The online SORN thing that is. Now that I have the F650 the K can stay tucked up for the winter. Used the online SORN system to do the deed and it all went suprisingly easily. The car is due for re taxing too at the end of the month but apparently you have to have one of the "new" style MOT certs to use the online facility, and of course mine is the old style hand written type. -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)
My SORN reminder didn't have a reference number on it, so I had to go and find the registration document, not quite so painless.
same here but the v5's in the PC desk draw. Plus I scan important docs to PC just in case the originals get lost / damaged. -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)
"drawer " that is of course -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)
And surely that gives the lie to the accusation that all BMW riders are boring. Can't wait for your next adventure, mate. Got any plans? Maybe renewing insurance or summat?
In The general idea was to let others know that SORNing via the web was easy .... -- Steve Parry K100RS SE F650 (not forgetting the SK90PY)