Well.. Now I Know

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest


    Now Ed that's kind of cold consider Bill is a Civil Wa... I mean Korean
    War vet. We ought to respect our ancie... I mean our 'elders' and show
    them utmost respect. ;-)

    Hey Bill - I've been enjoying the thread. Maybe the bozos will stop back
    in and can start another long thread. :cool:

    Bill 'C.'
    Bill Cattell, Nov 17, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nah.. I think it has just about played itself out.. <chuckle>

    You shoulda been along on that solo ride I just made, down into
    Mexico, Bill C.. I gotta say that ride was mixed with a little bit of
    all of it.. good, bad and just about everything in between.. lol

    Next time you get yourself a long weekend or a few days off..
    let me know and we'll run down to the border.. There's a crew
    from around Monterrey that are sure good road partners.. It
    is surprising how much riding they do and all the motorcycle
    activity that's going on down there.. Three weekends running
    there were events going on in Saltillo (seems like there is al-
    ways something going on there), Leon (which is furthur down
    in the country, near Guadalajara) and Nuevo Laredo (right on
    the border)..

    On my trip, going and coming.. I had the opportunity to ride
    with guys that were either coming from or going to one of
    those meets.. Couldn't ask for better company..

    As soon as I get de-toxxed from this last little run down there
    I'll be about ready to take another shot at it.. Who knows.. we
    might be able to gather up enough of these tx.motorcycles
    "sycophants".. whatever that is.. to run a crew down there to
    enjoy some of that south of the border hospitality.. A couple
    of those guys have assured me that they'll throw one helluva
    party for us, anytime we show up..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 17, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    That sounds like a plan. I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to
    do a run south and what better company than the Walker clan.

    FWIW - I think we ought to start adding Sycophantand a number (you'd be
    #1) to our signatures, just to help keep folks straight about which
    psycophant they're talking about.

    I'm thinking Thanksgiving weekend would be good. We know that we all pig
    out on T-day with turkey, pie, etc, etc. Bike riding would be a good way
    to excersise those extra pounds away. ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Nov 17, 2007
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Depending on which crossing you use, it's about 450 miles to the
    border.. Those good riders from Monterrey would hook up with us
    there and the fiesta would commence.. They always ride with at
    least one chase vehicle and are hauling at least one spare bike, just
    in case.. lol.. Those guys are amazed that gringos' are not used to
    not having a motorcycle dealer handy, all over the place..
    I wouldn't want to let on, but I'm not real sure what a "sycophant" is.. lol
    Being lazy as I am and too computer ignorant to google stuff like that,
    Me and the Green Vulcan should be close to 100 % by Friday, so we
    might have a plan working, here.. Keep in touch and see how it develops..
    Bill Walker, Nov 17, 2007
  5. Bill Walker

    Anonymous Guest

    Anonymous, Nov 17, 2007
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Nov 17, 2007
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