[QUOTE] It is gone now and for my peace of mind I have cleared the history list.[/QUOTE] I don't remember inviting you to look at my photographs. Regarding, "Just about had enough of a little shit on alt.uk.law called Tom Moore and decided its time I had a chat with my firms solicitors. Anyone who can assist me with identifying his isp please?" I called Police Sergeant 1862 John-Paul "JP" Davis a coward. He will not take me, and his insults to Court; but he has to go a third party, and get them to do his dirty work. I've met Dr Laurence Godfrey, who took Demon to Court, in a well known ISP case. I do not think much of his Plaint, but he was no coward: he could not find the people responsible - that was point of bringing a Claim against Demon. Police Sergeant 1862 John-Paul "JP" Davis has my private home address, it is on my web site, and in Message-ID: <2ddd901s74lpii5a7vprifeoqkmakjgban@ 4ax.com> where JP thanks me for furnishing you with my home address. JP asks a further question, and he gets an answer. Why the needs for dirty tricks, coward? May I say I dislike baseless insults, regardless of whether I am the target. One reason you will never take me to Court, John-Paul, is your Counsel, if no one else, will list the adjectives you have used to describe me, and compare them with the adjectives I have used to describe you. All your abuse, all your claims of mental instability, and the rest, will not change the clear fact that you are an abusive coward. Otherwise you would apologize for your incessant abuse. How was I supposed to respond to your demand for - <[email][/email]> - "non-existant evidence?" Well? Coward. Stop taking orders from bent solicitors Cook and Partners. Aside from "only obeying orders," Christopher Cook and his Partners cannot execute their threats. They've got you dancing to their tune without good reason.