Weird phenomenon

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by YC, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. YC

    YC Guest


    I used Castrol semi-synthetic engine oil for my Suzuki GZ125. The level of
    engine oil was reduced to about half litre after travelling around 1000km. I
    went to a workshop to seek advice and was told that an overhaul of the
    engine is required. After getting the quote for engine overhaul, I decided
    to go to another workshop to get another quote for comparision. Before I
    moved on, I decided to top up the engine oil to avoid demaging the engine.
    Since the engine is consuming oil, I topped up a cheaper oil (Fuchs

    After topped up the oil and have travelled more than 200km, there seems no
    reduction of the engine oil level. When I asked another workshop, the
    mechanic said that the nature of Castrol oil is to burn away during
    combustion for cleaning purpose. Hence the level of the Castrol oil will
    keep reducing.

    Is this genuine ? If not, what should it be ?

    With the mixture of the engine oil (different brand and different category),
    is there any implication ?

    Thanks in advance,
    YC, Jan 9, 2004
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  2. This is complete and utter bollocks.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2004
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  3. YC

    deadmail Guest

    No, it's special oil that can work its way past rings into the
    combustion chamber. I think it's all done using magnets.
    deadmail, Jan 9, 2004
  4. Ah, right. Doesn't it counteract with the blinker fluid?
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2004
  5. YC

    Rev. Zack Guest

    No, its because of the winter air in the tires yet

    Rev. Zack

    Ah, right. Doesn't it counteract with the blinker fluid?[/QUOTE]
    Rev. Zack, Jan 9, 2004
  6. YC

    deadmail Guest

    No, the polarity of the magnetism will repel the blinker fluid.
    deadmail, Jan 9, 2004
  7. YC

    Charlie Gary Guest

    But what happens when all the planets are lined up? I've heard that's REAL

    Charlie Gary, Jan 9, 2004
  8. YC

    YC Guest

    There is no white or black smoke coming out from the exhaust. What could be
    the problem ?
    YC, Jan 12, 2004
  9. YC

    Page Guest

    Check your air filter and see if it is oily. I confess I don't know a
    lot about your bike but a few basic checks could help figure out where
    it is going. No smoke would mean that it is not getting past the rings
    and burning up with the combustion. Park it with a white sheet under it
    to see if you can identify if it is leaking while setting. Examine
    where the seals are on the motor. And finally, examine the gaskets
    between the major engine components to see if there are any leaks.

    A good old pressure leak down test should tell you if there is any
    problem with the rings sealing or if there is another problem with the
    Page, Jan 12, 2004
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