Well.. Now I Know

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Jerry, Nov 15, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    BryanUT Guest

    BryanUT, Nov 15, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    Yeah buddy. Ole BryanUTfuss, has really helped out to boost the T.M
    ratings. He took every ''stink bait'' Bill threw out to him. Bill
    said he was gonna help ''me'' out. Good job Bill-!- =Shoot,I've never
    read so many odd responses by the old dude up in Utah land. Thanks
    BryanUtfuss. -chuckle- /bjay/
    bj_kana, Nov 15, 2007
  4. Bill Walker

    BryanUT Guest

    Well okay, I always thought a pictures was worth a 1000 words.

    First picture is me at Miller Motorsport Park in Tooele UT demo riding
    a ULY and riding my F4i.

    Second picture is a self potrait riding in Arches Nat'l Park last

    The third picture is me leading a group of riders from Reeky over the
    top of the Uintah Mountains at about 11k feet. Two riders from
    Canada, 2 from WI, 1 from MI and myself from UT.

    I only get to take one big trip a year, thanks for the offer but TX
    isn't on the list. Missouri for a High School reunion and / or TN to
    see family are a much higher priority.

    Plus the threat of being physically assualted doesn't really appeal
    to me.
    BryanUT, Nov 15, 2007
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's ok, Bjay.. <taking an humble bow> That's how you gotta do it
    sometimes.. I sure hope you've reconsidered that resignation..
    Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2007
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2007
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    It's about time you showed up.. Been about ready to call the bride and
    see what's up.. How's that trike project coming along ? And.. more
    importantly.. how you been feeling since we talked last ? I tried to call
    you a time or two and I guess I can't work telephones any better than I
    mess with this damned computer.. The mexican asked me about you
    the other day.. Still got that spare bedroom and you are always wel-

    For some reason, you were on my mind on that last little ride down
    south.. I was a day late getting back and the mexican was ready to
    pull a Cookie.. Took me a couple of days to get her cooled down..

    That ride sure took the wind out of my sails for a while.. Still haven't
    fully recovered.. As much as I enjoyed all the visiting down there..
    I've come to the conclusion that I might be in the market for one of
    those three wheelers.. hmmm.. You and I just might have to re-eval-
    uate and make some adjustments to the lifestyle, do you suppose ?

    Good to see you back on here, Jerry.. Take care, pard..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2007
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    My impression is that you haven't been on usenet very long.. But, yeah.. I'm
    one of the few that don't put up a usenet show and buy into some of the
    usenet bullshit that you come on with.. And.. I'll back up what I say IRL..
    I haven't hunted anyone down at home or their place of work, but. I actually
    ride a motorcycle and if you are out and about on one, you just might be
    running into me.. When that happens.. be sure that you haven't written a
    bunch of usenet checks that you can't cash..
    The man you tied into and labeled as a rascist and such is a friend of
    He's the furthest thing from a rascist than most anyone I know.. He's also
    well known on this newsgroup.. friends with many.. ridden with a lot of
    All you represent to me, is a wannabe that's trying to impress someone on
    usenet.. with some kind of phony values that makes you a mealy mouthed

    Yep.. you finally got something right.. Water seeks it's own level and you
    take first prize, there.. Those friends of yours that you are so proud of,
    stink ..
    You just keep on trying to carry water for those friends of yours..
    Lightweights like you make good fronts for them..
    Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2007
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You can always fall back on that terroristic threat bullshit.. I was
    almost as impressed with that crap, as much as I was impressed
    by the last Reeky blowhard that was going to have me arrested,
    handcuffed and sitting in the back of a squad car.. That one didn't
    work out too well for him, either..

    You and those so called friends of yours sure like to write those
    usenet checks that you can't cash, don't you ? whoops.. sorry..
    I forgot, you don't know what all that means, do you ? Try ask-
    ing a couple of those "friends" of yours,, maybe.. just maybe
    they can explain it to you..
    Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2007
  10. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    That dumbshit is about as smart as his "knows" buddy...he finds a
    bunch who's moved from Utah into Texas and claims Texas is the same as
    his ragged state's bullshit.

