Westminster Council to charge for bike spaces

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by MA, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. MA

    MA Guest

    According to London Tonight, Westminster Council will soon charge about
    £1.50 for using one of their bike spaces. They will use the money to provide
    somewhere to lock your bike to and provide more spaces You can buy an annual
    pass for £100.
    MA, Jan 3, 2007
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  2. Fucking wankers.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 3, 2007
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  3. MA

    Kiran Guest

    I think it's going to be £150 per year for a pass. And they'll only charge,
    or so they say, once they've installed lots of new spaces, locking places
    etc etc. And it'll take 6 months to do and cost them over £1m. If that's all
    true, and they really are seriously going to increase security and
    availability of spaces, £150 pa is **** all compared to the other running
    costs of a bike [1]

    [1] Although I do think the pass ought to be transferable between bikes.
    Kiran, Jan 3, 2007
  4. This is their second attempt at doing this. They ran a trial of paid
    parking in the St James Park area with specially installed barriers and
    sunken anchors to chain your bike to. Unfortunately you had to pay and
    they employed wardens to ticket your bike if you didn't comply. The
    whole thing was a failure because people simply parked as close to the
    area as they could where free bays still existed.

    While some people may have no choice in certain areas of Westminster
    where people are near a borough boundary they will simply park just
    outside the Westminster boundary.

    This whole thing stinks but as we seemingly now have to pay for
    absolutely everything and employ endless numbers of people to enforce
    the rules I can imagine they might get away with it this time. Expect
    the next "safety" based restrictions on bikes to emerge from TfL in the
    future if Westminster get away with this. Kensington and Chelsea will
    then follow once their borough is slapped with the expanded Congestion
    Charge Zone from mid February and they can assess what has happened to
    PTW usage and parking. Camden will probably follow suit as well as
    they are now a Tory borough and will wish to follow Westminster's
    pioneering example.
    Paul Corfield, Jan 3, 2007
  5. Wouldn't surprise me. When I dealt with K&C they were making around thirty
    million quid a year on parking, iirc. One of the reasons they opposed the
    extension of the CC zone.

    TfL are a total bunch of tossers. Out here in the sticks of Greater London
    our transport has got far worse since the Gracious Leader seized power.

    Alison Hopkins, Jan 3, 2007
  6. MA

    Buzby Guest

    Paul Corfield wibbled:
    Vote the fuckers out then . . . .
    Buzby, Jan 3, 2007
  7. MA

    Timo Geusch Guest

    My money's still on bikes falling under the congestion charge in a
    couple of years as us Ken needs to find yet another source of revenue,
    err, sorry, of course make the planet greener.

    This whole public transport thing stinks to high heaven - since the
    latest hike in train fares it is now cheaper for me to travel to the
    client's site on the VFR than on the train (based on IR mileage rates).
    And that is frankly a joke.

    But of course the grand plan is to restore the balance by first getting
    everybody off the train by means of the fare increases, then get them
    screwed again by charging them for road usage as well.
    Timo Geusch, Jan 4, 2007
  8. I wish I shared your optimism. If there are indeed lots of new spaces,
    with added security, it might be worthwhile. But somehow I bet they
    don't materialise. well, maybe one or two, but not enough to make a
    difference and relieve the bike space shortage that exists.
    Agreed. And it won't be. Otherwise nicking passes will be a growth
    industry. So either I have to buy six passes, or take the same bike into
    town every time.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 4, 2007
  9. MA

    ogden Guest

    If adding new spaces doesn't relieve the shortage, charging 150 quid a
    year certainly will.
    Or pay separately each time. Do you ride into central London more than
    100 times a year? And, let's face it, your level of multiple bike
    ownership is hardly representative of motorcyclists in general.

    That said, it's a shitty move, but hardly unpredictable.
    ogden, Jan 4, 2007
  10. MA

    CT Guest

    Our buses are far more frequent now than ever and all reasonably new,
    but they are *far* noisier than their predecessors.
    I live near a major through-route of Harrow and the noise from the
    buses is now very intrusive at times. This was not often the case when
    I first moved there in '95.
    CT, Jan 4, 2007
  11. It's only some southerners. WGAF?
    Soylent Green, Jan 4, 2007
  12. MA

    TOG Guest

    Oh yes.
    No. Until recently, though, I went in once a week, to the DTI in

    This is true, but far, far more motorcyclists own more than one machine
    than car drivers do. I can't think of a single person I know who owns
    more than one car. Multiple ownership in families, yes, but I don't
    actually know an individual who owns two+ cars.


    Maybe Timo.

    Whereas I know *lots* of people who own more than one bike. Not as many
    as I own, but still two or more.
    How are they going to enforce the daily permits, FFS? Presumably a
    machine will spit out a sticker with your registration number on it,
    and presumably a lot will fall off, get removed, be defaced, or
    dissolve in the rain. It's not like you can put them on a dashboard and
    lock the doors, is it?

    The only sure-fire way is to invite bike owners to file their
    registration numbers on a computer and hope that the wardens check
    properly. Which they won't.
    TOG, Jan 4, 2007
  13. MA

    TOG Guest

    Yup. As I said a few months ago here, the proposal to increase the CC
    on high-polluting cars is already changing the CC to an Emissions
    Charge, and most bikes don't score highly here.

    In terms of TEWI, of course, they score very nicely, but this isn't
    taken into account.

    Actually, I thought bike travel was almost always cheaper than rail
    It looks that way.
    TOG, Jan 4, 2007
  14. MA

    andrew_wegg Guest

    *Waves* Maggie & I have three..... Mini Cooper, Suzuki Jeep and
    Suzuki Cappucino. I guess you could say the Cappucino is only half a
    andrew_wegg, Jan 4, 2007
  15. MA

    darsy Guest

    what on earth gives you that idea?

    The current Camden council has no overall majority with the Libdems
    leading Labour by 20 seats to 18.

    The Tory's only have 14 seats in Camden.
    darsy, Jan 4, 2007
  16. MA

    TOG Guest

    Yeah, but I don't know you ;-)
    TOG, Jan 4, 2007
  17. MA

    Catman Guest

    /me points at APOSTLE#

    SWMBO and myself have 2 each. Again, not realy *normal* though.

    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 75 TS 156 TS S2
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Jan 4, 2007
  18. MA

    darsy Guest

    Suzuki don't make a Jeep.
    darsy, Jan 4, 2007
  19. MA

    andrew_wegg Guest

    DILLIGAF what anyone thinks about what I drive?
    andrew_wegg, Jan 4, 2007
  20. MA

    andrew_wegg Guest

    Pedant. Oh OK then, Suzuki Samurai - jeep shaped thing made by Suzuki.
    andrew_wegg, Jan 4, 2007
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