Well Damn

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    If I'm not buying...sure. :)
    Andrew, Jul 16, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    You stupid old dumbass worthless piece of shit. That bomb you see is
    you shitting on your own face. **** you, you goddamn imbecile. What
    the **** is wrong with you; you blather and blather and blather about
    what a big tough hombre you are, and you can't ride out to face a
    challenge from a man you freely call a lardass phony, who rode five
    fucking thousand miles to let you prove your point. ****, but are you
    the most worthless, useless, two-bit coward God ever placed on the
    face of the Earth. ****, what an unbelievable cowardly pussified
    fucking wanker you are. My God, what a waste of human existence.
    **** you, Bill, **** you and all the worthless, useless fantasies you
    weave about being two inches above whale shit. Pussy!
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Hey, this is supposed to be about bikers being a cut above the rest,
    isn't it? That's what the now-deposed Sheriff has been posing about
    for months and months and months. Now it turns out he's nothing but a
    frightened nobody hiding behind a computer monitor, who won't go out
    and ride twenty fucking miles to answer a challenge he invited on
    himself. In my opinion, being a "biker," or even a decent man in
    today's corrupt, inept society, is about being honest and upright
    about the words that spill out of one's mouth. I'll answer for every
    cuss word I've uttered tonight (admittedly I'm pissed to the gills),
    but Bill Walker, today, July 15, 2005, has proven himself to be a
    worthless piece of shit nobody lying blowhard pussy, and low-life
    lying assholes like that have no business calling themselves either
    "bikers" or "men." So help me God.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    itym "misconception".
    Bownse, Jul 16, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    Patron is in transit to NARTY PARTY.
    Bownse, Jul 16, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Buy me a ticket on an aeroplane, ain't got time to take a fast train.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    **** you, Brennan
    Bill Walker, Jul 16, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO...That's what I call blowing a gasket.. whew.. Ah Well.. hmmm..
    Where is that bomber, anyway ? hehe.. I was where I was supposed to be for
    three days, waiting for the boy to hit the ground.. LOL..Guess you should
    have come and showed him the way over here, huh Brennan.. ???

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 16, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Where's the Beef ? Reeky rules.. hmm .. Don't it ? Nah.. not
    much.. One old man in Texas done gone and made the main deal, screw himself
    crossways .. The rest of the little crew is pissing themselves.. <chuckle>

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 16, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    It would appear that you've fucked yourself. Go make coffee for your
    man-friends, and laugh about how you hid inside your home instead of
    facing up to all your empty promises. Pussy.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. What a blast.. Don't think I've ever seen so much usenet bullshit..
    Face it, ol' Tim Morrow ran within a couple of miles from me.. if anything
    he says can be believed, anymore.. LOL.. The boy just didn't have the balls
    to ride over and give me those lessons and ride circles around me, like he
    said he'd do..

    The suggestion that I should have gone out there on the highway to chase him
    down, so he could do all that, is ridiculous and makes you look sillier than
    he is.. LOL.. Don't even make sense, does it ? What a freaking joke all you
    posers really are.. hehehe.. If you are so concerned with Tim Morrow being
    such a chicken shit, next time .. tend to your own rat killing.. Ya'll led
    him out on this limb and it just broke off under him, from all that weight,
    I suppose.. ROTFLMAO.. Sorry the fellow let you all down, so badly.. I'd be
    pissed too..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 16, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    durkster Guest

    Really ? You don't say ?
    durkster, Jul 16, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Yes, of course, to be fair, everyone must take their appropriate turn
    as puppeteer. Spread the wealth, as it were.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    (durkster wrote:)

    Bill Walker wrote:

    Here it is.. after one in the afternoon.. the man hasn't shown up, but
    there've been a couple of messages posted by him on the newsgroups.

    Tim Morrow posted to usenet today ?
    The last post I saw from him to rec.moto was last night @ Jul 14, 10:27
    Maybe he had to stop to get some emergency repair work done today.
    Tim does ride a Harley after all.
    (duckster wrote)

    Or maybe Bill never accepted the Saddle Sore 1000 invite. (andrew)

    Whooo.. Hoooo...So.. that's what the story will be, huh ? Bullshit..
    Morrow got his ass called and he let his alligator mouth overload his
    humingbird ass.. Spin it, Andrew.. it ain't going to fly..

