Well, That Was Quick (Warning, Volvo Related Content)

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Reed Kennedy, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Reed Kennedy

    jenner Guest

    It can be. Godammit!

    Hope that helps.

    Woids crafted while U wait...
    jenner, Dec 17, 2003
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  2. Reed Kennedy

    jim stinnett Guest

    Ok, goddam it, that's sounds reasonable to me.
    jim stinnett, Dec 17, 2003
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  3. Reed Kennedy

    Rich Guest

    It's properly 3 words, but they've been contracted into two or
    sometimes one like "cannot" from "can not".
    R, UB
    Rich, Dec 17, 2003
  4. Reed Kennedy

    Rich Guest

    Yes, the responsibility and the consequences are the rider's. But
    giving the other users of the roadway the best chance to see you and
    respond to your presence is part of the exercise of that

    R, UB
    Rich, Dec 17, 2003
  5. Reed Kennedy

    raghu Guest

    actually, if you guys are riding in front, the rest of us can be sure
    that you will take out every single possible hazard - be it BMWs or
    Volvos :)

    01 F4i
    raghu, Dec 17, 2003
  6. Just for the record, Moike, did the bruised parts heal up nicely, with
    no long-term after-effects? The post-accident photos looked painful,
    but I assume everything is okay now.

    In your honor, I have taken the pledge to refrain from attempting to
    remove the steering head from a Vespa with my scrotum.

    Dave S.

    1996 FLHR-I Road King

    BS#146, DOF#181, NEWT#4, KOTOR#1, SENS, CVNS G&W
    Dave Schultheis (e-mail), Dec 17, 2003
  7. Reed Kennedy

    James Clark Guest


    Yuk Yuk Yuk

    There *is* the kid who plays guitar with his feet.

    But he was lucky. He was *born* without arms.
    James Clark, Dec 17, 2003
  8. Eddie Van Halen sounded more skilled (note, not better) with one hand
    than most do with two.
    Demetrius XXIV and the Gladiatores, Dec 17, 2003
  9. Reed Kennedy

    Chuck Y Guest

    well yes. there's a pretty good video store right there.
    Had you gone THERE, you'd have been 20-30 minutes later.
    No. In boston area I was invisible. Driving cross country several
    times, I was invisible.

    In the Bay Area, you're invisible, but they know you're there SOMEWHERE
    and must kill you.

    This is why there is random lane changing, no signals (in boston we knew
    what they were, we just chose to ignore them).

    I had a CHP car almost cream me when he got onto a mostly empty highway
    (I was toodling at 65 having seen him coming up the on ramp). I was in
    the second lane. Again, not ONE other vehicle within a quarter mile.
    Suddenly, like a cat, he was COMPELLED by a higher power that HE MUST
    GET 5 LANES OVER RIGHT NOW! The compulsion certainly overroad any
    need to use Mr Blinky stick there on the steering wheel.

    Within 5 feet of my front tires he zipped across 4 EMPTY lanes of

    Do you flip off or honk at a cop? can I counterstrike with a ticket?

    Sit by the oakland courthouse where the police station is. count the
    number of police cars that signal a turn. If you've lost an arm, that's
    ok, you'll only need one hand counting 50 cars.

    I travel often in the right two lanes. As in the UK, they are the lanes
    that people don't use. As in the UK, there is a need to cruise in the
    left hand lanes. Unlike the UK, these are the "passing lanes".

    I want paintballs and designated painters to mark the bad drivers. that
    way, if we see a car with 20 colors, we avoid him. Cops pull them over
    and ticket them on general principle.

    Ooh, wait! Perhaps there's a use for RFID tags after all. Your HUD
    (see other thread) lights up with "25 RFIDs on car ahead for being
    an idiot. Code yellow".
    Chuck Y, Dec 17, 2003
  10. Reed Kennedy

    Brandon High Guest

    Maybe I should ride in front. I can clear the BMWs, SUVs, Hondas, Geos
    and deer out of the way. (Yes, I've been hit by or hit all of the above
    and stayed upright.)

    Maybe I can consciously will my envelope of good luck to cover Dave and

    Brandon High, Dec 17, 2003
  11. Reed Kennedy

    Brandon High Guest

    I think I heard about that... What were the details?

    Brandon High, Dec 18, 2003
  12. Reed Kennedy

    jenner Guest

    Nice tight right hander. He was on the BMW and I was cooking along behind
    him on the hack. This is the clue folks. I was pushing it hard but I was
    on a 1975 BMW R90/6 with a hack. He wasn't going too fast. I don't know
    the reason but I saw his front tire tuck -- hard. I'm talking about six
    inches to the left. I swore I was watching him fall. He didn't.
    jenner, Dec 18, 2003
  13. Reed Kennedy

    NZMSC Guest

    Let's get this straight: I'm NOT saying that a jacket is not a very important
    piece of riding gear.

    What I *am* saying is that too many riders do not realise the vital importance
    of riding pants.

    It is MOST unlikely that a rider will buy only pants and not a jacket ... but
    not vice versa.

    What I am saying is, PLEASE buy both.
    NZMSC, Dec 18, 2003
  14. Reed Kennedy

    NZMSC Guest

    Well, I don't know if I'd say that wasn't a crash but we all have difference levels of
    risk acceptance.
    No, I won't/can't tell you that you are wrong. Indeed, the only one who can tell you
    whether you are wrong would be Reed. It's his risk assessment and management.

    But, hey, did anyone ever tell you that you shouldn't do all those wheelies and ride
    like that because THEY thought that you shouldn't be taking those risks?

    If that didn't piss you off, even ever so slightly, then please feel free to continue to
    try to bully Reed about the amount of risk he should be taking... <G>
    NZMSC, Dec 18, 2003
  15. Reed Kennedy

    Margaret M. Guest

    And so eloquently...
    Margaret M., Dec 18, 2003
  16. Reed Kennedy

    Margaret M. Guest

    Subject: Full Disclosure
    Margaret M., Dec 18, 2003
  17. Reed Kennedy

    muse Guest

    Then, you can also use a black and decker drill for your
    picking hand. A variable speed model would probably work
    the best.
    muse, Dec 18, 2003
  18. Hmmmm..... you've crashed doing wheelies on a major street. You've crashed
    when hit on the streets. You apparently still wheelie, and you apparently
    still ride. And you apparently still post.

    Do you think Reed's needs and your are all that different? Oh yes, he
    doesn't ride scooters and belong to a group that calls itself the Vampires.
    That would be a difference.

    Too much for you to let other people enjoy the sport at whatever level they
    want to participate? Seems you didn't much like it when I toasted you for
    doing wheelies on public streets where your thrown away bike could have
    caused others to have an accident and be injured. That was apparently o.k.
    for you to do, and no one should criticize you, or suggest that you're a
    public menace and should give up riding for your own safety and that of the

    But Reed, hey that's different. He has accidents..............

    Larry W.

    (apparently sarcastic prick # 2 this morning)
    REInvestments, Dec 18, 2003
  19. Yeah, if you're a big fan of quoting Popeye.
    REInvestments, Dec 18, 2003
  20. Reed Kennedy

    James Clark Guest

    You might want to verify that with Bartlett's.
    James Clark, Dec 18, 2003
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