person, regardless of where they came from, who really appreciated the job rather than tolerating someone, allocated by the Job Centre, who *had* to take the job because they were about to lose their dole money. I'm sure my customers would feel the same.