Weekend Ride-About

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Calgary, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    Calgary, Jul 6, 2008
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  2. Calgary

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Looks like a great weekend ride, Don.
    Glad you didn't get closer to that big black booger bear! Was that
    Yogi, or Boo Boo? I think it woulda been a big boo boo... to you! ;)

    Rogue Rider, Jul 7, 2008
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  3. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    Yogi seemed more interested in the dandelions growing along side of
    the road than me, but just in case I left the bike running and my
    gear, including helmet, on.

    More disturbing was this bear seemed to be so domesticated or used to
    people which usually is not a good thing.

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, Jul 7, 2008
  4. Calgary

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Good. At least you didn't approach the bear. Just remember, they can
    sprint faster than a horse, which is way faster than any Olympic
    runner. ;-)
    We don't have bear, luckily, but that's the way a lot of deer around
    here are. One thing people don't realize, is that Bambi is not a
    domesticated animal and they truly are very dangerous. I've seen
    people get down on one knee and try to coax deer to come to them. It
    happens way too often and twice I've seen deer slash out with their
    front hooves, or paw at someone. Both times, the person got off with
    just a scare and a slight nick from the sharp hoof. An encounter like
    that, could very well end up damaging, if not deadly.
    Big critters (and some small ones) are hell on bikes and bodies alike.
    I'll get off my soap box now.

    Btw, I'm slightly envious of the scenery in those photos. Gorgeous
    country you live in.

    Rogue Rider, Jul 7, 2008
  5. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    You have to experience it in person Sunny. Pictures don't do it

    As always, there is a standing invitation for you and Joe to visit my
    corner of the world.

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, Jul 7, 2008
  6. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    What gave it away?

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, Jul 7, 2008
  7. Calgary

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Don, one day I hope to take you up on that. You also have a standing
    invite here. We may not have snow covered mountains but there is some
    beautiful scenery around here too. :)

    Rogue Rider, Jul 8, 2008
  8. Calgary

    bj_kana Guest

    ================Cal-gary. Nice photos. Beautiful country. I saw a
    lil' town named Toad Rock!. Around here , up in Arkansas, there is a
    little Town called
    Toad Suck, Ar. JayT-
    bj_kana, Jul 8, 2008
  9. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    One day we'll end up in the same corner of the world at the same time.

    See Ya On The Road

    2000 Yamaha Venture Millennium
    2004 HD Road King
    Calgary, Jul 9, 2008
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