[QUOTE="steve"] Paragraphs, like speed limits, are for poofs. Real men does not need to be neutered by adhering to the So Called Rules about them. Besides if I had used them I would have been obliged by another of those rules you want us free thinking minds to adhere to which would have forced me to change not just the order but also add extra sentances so there was more than one for each paragraph and the whole point of a vaguely rambling not too long rant, covering at least a dozen different subjects, as well as including humour, pathos, envy and spite would have been lost in a acre of unnecessary conformist white space as well as making the whole thing undoable in a single breath, which is FAR MORE FUCKING IMPORTANT than the aesthetic desires of some wannabe metrosexual part time IT professional and grammar critic Fucking people. Proof fucking positive you lot are that synergy is a concept that exists solely in the minds of writers of below standard group awareness training materials. Every fucking one of you a fucking critic and with not a clue about transcending the fucking mundane if we added your combined knowledge together and distilled it into it's purest fucking form. Being empowered does not stop you being a philistine, or a tosser.[/QUOTE] *applause* Bloody hell, you were on form last night!