Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Bear [QUOTE] I won't use Luton (or Gatwick if I can possibly avoid it).[/QUOTE] Luton's not bad these days. Certainly beats the crap out of Heathrow. Gatwick I don't use often enough to comment. [QUOTE] Is Stansted still a pain to get to by public transport?[/QUOTE] Stansted Express direct from Liverpool St (IIRC). [QUOTE] I obviously can't park one car while flying up to get another, so have to go by PT, hence Heathrow being favoured.[/QUOTE] Fairy nuff. If it's Saturday and you're not going at stupid o'clock I can drop you at Luton from Hitchin[1], if that helps. [1] Assuming the trains are working on that line again by then.