    Everyone knows that they ran out of room in Utah and had to go
    somewhere. Besides, we already know we have border security
    issues.....just trying to keep out the trash from Utah....so far we've
    been able to keep at least one shithead from Utah out.
    Brian Walker, Nov 16, 2007
  11. Bill Walker

    Ed Hart Guest

    Trade that green thing in for a three wheeler.Have the police stop traffic
    for you old folks to ride your three wheelers to the local market for
    groceries.Yep.I can see the future now.
    Ed Hart, Nov 16, 2007
  12. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    ==Bill, do you suppose Jerry and Louie, have started their own UseNet
    Bullshit Site, and are staying busy, trying to get it off the baryard.
    bj_kana, Nov 16, 2007
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    lol.. Nah.. Jerry and Louie have had a lot of other irons in the fire, here
    lately, Bjay.. Haven't talked to either one of them this week, but the
    last time we talked, they were both doing just fine.. had a lot of things
    going on ..

    I expect when they kinda get caught up with all their doins' they'll hit
    the ground running ..
    Bill Walker, Nov 16, 2007
  14. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Hey Bill,

    I see some of the uninformed want to tell others how to think around here.
    Morgan said it best when he said that a lot of us ride together. Anyway the
    trike is going slowly, but going none the less. Hope to have it done by

    Now see, when we arnt where we are supposed to be, the women don't take
    kindly to our attitude of "Well here I am." when we finally show up. Cookie
    was really mad for awhile. Now I see you tell us yours went all "Cookie" on
    you too.

    When I get the trike going I am bringing it down and letting you ride it in
    private so no one sees you on it. I bet you will want one then too. Corning
    on the things is different and tricky, but they don't want to tip over when
    you stop. Plus, it is kinda like sitting in the lounger.The thing is, we
    have to stay in a position of FTW (face the wind) not the other FTW. Tell
    the wife hello and take care.
    Jerry, Nov 16, 2007
  15. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Ed peers into his crystal ball and sees the future. It saddens him, but he
    is strong. I think I will just become a trike builder and everyone here can
    get a good one from me.
    Jerry, Nov 16, 2007
  16. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    No, no secret site, but I am not sure or not if Louie is planning to leave
    for the forests of Borneo and train monkeys. We are all waiting to see.
    Jerry, Nov 16, 2007
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Do you suppose Ed might grow up and be just like you and me, if he's
    lucky ?
    Bill Walker, Nov 16, 2007
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I sure like his attitude.. That big dude is smooth as polished glass.. lol
    Couldn't ask for a better road partner, either..

    Anyway the
    Did you get that building to work in this winter ?
    Yeah she did.. lol.. She's usually pretty easy going about that kind of
    but I'd had some problems with the Green One.. (hell, that thing is kinda
    like me.. old and rode hard, put up wet too many times).. Then too, that
    trip down there had me hammered pretty hard, so I wasn't quite up to par
    when I started back.. So, I guess she had reason to be concerned when
    I didn't get to La Casa on schedule.. She's not completely over it, even
    yet.. but she'll be alright..
    I'll be looking forward to trying that thing out, lol.. Thanks for the
    update on
    everything.. You take care and see you soon...

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 16, 2007
  19. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    Everybody I have met and ridden with on here are good people. We have our
    own personalities, but I like each and every one. The bigger storeroom has
    not come available yet, so I am still waiting for them to get out. I will
    get the frame sandblasted and painted soon and then I will start on the
    wiring. I am in no hurry.

    My sweet bride is easygoing too, usually. I guess I forgot that I should not
    piss her off or worry her needlessly. I wont forget again, and sounds like
    you wont either. It is easier wrestling with a bear than an angry woman.

    I am seriously considering building another trike. I have been looking at
    mine and doing a lot of thinking. I would have to get a certified welder to
    weld the neck and major frame components for me, but I have convinced myself
    I can build a nice one a lot cheaper than buying. Stay tuned, orders taken
    Jerry, Nov 16, 2007
  20. Bill Walker

    Jerry Guest

    More likely his greatest fear. Anyway, not just anybody can manage a
    personality like ours.
    Jerry, Nov 16, 2007
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