I went over to Aberystwyth on Monday with some friends to poke around a few of the old mines in the area. All went fine until someone suggested we take the mountain road from Rhayader to Cymystwyth (single track with passing places) and it started pissing down. I discover that the ZZR brakes don't actually work in the wet. Not unless you apply the brakes about 100 yards before you actually need them so the discs/pads have a chance to dry off. -- Malc Rusted and ropy. Dog-eared old copy. Vintage and classic, or just plain Jurassic: all words to describe me.
I love it up there. Haven't managed to get up really early on a Sunday morning for a run at it this year, though. Used to get to drive it every couple of weeks in my last job.
so do I - it makes a nice circuit from here if you combine it with the Tregaron to Abergwesyn (or Llandovery via Llyn Briane) road that runs parallel to it.
@mid.individual.net: see reply to Krusty - there's a road parallel to it, a few miles to the south that makes a nice circuit.
Not quite http://tinyurl.com/37dm7ph rejoins the Elan Valley road. I'm sure the scenery would have been great had I a) been able to see it through the misted up glasses and pouring rain and b) been able to look anywhere other than the road ahead to give me a chance to stop some time before I crashed. Still at least my sphincter functions well. -- Malc Rusted and ropy. Dog-eared old copy. Vintage and classic, or just plain Jurassic: all words to describe me.
(SteveH) wrote in : worth going back a few times as there are a number of alternative ways to get back east/south. I've just been looking on google streetview and there are a few tarmac sections I haven't been on yet. I'd love to come out to play on the weekend but I've got too much on what with visitors & coursework
Wotcha. One of my favourite roads too. http://www.moonshiners.org.uk/cheeryroad.htm http://www.moonshiners.org.uk/creepyroad.htm I'll be glad when I can ride along there once again.
I did it this morning. It was fucking cold. Brief summary, with a few pics, here: http://vfr750fv.blogspot.com/
(SteveH) wrote in : It was. I put the heating on before taking a shower. that's a nice circuit - I go over Eppynt quite often as it make a nice loop from here. Did you enjoy the Devil's Staircase?
I just took the pads out and replaced them with EBC ones. The ones I took out were Armstrong GGs. A quick google reveals nothing good about them at all. -- Malc Rusted and ropy. Dog-eared old copy. Vintage and classic, or just plain Jurassic: all words to describe me.