Well, at last they've given up with the lies...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Argentina had been trying to get the islands for decades and the fact
    that the military junta was in the shit at home should have sounded
    warning bells.

    A quick search helps me to find that Nicholas Ridley allegedly
    proposed a deal to share control of the islands 2 years before the
    invasion took place so that wouldn't offer any encouragement to the
    Argentinians would it?
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2008
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  2. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    The subs weren't in position in time.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2008
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  3. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    It was an effect of it.

    I was better off with the poll tax but to expect a minimum wage worker
    living with their parents in a two bedroomed home to pay the same as a
    multi millionaire living in a 10 bedroomed mansion is just not right.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2008
  4. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    So two teenagers working as apprentices and sharing a bedroom in their
    parents small terraced house should each pay the same amount as a
    single person living in an expensive detached house? That's what
    happened with the poll tax.

    I watched apprentices where I worked being taken to court because they
    were on crap wages suddenly being hit with an extra 10% tax bill?
    That's roughly what the figure was where I lived and what the wages
    were for an 18 year old apprentice fitter.
    If you owned a cheaper house you paid lower rates, if you owned an
    expensive house you paid higher rates. That seems to take into account
    a persons 'disposable' income.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2008
  5. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    On Fri, 7 Mar 2008 11:34:34 +0000, Wicked Uncle Nigel

    You wouldn't have paid any more under the old rates system and you
    won't be paying any more under the council tax system. Obviously this
    ignores benefit payments and doesn't take into account second wage

    Assuming he worked 15 years ago and lives alone (you don't mention a
    wife) your household would have paid double the amount his did under
    the poll tax.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2008
  6. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Hog Guest

    I was referring to the fact that we could have dlobbed a tactical nuke on
    the invasion fleet mid Atlantic, or more probably (humanely) let a small one
    off 10 miles ahead of them first, or simply have radioed telling them if
    they passed a certain point that is what was coming.
    Hog, Mar 7, 2008
  7. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Andy Bonwick
    But I would under a local income tax system.
    He has a wife and two children.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 7, 2008
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    I didn't say that either. I am saying that the cost should be equally
    borne by all.
    Very well, how about water? He needs that too, and he pays the same
    (assuming we're both metered) as I do.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 7, 2008
  9. Well - it did in the fact that there were means-tested rebates for
    people on lower incomes. The fact that the means testing was an
    intrusive effort that required fairly significant resource uaage by the
    local council (and therefore pushed up *their* costs) was pretty much
    glossed over.

    Rates/Council Tax are equally absurd - you can (and do) get the situation
    where people live in houses with a rateable value that far exceeds their
    ability to pay (I'm thinking elderly people here). The standard answer
    seems to be "sell the house and downsize" which is not going to be
    something that gains votes or sympathy..
    Well quite. I pay the same local taxes as my neighbours but use the
    council services a lot less (no kids, a lot less rubbish put out etc
    etc). It doesn't bother me - I don't have the costs that they do and
    it's a reasonable investment in the infrastructure of society.
    Council tax isn't based on the ability to pay - it's based on the size
    of the house which may or may not be matched by the availability of

    Phil Launchbury, Mar 7, 2008
  10. Rubbish. An example: when Cheryls mum died her house went to Cheryls
    sister. She is living on a very low income and is spending as much as
    she can afford to make the house livable (central heating et. al). She
    didn't buy the house, couldn't have affored to buy the house and yet is
    still charged council tax based purely on the current market value of
    the house.

    Phil Launchbury, Mar 7, 2008
  11. I will (charitably) assume you are joking and not completely off your
    And if we *had* let one off what do you think the response would be
    from people like the USSR? Or Cuba? Or the US? Or the French?

    In short - it would be like cracking someones skull with a 100K Newtons
    metal press. In public.

    Phil Launchbury, Mar 7, 2008
  12. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Ace Guest

    Err yes, I think so. But kids numbers made no difference. But they
    cetainly have more of a tendency to stay living together longer, and
    indeed to share smaller houses/flats between multiple occupants, which
    lead to a large increase from them all sharing in paying one set of
    'rates' on a small property to them paying roughly the same amount
    Well yes, that may be so, but the change left many people,
    particularly at the poorer end of the spectrum, feeling that they were
    paying more, which was indeed the case for many people. Badly
    thought-out, at best.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (b.rogers at ifrance.com)
    \`\ | /`/ DS#8 BOTAFOT#3 SbS#2 UKRMMA#13 DFV#8 SKA#2 IBB#10
    `\\ | //'
    Ace, Mar 7, 2008
  13. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    boots Guest

    ITYF it's the value in 1991
    boots, Mar 7, 2008
  14. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    crn Guest

    No, it victimises pensioners who have lived in the same house all of their
    lives. Large house does not equal large income.
    crn, Mar 7, 2008
  15. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Then we can't afford it, can we>?
    For basic healthcare, no I am not. But I do believe that those who pay
    more have a reasonable expectation that more should be available to them
    when needed. Payments above a certain level could guarantee a single
    room rather than a ward, for example.

    In a similar vein, unemployment pay should (for the first year) be
    related to NI payments in the preceding twelve months. Why not? If I pay
    more into (for example) a loss-of-earnings insurance policy, I get more
    out. That's fair.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 7, 2008
  16. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, platypus
    And, with perfect timing, if anyone had Francis Pym in the dead pool,
    they should step up and collect their winnings now.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 7, 2008
  17. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Now that IS rubbish - using an exceptional situation to try and
    counter a general point.
    Colin Irvine, Mar 7, 2008
  18. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Colin Irvine Guest

    It seems fair to you. The trouble is that when the basic argument is
    one of the extent to which you believe the rich should, in general,
    subsidise the poor, fairness is not a useful concept.
    Colin Irvine, Mar 7, 2008
  19. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Colin Irvine
    What an interesting statement. Care to expand on it?
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Mar 7, 2008
  20. Wicked Uncle Nigel

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    Nice idea. Let's nuke the South Atlantic and cause irreparable harm to
    the environment for a few centuries to come. I wonder where the
    contaminated waters would have ended up a few months later.
    Andy Bonwick, Mar 7, 2008
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