Waterproofing luggage

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Bummers, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. Bummers

    Bummers Guest

    Has anyone got any suggestions for waterproofing the contents of soft
    panniers & Gearsac bags?
    I've used Glad bin liners in the past but they are a bit thin & prone to
    Are there any thicker such bags available?

    Bummers, Oct 8, 2005
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  2. In aus.motorcycles on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 13:33:51 +1000
    the orange ones aren't bad, but it's best to just be a little more
    careful when loading and unloading, and keep a spare or two.

    You could, if you find you always tear them and no amount of care seems
    to work, go to Spotlight or some other large fabric shop, buy some light
    vinyl or other waterproof fabric, and staple together some custom fit

    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 8, 2005
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  3. Bummers

    JL Guest

    Get the liners for gardening waste they're about 2mm thick, you're being
    pretty careless if you puncture those. Should be available in
    supermarkets and hardware stores

    JL, Oct 8, 2005
  4. Bummers

    Bummers Guest

    Bummers, Oct 8, 2005
  5. Bummers

    J5 Guest

    yep i got some really thick ones in my ventura bag and all good
    J5, Oct 8, 2005
  6. Bummers

    alx Guest

    yep, seen em in Coles... also try in Reject Shop and such clearance outlets.

    Packing a vacuum cleaner is a problem...

    I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
    alx, Oct 8, 2005
  7. Bummers

    Boxer Guest

    Many waterproof options at your local camping shop.

    Boxer, Oct 8, 2005
  8. Bummers

    sharkey Guest

    What, are you some mate of Will the Tyreman or something?
    Go to the frickin supermarket. They sell plastic bags there.
    Buy the thicker ones.

    Even better, take whatshisname to a toolshop and pick up a
    decent micrometer for that other bloke.

    sharkey, Oct 8, 2005
  9. Bummers

    sharkey Guest

    Yeah? Going to be pretty difficult to bend. That's about the
    thickness of my helmet visor. I can't find any over 0.1mm myself ...
    but it seems sufficient.

    sharkey, Oct 8, 2005
  10. Bummers

    Nev.. Guest

    They make a range which don't require a vacuum cleaner, you just roll
    them and squeeze the air out through a 1 way valve. The medium size are
    about $10. Available in K-mart/bigW etc etc. Work great for packing
    clothes and are a good size to fit in the bike luggage. Save space and
    keep your clothes dry as a bonus.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Oct 8, 2005
  11. Bummers

    Boxer Guest

    Standard equipment on a Gold Wing.

    Boxer, Oct 8, 2005
  12. Bummers

    bobra Guest

    We used these space bags to store some of our clothing when we went
    overseas - they don't hold a vacuum for 12 months so probably don't keep
    water out either. Garbage bags would be cheaper and probably just as good.

    bobra, Oct 8, 2005
  13. Bummers

    Birdman Guest

    I've used Glad bin liners in the past but they are a bit thin & prone to punctures.

    Use 2 good quality plastic garbo bags, never ever had a problem with
    Birdman, Oct 8, 2005
  14. Bummers

    Moike Guest

    Do you have to put it in reverse for that?

    Moike, Oct 8, 2005
  15. Bummers

    JL Guest

    Ermm yeah OK, let me remeasure that :)

    (what's a decimal point between friends ?)
    JL, Oct 8, 2005
  16. Shopping bags. They're free. Tie one bag then insert the opposite way in
    Pisshead Pete, Oct 8, 2005
  17. Bummers

    GB Guest

    They're available at that 'Howards Storage World' franchise.


    You'll likely pay a bit of a premium at HSW - my impression is that
    they're pretty keen with their pricing policy. A google for

    "space bags" site:au

    ...turns up other options. K-Mart and Target for starters.


    GB, Oct 9, 2005
  18. Bummers

    GB Guest

    Are you saying that Gold Wings suck?

    GB, Oct 9, 2005
  19. In aus.motorcycles on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 09:43:06 +1000
    Also good for keeping feet dry - put over socks inside boots as they
    flap themselves to death if you put them over boots.

    As do green garbage bags as makeshift waterproofs. Memo to self, just
    because it's the middle of a heatwave in summer with no rain for weeks
    doesn't mean you can do a 2 day trip without a waterproof jacket...

    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 9, 2005
  20. snip
    Yebut after a while the seal disintegrates and they're useless. I've
    gone back to using supermarket bags, as someone suggested in the
    previous thread. Wrap your stuff in one bag and tie a knot in the
    handles then put another bag over the outside of the knotted one and
    pack in panniers.
    Works for me..... and they're free.

    Kind regards
    Dave Milligan
    Dave Milligan, Oct 9, 2005
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