Well, I'm back

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Timo Geusch, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Anybody here miss me? No? Oh well...

    Uneventful trip if one discounts a broken waterpump and a blown
    radiator hose on La Americaine's cage. And the beers/food with
    Muddycat, of course :).

    Death Valley in full bloom is rather spectacular given that this only
    happens once every fifty years or so, as was the rest of the desert in
    the Southwestern US, which was all rather green.

    Low point of the trip was the return flight as it was delayed by 3:50...

    So, who's binned what then?
    Timo Geusch, Mar 29, 2005
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  2. Timo Geusch

    Krusty Guest

    Lol, that's a very good point - what would you do if you discovered you
    were about to get on the same flight as Timo...
    Krusty, Mar 29, 2005
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  3. Krusty wrote
    Shop him to maintenance.
    steve auvache, Mar 29, 2005
  4. Timo Geusch

    Krusty Guest

    That wasn't *quite* what I meant, but whatever floats yer boat.
    Krusty, Mar 29, 2005
  5. Timo Geusch

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    If we discovered *you* were about to get on the same flight........?

    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"

    Dr Zoidberg, Mar 29, 2005
  6. Timo Geusch

    Slider Guest

    The table would collapse.
    Slider, Mar 29, 2005
  7. Death Valley for me was a very big dissapointment when I was there 12 days
    ago. I expected parched earth with cracks dissapearing over the horizon,
    buzzards circling around the carcase of a dead mule and the skeleton of an
    old gold prospector who died before he could register his claim.

    But what did we see ? Loads of flowers and abundant water....

    ... and it was bloody cold too ;-(
    Biker2 \(Threadstopper\), Mar 29, 2005
  8. Timo Geusch

    muddycat Guest

    Yep, very nice time and nothing broke either.


    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Mar 29, 2005
  9. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember "Timo Geusch"
    <> saying something like:

    I seized the opportunity to visit the UK while you were away and tempted
    fate by doing in a SOJC.

    Nothing broke, nothing leaked, nothing went 'whang-ding!'

    I thank you for taking your holiday at just the right time.

    Btw, I'm now the owner of a 12a lump and g/box.
    You just couldn't help yourself, could you?
    Caused by a stampede of people wanting refunds and rebooking on later
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Mar 29, 2005
  10. Timo Geusch

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Opt for the DC3 flight instead.
    Andy Hewitt, Mar 29, 2005

  11. I could be very rude here, but I won't be.


    I've bought three non-running 400 Fours as a job lot.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 29, 2005
  12. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Bear scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Somebody trying out his/her new rain dance a bit too successfully.
    Timo Geusch, Mar 29, 2005
  13. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Biker2 (Threadstopper) scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Heh. I was actually rather well publicised that it looked like that as
    it's a very rare event.

    Depending on which approach you took into Death Valley there was plenty
    of "desert" to be had.
    Not when I was there. Not too hot, but not too cold either.
    Timo Geusch, Mar 29, 2005
  14. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    The Older Gentleman scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Are you sure you're OK?
    Must resist...

    Timo Geusch, Mar 29, 2005

  15. You know you're in trouble when Timo laughs at you....

    Details on ukrmc. I reckon I scored a bargain.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 29, 2005
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