Well Damn

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh .. good help is sure hard to find these days.. Long about ten o'clock
    this morning I heard the rumble of motorcycles coming down the street.. I
    put on that old ball cap of mine and stepped out on the famous front porch
    with a fresh cup of coffee in my hand.. didn't even put on my cleanest
    shirt, or anything.. I'm thinking, well here we go with all those circles
    being riden around me and those riding lessons I so seriously am in need

    I couldn't have been more wrong.. two Harleys, a Honda and a damned Susuki
    were backing into the curb next to my driveway.. Those old hands set 'em up
    and dismounted .. "What the hell are you assholes doing over here" I asked
    them with a laugh.. "We just came over to make sure the odds are even,
    that's all"... was the response.. "Besides .. we want a good cup of that
    coffee, you've got made".. another one added.. Everyone kept looking at the
    watches the rest of the morning and we drank at least two pots of that rich
    brew that I make..

    Here it is.. after one in the afternoon.. the man hasn't shown up, but
    there've been a couple of messages posted by him on the newsgroups.. The
    disappointment felt by me for being let down, isn't anything compared to the
    disappointment of a few others, who were so enthusiastic about Bill Walker
    having circles riden around him and getting some riding lessons.. Damn those
    guys will be crushed.. All I can say is, next time get some better help to
    do what you can't..

    I'll not gloat or anything, but maybe it is all for the best.. right ?
    Meantime.. the rest of this weekend will be spent in Breckenridge/Possum
    Kingdom on that old Green Vulcan of mine.. I wouldn't want to disappoint
    anyone else on our little family of newsgroups.. That dry hill out there
    should be a busy and excited place to visit. Even though, it has been made
    very clear that some who'll attend aren't going to be pleased with my
    attentions, you can be sure the Green One will be highly visible on patrol
    in that area.. As soon as I get the chain lubed one last time, it is ready
    to ride.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    durkster Guest

    Tim Morrow posted to usenet today ?

    The last post I saw from him to rec.moto was last night @ Jul 14, 10:27

    Maybe he had to stop to get some emergency repair work done today.

    Tim does ride a Harley after all.
    durkster, Jul 15, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    Or maybe Bill never accepted the Saddle Sore 1000 invite.
    Andrew, Jul 15, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Could be.. I didn't read it until this morning..
    Yeah.. Reads good.. LOL.. Maybe that's as good an excuse as anything else..
    right ?
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whooo.. Hoooo...So.. that's what the story will be, huh ? Bullshit.. Morrow
    got his ass called and he let his alligator mouth overload his humingbird
    ass.. Spin it, Andrew.. it ain't going to fly..
    Bill Walker, Jul 15, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    You did it. You fucking pussied out. You fucking worthless goddamn
    pussy. Motherfucker rode thousands of miles to California and back,
    and you couldn't get off your worthless pussy windbag ass and go ride
    a few miles, so that you could prove all that worthless pussy windbag
    shit you've been blowing out your nose all these months. You fucking
    worthless windbag ball-of-gas know-nothing scardey-cat pussy. You
    fucking pussy. Unfuckingbelievable. Reckon Tim rode the biggest
    fucking circle around your worthless pussy ass that could ever be
    ridden. Fucking pussy. Damn. Well, we all knew you wouldn't, 'cause
    you're nothing but a big lying worthless stupid two-bit pussy.

    (My apologies for this tirade to all the wimmens out there, whom I
    really truly respect, just so long as you're nekkid.)
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. Brennen.. your tit must have really got hung in this wringer..
    ROTFL... whew.. I love it..
    Bill Walker, Jul 16, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Dammit! I'm pissed. I come home from a hard day at work and expect to
    see something about the meeting between Walker and Morrow. I've been on
    pins and needles...guess I'll just have to have another Evan Williams...
    pieface, Jul 16, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    How's that stuff compared to Maker's Mark?
    Andrew, Jul 16, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's what I'd do.. I keep on saying.. "Good help is sure hard to find"..
    You can bet .. the search will continue for that one .. though.. LOL..
    Morrow sure let a lot of his buddies down, when he bombed on this one..
    tsk.. tsk

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 16, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Hey, now, what a coincidences. I made an offer on a home today, and
    part of the paperwork included a signature block labeled "maker," and
    I signed it, and commented, "I'm the maker, and I made my mark." I'm
    already pissed (as if you couldn't tell), and the Professor is going
    to take me out tonight, get me drunk (more), and take advantage of me.

    Life is good.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    You're pitiful. Gawd, what a waste of your mother's conception.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    Never tried that...Evan Black Label is 90 proof..."kinda" tastes like
    Jack Daniels...and has a good price.
    pieface, Jul 16, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Bryan Guest

    What is it with Scotch and Whiskey drinkers? I never could stand the stuff,
    I am more of a vodka / gin kind of guy when it comes to the hard liquors.

    Bryan, Jul 16, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    pieface Guest

    vodka and gin are for the hardcore drinkers...
    pieface, Jul 16, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    I love good gin, too.
    Andrew, Jul 16, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Andrew Guest

    Next year plan on coming to the usgp with us.
    Congrats on the new digs.
    Come ride circles around me soon!
    Sorry I missed you on the weekend of the 4th.
    Andrew, Jul 16, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Ask Peckham about martinis. He appreciates a good one. When I drink
    the hard stuff, I like vodka and gin, usually Ketel One and Beefeater.
    Suitable substitutes are gratefully accepted.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Shit, you like that $200 tequila.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    I was busy babysitting the newest granddaughter. We had a wonderful
    bonding evening on the fourth, while Dale and Darby and Olivia went
    out for the pyrotechnics. Family is everything, dude.
    Kitchen Man, Jul 16, 2005
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