    (KItchen Man 0 Man, WOW, KM gets excited, to the point of agitation,
    to the point of loosing it, to the point of really getiing pertubed,
    below! He just couldnt take it anymore! He turned it every which uh way,
    but loose!) (grin)

    ‘‘You did it. You fucking pussied out. You fucking worthless goddamn
    pussy. Motherfucker rode thousands of miles to California and back, and
    you couldn't get off your worthless pussy windbag ass and go ride a few
    miles, so that you could prove all that worthless pussy windbag shit
    you've been blowing out your nose all these months. You fucking
    worthless windbag ball-of-gas know-nothing scardey-cat pussy. You
    fucking pussy. Unfuckingbelievable. Reckon Tim rode the biggest fucking
    circle around your worthless pussy ass that could ever be ridden.
    Fucking pussy. Damn. Well, we all knew you wouldn't, 'cause you're
    nothing but a big lying worthless stupid two-bit pussy.
    (My apologies for this tirade to all the wimmens out there, whom I
    really truly respect, just so long as you're nekkid.)
    (Bessie Smith)
    BJayKana, Jul 16, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    How's that stuff compared to Maker's Mark?


    What is it with Scotch and Whiskey drinkers? I never could stand the
    stuff, I am more of a vodka / gin kind of guy when it comes to the hard

    vodka and gin are for the hardcore drinkers... (pieFace)

    ‘Not only that, but, that stuff will clean tires, get em' nice and
    black’’ (bjay)
    BJayKana, Jul 16, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    All that wealth got spread pretty well, over in Breckenridge, this
    afternoon.. hmmm.. There were several of the Reeky regulars that sure had a
    problem spending it all, though.. Seems there is a huge difference in
    spreading all that "wealth" on a newsgroup, than when you actually spread it
    for "real".. But.. you are sure welcome to take your "shot" too..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 17, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    (durkster wrote:)

    Bill Walker wrote:

    Here it is.. after one in the afternoon.. the man hasn't shown up, but
    there've been a couple of messages posted by him on the newsgroups.

    Tim Morrow posted to usenet today ?
    The last post I saw from him to rec.moto was last night @ Jul 14, 10:27
    Maybe he had to stop to get some emergency repair work done today.
    Tim does ride a Harley after all.
    (duckster wrote)

    Or maybe Bill never accepted the Saddle Sore 1000 invite. (andrew)

    Whooo.. Hoooo...So.. that's what the story will be, huh ? Bullshit..
    Morrow got his ass called and he let his alligator mouth overload his
    humingbird ass.. Spin it, Andrew.. it ain't going to fly..

    (KItchen Man 0 Man, WOW, KM gets excited, to the point of agitation,
    to the point of loosing it, to the point of really getiing pertubed,
    below! He just couldnt take it anymore! He turned it every which uh way,
    but loose!) (grin)

    ROTFL... I learned something this past week and today.. Some of these guys
    talk it up on a newsgroup.. Call their bluff and when they look you in the
    eye, it's all over.. Some of the biggest mouths on usenet, Reeky and
    tx.motorcycles were treed on a dry hill in Breckenridge for more than 2 1/2
    hours this afternoon.. Sure was a funny show.. All that "real life fun"
    ain't near as gleeful as all the "newsgroup fun", you've been watching for
    so long.. You'll probably learn all about it this coming week.. Regards to
    you and miz Honey, Bjay.. It's sure been a "fun" day for the old Sulphur
    River Bottoms, boy.. LOL

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker

    ''You did it. You fucking pussied out. You fucking worthless goddamn
    pussy. Motherfucker rode thousands of miles to California and back, and
    you couldn't get off your worthless pussy windbag ass and go ride a few
    miles, so that you could prove all that worthless pussy windbag shit
    you've been blowing out your nose all these months. You fucking
    worthless windbag ball-of-gas know-nothing scardey-cat pussy. You
    fucking pussy. Unfuckingbelievable. Reckon Tim rode the biggest fucking
    circle around your worthless pussy ass that could ever be ridden.
    Fucking pussy. Damn. Well, we all knew you wouldn't, 'cause you're
    nothing but a big lying worthless stupid two-bit pussy.
    (My apologies for this tirade to all the wimmens out there, whom I
    really truly respect, just so long as you're nekkid.)
    (Bessie Smith)
    Bill Walker, Jul 17, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Peckhammer Guest

    Yeah baby! But I haven't had a good one in a while. So when you
    going to be in Seattle again?

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    2000 Suzuki SV650
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    Peckhammer, Jul 20, 2005
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