....what shit it is exactly that they're coating the roads with this year, but it, (at least down here in Kent), is far more slippery out there right now than it normally is for the time of year, day or night. I've just got in from a blat on the bike... I say blat, but in the loosest sense - even after having warmed the tyres up over several miles, attempting to 'make progress' in a straight line invariably ended up with a session of rear tyre lighting. For all I know, it was just as bad in corners, but I wasn't prepared to research this as extensively. Even the Golf, which is normally very well planted and grippy, has been all over the shop at times at relatively sensible corner speeds, and when pulling away from junctions etc., since they've apparently gritted the roads. Is it just around here that's like this, or has anyone else noticed it's noticeably more slippery on the roads than it normally is for the time of year?