Weekend Ride Report

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by tomorrow, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. tomorrow

    bj_kana Guest

    Well....shoot.......buddy ruff.......I was just a tad surprised you
    Xposted your stuff, and a then a bunch of Reekyville fellers appeared
    when I ''DSL'd'' the group, yesterday...,. Usually it is just you,
    reedkys finest... Other than that......Tim.M, you are quite welcome to
    contribute to txMoto.......your a lotta fun......(OpossumGrin) /
    bj_kana, Sep 18, 2007
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  2. tomorrow

    tomorrow Guest

    Yep. Normally even when I post the same thing to multiple groups, I
    post it to one group at a time. Here, I was just posting a trip
    report URL, no real content - unless someone actively wanted to go out
    and look for it, and read it - and if not, no harm, no foul.

    So, I posted it to the three groups I hang out in most often, and
    posted it to all three of them at once. It actually never occurred
    to me that there would be any more than a couple of responses, if any
    at all. Stupid of me, having been on usenet for ten years or so.
    Just wasn't thinking at all!

    So, from now on, even if I want to post something to more than one
    group, I'll do it one group at a time!

    tomorrow, Sep 18, 2007
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  3. tomorrow

    bj_kana Guest

    Well, you know how those ''XPosters from hell'' get on here, and get a
    thread going, with their moknotnus crap''. Not that yours was anything
    like that atall....
    It just reminded me of some of them idiots from some nerd
    group......btw, I liked your Pics......./bjay/
    bj_kana, Sep 18, 2007
  4. tomorrow

    Bill Walker Guest

    There you go again, with that "Opossum" bullshit.. Jeez.. that's not
    good english and it's no wonder so many people have a problem
    understanding you.. We've discussed this before, Bjay.. It is absol-
    utely beneath the dignity of any self respecting Ratings Monitor to
    post such obscene vacuations of the english language.. Knock it
    off.. I don't want to have to caution you about this again..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 19, 2007
  5. tomorrow

    louie Guest

    In retrospect, don't you think you should not have promoted BJay. Too many

    louie, Sep 19, 2007
  6. tomorrow

    Bill Walker Guest

    If Bjay keeps on talking like a CoonAss, there may have to be severe con-
    sequences .. Rather than second guessing the profound decision to promote
    Bjay to the current position of Ratings Monitor, I've diplomatically tried
    smooth some of those rough edges off.. hmmm.. I'd suspect that Bjay is
    overwhelmned with business problems in the running of his Hot Link stands
    and that may account for some of his shortcomings..

    Thank you for your support..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 19, 2007
  7. tomorrow

    louie Guest

    I guess there is that Hotlink business...that coupled with the lack of
    progress, and strain, of trying to be somebody on here. You just never know
    how they'll turn out

    louie, Sep 19, 2007
  8. tomorrow

    BiffB Guest

    Don't sweat it,(not that you were, I recognize sarcasm when i see it)
    some of us still refuse to recognize a particular leader. Them
    long-haired people can be mighty hard to get along with when it comes to
    following rules and respecting ah-thor-i-tay.
    Besides, out of the area ride reports go in my notepad of places to
    ride when I get old like them.
    BiffB, Sep 19, 2007
  9. tomorrow

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. I expect this little gem is well taken .. Actually, the comments are
    profound and well thought out.. Except for the part about "old like them"..
    You could have left that part out of the post..
    Bill Walker, Sep 19, 2007
  10. tomorrow

    tomorrow Guest

    Heh. You guys are cracking me up. Thanks to both of you.
    tomorrow, Sep 19, 2007
  11. tomorrow

    bj_kana Guest

    Okay, you come back, when ya' can't stay so long........
    bj_kana, Sep 19, 2007
  12. tomorrow

    bj_kana Guest

    Well if it hadnt been me...then what would we have had...''One Liner
    bj_kana, Sep 19, 2007
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