We Made it Back

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The invasion is over and all the Texas Four who made that run deep into
    Mexico have returned after successfully surrounding the entire country.. All
    said and done, there were no casualties on either side.. The Mexicans
    completely overwhelmned the Americans with kindness and civility.. There
    were parties and fiestas to celebrate the conquests..

    Food, Drink and hospitatlity were enjoyed by all and the Americans on
    motorcycles were victorious in their campaign to spread American charm and
    democracy amongst the population of Mexicans.. A careful calculation of
    mileage and details was kept by at least on of the invading Gringoes and
    will be reported, if there is interest in such speculation.. At this point
    ... there were many miles and a lot of fun .. had by all.. Everyone was
    treated with respect.. Mexicans and Americans..

    Encounters with native Mexicans from the border to one of the most
    Cosmopolitan cities in Mexico to the least of the Pueblitas in the
    countryside, resulted in mixed feelings of warmth, fellowship and
    brotherhood amongst the two citizens of two countries.. I'd suspect that
    international relations with foreign countries could be resolved favorably,
    if only our government would just turn loose a few Biker boys and girls to
    spread the word..

    All things considered, there are too many fabulous details to report about
    this ride.. The six bikers who made this trip consisted of four riders and
    two of the neatest two-ups that ever made a run . Actually, there were no
    mechanical problems of importance, although there was the change out of a
    carburetor and the normal little highway situations that seem to occur
    during a trip of this many miles of highway..

    The members making this ride are all superb motorcyclests .. The general
    consensus amongst them seemed to be, that it was not a ride that should be
    attempted by anyone other than a skilled rider..

    Hey guys, I had a ball.. I have to admit that I enjoyed showing off my
    family and friends in Mexico.. As soon as I get the brake lever and light
    replaced, oil changed and a fresh chain cleaned and lubed, I'll be ready for
    another trip in July.. The wedding of my neice will certainly be a spectacle
    to be awe inspiring.. That fiesta will certainly be one to remember

    Everyone got back safely and the memories will be long lasting, I'm sure..
    Congratulations and many thanks to everyone making this ride ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 27, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest


    OMG! A break lever and light? What happened?! Are you ok?
    Wakko, Mar 27, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I don't want to talk about it... LOL
    Bill Walker, Mar 27, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    Ok now you done opened a can of worms. Tell us what happened. You
    swallowed the worm didnt you?

    redshad, Mar 27, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFl... nah.. There warn't no worms in what we were drinking... heeheehee..
    And I ain't talking.. Dang guys.. ain't ya'll ever been on a run like this
    one... Gotta be careful.. you know..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 27, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Mar 28, 2006
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'll be going back in July.. One of my favorite nieces will be getting
    married in Guadalajara.. You and the better half are welcome to ride along..
    This should be quite an event to attend..

    You also seem to have some incorrect impressions of Mexico.. Although there
    are a lot of differences in our countries, many things are much the same..
    Assumptions based on the horror stories we hear about incidents in that
    country are very much misleading .. Ignorance of another culture and society
    sometimes lead to misconceptions.. 'Nuff said.. Regards, Beemer

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 28, 2006
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